I listened with great dismay today at the author of the book, “Lying Liars and the Lies They Tell”, uncritically interviewing Rev. Samuel “Billy” Kyles on the assassiation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Why? Rev. Kyles has consistently told stories of Dr. King’s assassination that are not back up by objective fact, including police surveillance taken before and during the assassination of Dr. King.
Audio of Franken’s interview with Kyles is here. And yes, you can see my entry in his blog after unsuccessfully trying to email him.
The following is an excerpt of my attempted email to him on the subject of Rev. Kyles.
Indeed, there was compelling testimony in King v Jowers that Rev. Kyles may have had some limited involvement in Dr. King’s assassination. The following is an excerpt from the testimony of Captain Willie B. Richmond (retired) of the Memphis Police Department (which has also been verified by Dr. Philip Melanson earlier in the trial – direct link to testimony here – http://www.thekingcenter.org/news/trial/Volume8.html):
Q. (MR. PEPPER) Now, when Dr. King arrived in the city for that last visit, were you at the airport?
Q. Did you have a conversation with anyone connected with either his group or with the local clergy having to do with security or protection for him on that last visit?
A. I didn’t, but my partner did.
Q. Your partner did. Were you present when that conversation was taking place?
A. I was there.
Q. And with whom was the conversation?
A. I believe he spoke with Reverend Kyles.
Q. Reverend Samuel Kyles?
A. Right.
Q. And what was the gist of the conversation with respect to security protection for Dr. King?
A. At that time we was told that Dr. King hadn’t wanted any police protection.
Q. You were told that Dr. King didn’t want any protection.
A. Police protection.
Q. Any police protection. And this was told to you in this conversation by Reverend Kyles?
A. I think it was Reverend Kyles. I’m not sure, but I believe it was Reverend Kyles. He was the one that said it I believe.
Q. He was the one who said it you believe?
A. Uh-huh.
Q. Were you familiar with what position Reverend Kyles held in Dr. King’s organization?
A. No, I was not.
Q. And you didn’t know he held no position in Dr. King’s organization?
A. I did not.
Q. If you’ll move on to page 3 of your statement, Captain Richmond, about two-thirds of the way down the page, do you notice your note? And I’ll read it. “At 2:05 p.m. Reverend Samuel Kyles arrived and went to room 307 and departed at 2:23 p.m.” You see that note?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know who was in room 307 at that time?
A. Well, at that time, no, I did not.
Q. Let’s move on to page 4, please.
A. (Witness complies.)
Q. The first full paragraph. Would you read the first full paragraph starting at “at approximately 5:50 p.m.” to us, please?
A. Okay. It says, “Approximately 5:50 p.m., John Smith, Milton Max, Charles Cabbage and one female colored and approximately six or seven more of the Invaders [NOTE: this was a group of young people who had volunteered to provide security for Dr. King] opened the door of their rooms, and I could see them gathering their belongings. They then brought them down the stairs and placed them in the trunk of a light blue Mustang, license number BL 3750, and they left the motel. They was going west on Butler to Main.”
Q. If I could just interrupt you there. So at 5:50 p.m., your eye witness recording sees the Invaders just bustling out of–hustling out of that motel, leaving the hotel?
A. They left.
Q. And that’s within 11 minutes of the shooting?
A. Approximately.
Q. Would you continue reading the next paragraph, please?
A. “Immediately after the Invaders left, the Reverend Samuel Kyles came out of room 312 and went to the room where Martin Luther King was living. He knocked on the door and Martin Luther King came to the door. They said a few words between each other and Reverend Martin Luther King went back into his room closing the door behind him, and the Reverend Samuel Kyles remained on the porch.”
Q. Right. So you’re telling us there from your eye witness report that Reverend Kyles knocked on Martin Luther King’s door at about ten minutes to six or shortly after ten minutes to six, said a few words to Dr. King after he opened the door. Then when the door was closed, Dr. King went back into his room and Reverend Kyles remained on the–you call it the porch, but on the balcony?
A. The balcony. [NOTE: for those of you who haven’t been to the Lorraine Motel, this is one of those long, continuous second story “balconies” that graced motels of the period from the 1950’s and 1960’s]
Q. Now, a little further down in the next paragraph, you record Martin Luther King coming out onto the balcony. Do you see that reference there? And if you could read from the words “at this time the Reverend Martin Luther King returned.” Do you see that?
A. I see it.
Q. Would you read that note, please? Middle of the next paragraph.
A. Okay. “At this time Reverend Martin Luther King returned from his room to the gallery and walked up to the handrail. The Reverend Kyles was standing off to his right. This was approximately 6 p.m. At this time I heard a loud sound as if it was a shot and saw Doctor Martin Luther King fall back on the handrail and put his hand up to his head.
