In answers to questions from Biden and other senators, Bolton said some of his past remarks about the United Nations had been “quoted out of context.” He said he had been trying to make the point that the United Nations is not a disembodied entity, but reflects the will of its member governments, and that his remark about lopping off 10 stories from U.N. headquarters was meant to convey that the world body’s 51,000-member bureaucracy could be made a lot leaner and more efficient.
“I think a reduction in personnel is something that every manager . . . should strive for,” he said.
Washington Post: Free Registration
I love this last quote. I think it pretty much says everything we need to know about John Bolton and the Bush administration.
Especially those back-stabbers in the State Dept.
Q: What can you tell the poor and jobless that your administration will do to better their lives?
CHENEY: There’s no better antidote to poverty than a good, well-paying job that allows somebody to take care of their own family. To do that, we have to make America the best place in the world to do business.
Well it seems like the obvious answer to that quote is well then ok John, we’re eliminating you. Don’t let the doors from those ten buildings hit your ass on the way out, ok buddy.
I started to watch the hearings and my tolerance level anymore for these goons is just nil so will have to either read transcripts or rely on people here for who said what in the hearings. I’d like to know what Boxer had to say for sure.
Oh yeah, taken outa context, my ass and if we believe that he’ll sell us a bridge also.
a few months ago. This was when they were still occasionally reporting on protests there, and the CNN guy explained that the Iraqis were just getting used to freedom, Saddam, he said, had given them everything, but now they had to accustom themselves to democracy, where fewer people would have jobs, but those few would earn more.
Jeez, and all this time I thought the job was to increase productivity, and constantly improve the product. Nah, to do that you have to pay people a decent wage, and involve them in the process.
As a finance manager / controller we always operated under the premise that a Reduction in Force was the result of bad management. Either due to excess hiring during good times or bad expense management during bad times. Saving jobs isn’t the answer – well d’oh!
Wow – 25 years of bean counting out the window…beats head on the desk a few more times – thunk, thunk!