I didn’t write anything today. Part of it was because I was busy doing business related stuff. I had taxes to worry about. I had a meeting with my lawyer. And I cleaned the house for a while. I have guests coming in on Thursday and Friday.
I read a book for a little while. A John Le Carre book I got at a yard sale 5 or 6 years ago, threw on a bookshelf, and forgot I owned.
I soaked myself in the tub and took in a few chapters. And I played with my pets for a while too.
But mainly, I was simply suffering from a temporary lack of snark. I tried to find something to write about a few times, but my heart wasn’t in it.
How do I get my snark back? Do you ever suffer from snark loss?
Well I don’t know what snark is so I don’t know if I’ve had it or not, could you explain, please.
I’m guessing but I think it’s the opposite of patting a news story on the head or garnishing the story with a bit of prose parsley.
It’s bare-toothed, jaw-locking rabid news chewin’ and spittin’ out.
(adjective) describes a witty mannerism, personality, or behavior that is a combination of sarcasm and cynicism. Usually accepted as a complimentary term. Snark is sometimes mistaken for a snotty or arrogant attitude.
Her snarky remarks had half the room on the floor laughing and the other half ready to walk out.
Source: A Gianotto (snipe), Oct 9, 2002
Snark Restoration Recipe
1 heaping tablespoon of tbogg
2 giblets of fafnirs
a dollop of PZ
Place in glass bowl, mix well until it resembles a quivering belly.
Say three heh’indeeds while poking belly.
Repeat until you get a belly laugh. At that time, it’s done and snark is restored.
Sorry, I can’t help. I think I have had a snark power outage too. I’m giving myself a Stanley Kubrick festival.
Today was a biography of Kubrick and then “Full Metal Jacket” – what a genius. Tomorrow “Eyes Wide Shut.”
Canadian Outrage:
Google: Karla Homolka
Karla Homolka, serial killer, is shown on the right.
The photo was taken in jail at a birthday party.
Sybil’s on to something. Boo, is it too late to watch the new Frontline? It’s about Karl Rove … that’ll get the juices flowing. Or watch last week’s at the pbs.org/frontline site.
Listening to Carville fellate Karl Rove on Charlie Rose is making me ill, but doing nothing for my snarkometer.
of the tree stooges. I love that line.
My reaction to Karl Rove on Frontline: It was like rain man. I just kept muttering, “punk ass bitch,” “punk ass bitch.”
Favorite quote from Matt Dowd about 2000: “This was an election we probably shouldn’t have won.”
“You didn’t,” I muttered. “You punk ass bitch.”
I run on outrage overload or snark burnout regularly. My solution is do something. So since I’m on a political high tonight can I cheer you up instead?
Grassroots local DFA decided to see if they could get some SF Bay Area politicos together to talk about CA politics. It started small and grew beyond our dreams!
Tonight was the event organizers meeting…and here’s the line up for a week from Saturday (4/23)
-Atty General Bill Lockyer and maybe next CA governor – please!
-Carole Migden
Another politico but I can’t remember without checking notes
-Firefighters Assn Rep
-Police Union Rep
-CA Teachers Rep
-CA Nurses Rep
We are expecting 300 or more for a town hall type meeting at a price anyone can afford $10 per person. And if they can’t afford the $10, volunteer help gets in free.
…plant those seeds and watch the grassroots grow!
Smile Booman – politics is good tonight in Northern California!
Billmon has a brilliant post on why the wingnuts are using such incendiary language against the judiciary:
This is all about torque, in other words. Dobson and his fellow ayatollahs want to see their Bible fedayeen absolutely frothing at the mouth — mad enough to walk through fire, if that’s what it takes, to get at those tyrannical liberal judges.
Booman, we need your snark to ratchet up OUR torque to an ever higher level! Snark on!
1. Double Shot Southern Comfort
2. Single Shot Vodka
3. 4 leaves freshly crushed Mint
4. Mix well, pour over ice in tall glass, top with a spritz of soda.
5. Turn on the evening news, and drink, Snark will occur within 15-25 minutes, or repeat until Snark Level is peak.
6. Turn on computer, log onto boomantribune.com, and let Snark flow freely. ; )
(Northern Recipie similar, but use different booze ; )
Snark is bound to be at a loss with MB’s sad news, coupled with the tone of some recent posts. Oh yeah, and including the 11 political action e-mails I received today – that I know in my heart are out of my control – I can’t say that I blame you for your temporary loss of snark. But temporary it is, so God speed in regaining it.
Soaking in the tub…Oh, that’s a great place to find your missing snark. /snark
Writing from a snark free perspective is good. The why Philly is great diary, the getting to know you threads, the positive impetuosity (thx Welshman)of pastordans prayer diaries.
One cannot be outraged if one does not have something one genuinely values to protect. That is part of meeting the Weshman’s challenge, i do beleive.
As the Taoists say, things fall in to place, dig holes and wait.