At 6:01 p.m., April 4th, 1968, I reported this to the inspection bureau. I returned to remain there and keep surveillance. Also, here now and at the time I heard the shot, the men of the tact squad which consists of the sheriff deputy and the Memphis police department was in the fire house number four. I immediately hollered to them I believe that King has been shot.
At this time the men of the tact squad scramble out of the fire house immediately going in all different directions. Some went to the hotel. Some went down the street. Later, the fire department ambulance arrived approximately five minutes later and departed to the hospital with Reverend King.”
Q. That’s fine, you can stop there. These were your recollections at the time contemporaneously as you observed what was going on at the Lorraine; is that right?
A. Correct.
Q. Nowhere in these notes do you record Reverend Kyles going into Reverend King’s room 45 minutes, an hour before the shooting, do you? [NOTE: Rev. Kyles has always claimed – as he did in Franken’s show today – that he was in Dr. King’s room with Ralph David Abernathy and Dr. King for Dr. King’s “last hour on earth” before he was assassinated”. This testimony puts Rev. Kyles’ account of his whereabouts before the assassination in question].
A. No, I don’t.
Q. And if he had done so, is it fair to say that you would have recorded this entry?
A. I recorded pretty much everything that went on. I don’t have my notebook now, but we carried little small notebooks.
Q. Right.
A. And I wrote everything down as I saw it.
Q. As you saw it?
A. As I saw it.
Q. That was your duty.
A. Correct.
But really, the most shocking evidence of Rev. Kyles’ involvement in the MLK assassination comes from his own mouth, on video, discussing an anniversary celebration of the assassination of Dr. King (direct link here – http://www.thekingcenter.org/news/trial/Volume11.html):
“…but that gave me the wonderful privilege of spending the last hour on earth. Three preachers in a room–Abernathy, King and Kyles. And we spent that last hour together in Room 306 at the Lorraine Motel.
The press is always curious and writers–what went on? What did you talk about? I say, we just talked preacher talk. What preachers talk about when they get together, revivals and all the like. About a quarter of six we walked on the balcony, and he was talking to people in the courtyard.
He stood here, and I stood there. Only as I moved away so he could have a clear shot, the shot rang out.”
Rev. Kyles has never really explained this comment. You can follow the above referenced link to read his entire testimony: indeed, I encourage you to do so. It is very enlightening.
I respect your personal integrity and the efforts you have made in your show to always try to tell the truth. That’s part of the reason I was so outraged when I listened to Rev. Kyles tell you the fictional account of Dr. King’s assassination that I am too familiar with. I was also dismayed to see that your show consisted only of Director Beverly Robertson, Benjamin Hooks and Rev. Kyles…
In the interest of fairness and balance, I would like to encourage you to reach out to Dr. William Pepper, who has spent a lifetime investigating – and successfully litigating – the conspiracy to assassinate Dr. King. He can also speak to the current exhibits at the National Civil Rights Museum, as well as go over the Department of Justice report that was issued in response to the King v. Jowers trial verdict. Unlike me, Dr. Pepper does speak for the King family in matters pertaining to the assassination of Dr. King.
Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight in all things.
Kind regards,
Whenever I get this frustrated about the media – mainstream or otherwise – not getting the facts right about the assassination of Dr. King, I have to remind myself of his famous quote, “…the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Justice delayed may indeed be justice denied, but I know in my heart that eventually the truth of the assassination of Dr. King will become a part of the American story.
I normally don’t diary twice in one week, let alone one day. But I get so frustrating hearing Kyles repeat stuff I know isn’t true.
Good for you. Let’s hope this finds its way to Franken .. not optimistic.
but…if folks wanna head on over to the blog and put in their $0.02… 🙂
Thanks for the info, I hope someone with AAR reads your post on their blog.
Who won the argument over at dKos?
thanks for the recommends, everyone!
No thank YOU for the info. I didn’t realize the scope of controversy regarding Dr. King’s assassination.
…there are over 1200 pages of transcripts from King v Jowers.
It’ll blow your mind by the time you’re done reading it.
He typed clandestinely while at work….
Whew – it ain’t gonna be easy…
1. Trial started when Lloyd Jowers, previous owner of Jim’s Grill, was interviewed in a national news show, stating that he was a “bag man” in the conspiracy to assassinate MLK.
Jowers’ taped interview with Dexter King can be found at this link (NOTE: he rambles a lot – just be prepared): http://www.thekingcenter.org/news/trial/Volume5.html
2. Jowers’ testimony is borne out by his African American mistress and employee at the time, who worked with him at Jim’s Grill, which was located in on street level in the same building as the boarding house where Ray was charged with firing the fatal shot that killed MLK.
