Religion in the Pharmacy

Published: April 12, 2005

To the Editor:

“Moralists at the Pharmacy” (editorial, April 3) addressed “scattered reports” of pharmacists refusing to dispense certain medications that conflict with their personal moral or religious beliefs and women seeking to have these prescriptions filled. We believe that there is a solution that accommodates the needs of both parties.

Recently, we introduced the Workplace Religious Freedom Act, which clarifies current law to say a person’s religious beliefs should be recognized and accommodated in the workplace as long as this does not adversely affect the employer’s business or customers.

The bill is supported by a diverse coalition of more than 45 religious and civil rights groups as well as a bipartisan group of senators and representatives.

If the bill becomes law, a pharmacist who does not wish to dispense certain medications would not have to do so long as another pharmacist is on duty and would dispense the medications.

The Workplace Religious Freedom Act provides a sensible solution to the potential conflict between an employee’s religious conviction and the needs of pharmacy customers. [WHAT FUNDALMENTALIST BULLSHIT IS THIS   What the fuck is next? What about Muslim wait-persons who wants to refuse to serve pork.]

(Senator) Rick Santorum

(Senator) John Kerry Washington, April 7, 2005

The writers are, respectively, Republican of Pennsylvania and Democrat of Massachusetts.

Just goes to show you NEVER TRUST A SKULL AND CROSSBONES MAN Kerry just fucking tanked and he can go to hell in 2008… before even better.

The floor show Kerry put on yesterday at the Bolton Hearing should win him an Oscar. Imagine all that heat going against Bolton (who everyone knows is going to be confirmed anyways) when he had already penned this crap with the sickest wingnut of the bunch Santorum (which we will have to live with for years).

I NEVER liked Kerry and NEVER will.