Ms. Spates’ testimony – which is pretty compelling – is here: http://www.thekingcenter.org/news/trial/Volume13.html
Here’s an excerpt. NOTE: previous to this she had been intimidated, and misquoted in the press – the hesitations you hear from her I believe is that she’s still a little freaked out by that:
“Question: Okay.
Answer [Ms. Spates]: Yeah, I remember saying it.
Question: Okay. Question, in quotation marks, while I remember hearing what sounded like a firecracker going off, and within seconds, Loyd came running through the back door carrying another different rifle. Do you remember that statement?
Answer: Not exactly like that.
Question: Okay. Well, essentially is that statement correct, what I just read to you, the paragraph?
Answer: Would you read it again, please?
Question: Question, quotation marks, while there I remember hearing a sound like a firecracker going off, and within seconds, Loyd came running through the back
door carrying another different rifle.
Answer: Yes.
Question: Question, quotation marks, he was white as a ghost and very excited and wearing black trousers, a white shirt, and a black bowtie, as usual. The gun he was carrying had a shorter barrel than the first one, and the handle was a darker shade of brown. Full stop. It also had a scope and something screwed on to the end of the barrel.
Answer: Yes.
Question: Question, quotation marks, he looked like a wild man. His hair was all messed up, and he had obviously been on his knees on the damp ground because the knees of his trousers were wet and muddy. He looked at me and saw me looking at him and said words to the effect, you would never say anything to hurt me, would you? And I said, no, of course I wouldn’t. Do you remember that?
Answer: Yes.”
MR. PEPPER: Move down to line 21.
“Question: Question, okay. Quotation marks, only twice did he refer to the incident, once as it happened and he saw me watching him and then sometime later when
he said to me some words to the effect, you would never say anything to hurt me, would you? Do you remember that?
Answer: I don’t even understand what you just read.
Question: Let me say see if I can get another version of it here. Okay. Quotation marks, only twice did he refer to the incident, once as it happened and he saw
me watching him and then sometime later when he again said to me words to the effect, you would never say anything to hurt me, would you?
Answer: Yes.”
MR. PEPPER: Let’s move on, please, to page 46. “Question: Question, again in quotation marks, I finally told the details of this story to Dr. William Pepper, the attorney for James Earl Ray, in 1992 and was going to testify at the HBO tele-trial of James Earl Ray but did not testify because I was too frightened. Is that true?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Question, speech marks, recently I was interviewed by investigators from the TBI — the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation — who I understand have been looking into Loyd Jowers’ story at the request of Shelby County Attorney General, end of quotation marks. Is that true?
Answer: I really didn’t understand that.
Question: Question, recently I was interviewed by an investigators.
Answer: Yes, that’s true.
Question: Question, quotation marks, I recall that he did not ask me what I knew about the killing of Dr. King or what I saw but only asked me to answer yes or no to various statements contained in Mr. Kenneth
Herman’s affidavit of 25th January, 1994.
They also asked me if I had been offered money for my actual story. I said no.
Answer: True.
Question: Question, Mr. Herman’s statement was basically correct as to what I saw, and I told them so. Is that true?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Question, quotation marks, I was therefore surprised to be shown an article in the Tennessean newspaper on Thursday, February 10th, 1994, which stated that the Shelby County Attorney General said three witnesses, including myself, who had tied Jowers to the assassination now said nothing about Jowers’ involvement, full stop. Do you remember that? It says Ms. Jowers, but, I’m sorry, Ms. Spates.
Answer: Yes.
Question: Question, quotation marks, I said no such thing to the TBI investigators and resent any statement I did. I will not retract the truthful account of the events which I witnessed around 6 p.m.
on Thursday, April 4, 1968, which confirm Mr. Jowers’ involvement. Is that true?
Answer: True.
Question” — this is being quoted again — “I confirmed that no one has paid or offered to pay me any money for relating what I saw. Based on everything I know, James Earl Ray was not the person who shot Dr. King. Other persons have tried to get me to change my story, saying that if I did so, I
would benefit financially. I refused to do so and will continue to refuse. I resent any attempt by the Attorney General or his TBI investigators to imply that I am telling lies for money. The story I told is actually against my interest but nevertheless I tell
it because it is the truth, and I believe that an innocent man is in prison. Do you remember that statement?
Answer: That’s true.”
MR. PEPPER: Turn next, please, to page 83, line 21. Redirect examination by Mr. Garrison.
“Question, Ms. Spates, let me ask you a couple of other things and I’ll be through. On the day before this occurred, do you remember seeing any money in the
restaurant there or any place?
Answer: I don’t know if — yeah, I remember seeing money.
Question: Where was the money?
Answer: It was in the stove in the kitchen.
Question: Where was the — tell us where the stove was located in the kitchen. Upon entering from the front door, would it to be to your right or left?
Answer: The left.
Question: The stove would be to your left?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Question, when you saw the money, Ms. Spates, did it appear to be a lot of money or a very small amount? Would you describe it for us?
Answer: I don’t know the denomination, but it was from the front of the stove forward, but I don’t know whether it was all the way back lined up back there,
but it was a lot from the front.
Question: It was bills?
Answer: Yes.
Question: It wasn’t coins?
Answer: No.
Question: It was bills, right. Were they wrapped with something did it appear, or was it all stacked up on top of each other?
Answer: They were stacked very neat, so I don’t know.
Question: You couldn’t tell the denomination, like if they were dollar bills, five, ten, fifteen, what they were?
Answer: No.
Question: Was it a large stack of bills?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Okay. Would it have been say four inches, six inches, a foot? What would be your best —
Asnwer: If this is the front of the stove right here, it was all the way from about the top of the stove.
Question: Was it packed up pretty high, the money?
Answer: Yeah, from the bottom to the top.
Question: Had you ever seen any money before all the time you were there before this?
Answer: Pardon?
Question: Had you ever seen any money before this time that you noticed it? Had you ever seen any money like that before all the time you worked there?
Answer: No place.”
5. Government involvement – okay, not going to use excerpts on this part. Please go to the entirety of trial transcripts – all info is there.
*Memphis Fire department pull the 2 black firemen away from the fire house that overlooked Lorraine Motel.
*FBI had previously issued article through “friendly” outlets in the local African American media in Memphis, criticizing MLK for staying at “white” hotels like the Rivermont and chastizing him for not staying at the Lorraine. This is a part of the Church Committee report on COINTELPRO.
*MLK’s room gets moved from a secured bottom story to an unsecured top story room. It’s done by “someone in King’s party”. This individual has never been identified.
*Marrel McCoullough(sp?), who was working with Military Intelligence, is the individual pictured in the famous photograph of MLK. He is kneeling over MLK’s body and checking vital signs. Mr. McCoullough now works at the CIA, as verified by Sam Donaldson.
*A local division of the US armed services was moved to the area around Memphis shortly before the assassination of MLK.
*The “brushy area” under the boarding house where it is alleged the actual shot came from that killed Dr. King was cleared away by City of Memphis Department of Parks and Sanitation early the morning after the assassinaton.
This is a quick run-through (I know…”quick” is relative. There’s over 1200 pages of material).
Hope it helps – please let me know if you have ??’s.
I certainly feel safer sleeping at night now…not!
…speak out against the war in Iraq, call America the most prolific exporter of violences in the world, and try to organize poor and working class people to demand stuff like a living wage so they can actually get by on 1 job and spend time with their kids…
…you’ll be fine.
Thanks again, lately I’ve been like a sponge for info.
I listened today, thinking he might include this mistake in his ‘Boring Corrections’ but instead he apologized for getting the days of the week wrong. Talk about trivial.
He prides himself on only the truth on his show.
I have to admit, that Samuel “Billy” Kyles sounded very convincing with his deep speaking voice. Very authoritive.
But you have raised some serious doubts here.
If anyone wants to try to email him, however, I wouldn’t mind 🙂 .
Tried to do so and couldn’t get the web form to work, so I resorted to his blog. That seems not to have worked, either…
Thank you so much for posting this diary Grannyhelen! I have been very busy this past week but I just wanted to take a minute here for thanking you for bringing this to light. I was listening to the interview on AirAmerica with my cordless headphones while doing dishes and had no idea I was being had by the MSM again. Sad to think that Al Franken is MSM but please keep in mind that he thinks that Bush won fair in square in November 2004. Oy!
…looks like Kyles was a “last minute replacement” for Benjamin Hooks. Not surprising. I hear tell from someone who works at NCRM that Kyles is a close family friend of Beverly Robertson, in addition to being on NCRM’s board of directors.
And unless you know what the deal is with King v Jowers, and unless you’ve read Abernathy’s autobiography and unless you’ve toured NCRM with a critical eye for detail (for instance, when the expansion exhibit there first rolled out I brought to NCRM’s attention that in the old exhibit it place Kyles in King’s room at 5:30, and in the new exhibit it placed him in the room at 5:00, so they can’t even get their own fiction consistent)…
…well, you wouldn’t know, would you?
So, my point is not to take pot shots at Franken but to encourage him to have Pepper on his show in the interest of fairness and balance, which I think is a prerequisite to seeing the truth of anything.
Well, I loved Al Franken’s book and I still listen to him but I am still mad at him not covering the Voter Fraud issue.