Lt C summarizes in his blog of Mon March 28 2005, his meeting of the Booman Tribune community as follows.
Apparently yesterday was a holiday, well if it was I missed it. I am getting closer to going home for “Enviornmental Leave”. Whatever they call it this week, I am glad to be going. Many of you have asked what my typical day is like. I really can’t answer that, because there is no such thing as normal here. Allow me to qualify that, by saying this. Anytime that there exists the possibility that a mortar, IED, VBIED, or suicide attack against you, that kind of kicks normal in the gut. So there is no normal here.
I saw a hit from this site on my blog, so I went to check it out, turns out there are some really smart and dialed in people there. So I posted a comment and offered to answer questions about “the war” from my perspective. Here is a sample of the shots I took “center mass”.
[Who invited who? – Ed]
Ok, so my basic response was, those questions are above my pay grade. And man did I continue to get shot up. It was the comparrison to the Nazis that really annoyed the hell out of me. There were many more such questions I didn’t answer, again above my paygrade, and I was getting tired of being beat up by the intelligencia. The intellectual elite who become so “seemingly” enamoured by their own intellectual prowess that they simply cannot be wrong thus there is no need to listen to the other side. I am fortunate here in Iraq, in that we can deal with those here who cannot be reasoned with. But in the US the 1st ammendment guarantees freedom of speech, even when the ability to know when to shut up is lost by diarhea of the mouth and mind. But, there are some very smart people I came in contact with there, so I shall take my licks and stay in contact with them. I got beat up in there, but I am still here. Sucking dust in Iraq, with a perspective on this war, that they the arm chair pundits will never have, but it’s easy to second guess what we do here, when you’re always right.
I did ask one of them, a very intelligent man, and veteran who has a chip on his shoulder, overshadowed by his enourmous brain. He is a self proclaimed pascifist. Where he sees the need for the existance of soldiers as a sad commentary on our society. Bummer, anyway I asked him if (and I dumbed way down for this one I put it in grunt terms. I love the infantry these kids are as real as Americans get) any way, I asked him if I punched him in the face, would he just take it? I am still waiting for an answer…
Well, he can sit on the fence and fight his intellectual fight, me and my guys will just wait for him to fix the worlds problems with talk… Because bullies just love to talk don’t they. In simplistic terms, that’s what Germany did to Poland in 39… “Say Uncle!!!”
7 days until I’m home…
Lt. Currie in Bagdad on March 16, 2005 before start of mission.
Timeline Comments at Booman Tribune by Lt C.
Day or Nite – no problem for Lt C on duty in Bagdad
In local Bagdad time: 12 hours ahead of US PST
[Before US daylight savings time change]
Date Hours # comments
Fri Mar 25 23:13 to 23:55 3x
Sat Mar 26 13:19 to 14:32 3x
Sat Mar 26 15:43 to 16:47 5x
Sun Mar 27 01:01 to 01:57 4x
Sun Mar 27 15:23 to 15:29 2x
Mon Mar 28 12:28 to 12:49 2x
Mon Mar 28 19:33
Wed Mar 30 01:35
Total of 23 comments as registered at Booman Tribune time stamp.
See original diary written on Lt Currie:
Iraqi girl’s BIG secret – Lt C is a shill reporter!
by Oui Mon Apr 11th, 2005
I love this kid
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Lt. C sez:
“I am fortunate here in Iraq, in that we can deal with those here who cannot be reasoned with.”
Could some Trib intellectual explain that one for me?
It makes me shiver but then I have watched too many Soprano episodes.
You are either with US or you are with the enemy.
Meaning the terrorists of OBL, and will be dealt with.
I’m glad Lt C. is protecting our democracy over in Iraq and not at home near Kent State.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
are confiscated at the border.
here is a link that may offer some information regarding your question.
It means, in plain English, “support the troops” or they’ll kill you (and enjoy doing it).
Or, in “checkpoint speak” . . . “fuck you, get out of the car . . . fuck you, don’t get out of the car . . . do as you’re told or I’ll kill you”.
Just remember . . . when this guy gets back he’s a “preferred hire” at your local police department.
What are you going to do when he pokes you in the face, you liberal intellectual pacifist scum ? ? ? <that’s snark, btw>
Well, actually he seems to have an intention of becoming a Republican candidate for something. (Or possibly just Republican-financed.) Perhaps you’ll say “yes sir Congressman”…
Not me. If he’s a Republican congressperson, he gets no “Yes sir, congressman” from me. He gets a “Boo!” “Hiss!” of “Fuck off.” Despite Lt. C’s comments that only veterans have the right to free speech in the original diary, I hold that right still.
And this veteran (MP) will kick his butt with my pointy toed boots to prove it!
that you should carry on this crusade against Lt C in a new diary.
His comments on his blog only confirm what we all thought of him anyway.
BTW, this diary appears to be a breach of 2 diary rules which Booman seems to have adopted from DKos for the present:
On rule 3, you posted exactly the same material as a comment under another of your own diaries only 28 minutes before posting this as a diary.
Thought I would give you a chance to comment on Lt. C …
and next invitation?
BT and the community has been used in a most disgusting manner to further his right-wing propaganda.
BTW I’ll add further info to diary. But like I stated – I was speechless.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Where has BT and the community been ‘used”?
Oui,This is disgusting that you would carry on with this apparent vendetta. I am very disturbed that you would use this venue, Booman trib. to further this hateful activity you have engaged in here and with your especially inflamatory titles once again.
Is there to be an installment daily, or just weekly, of an update on this. Perhaps you should have him followed when he gets back here to keep an eye on his activities.
You have just made me think twice before I invite anyone to join this group here as they may be subject to attack from you or others,if you don’t agree with what they say and that fact that so many have jumped on your bandwagon on this disturbs me even more.
Is this what we are about, smearing people. If this is true I am not sure I even want to be a member here.
Is the Lt. the only thing you have to write about, Oui.
I am speechless, Oui, I am speechless at you.
What part of “I am fortunate here in Iraq, in that we can deal with those here who cannot be reasoned with.” didn’t you understand?
Is there anything that could be said here about Lt.C that could be worse (more of a “smear”) than what he voluntarily discloses about himself?
Pvt.P . . . “this here raghead says it’s his country, not ours . . . what should I do”
Lt.C . . . “kill him, he can’t be reasoned with”
That’s one way to “change” people . . .
Presumably the added material about the timing of postings is meant to illustrate the point made in an earlier diary comment about how Lt C spent so much time on the net that he could only be doing it as part of his job.
I don’t think this is demonstrated by the data. You’d have to show that Lt C, or soldiers of the rank and in the capacity he claims in Baghdad, could not have time off and internet access on the weekend, late at night, or at lunchtime. This could be demonstrated by reference to US military manuals, orders, whatever relating to Iraq, but we haven’t been given any evidence about this.
The appearances seem to me to be in bursts of about an hour or so at most, consistent with someone who’s a bit internet obsessed taking whatever time he can (possibly even sneaking time at work). Remember, there’s probably not too much to do with your spare time in Baghdad if you’re an American soldier. It’s also not too hard to find other examples of US personnel blogging from Iraq.
Frankly I’m pretty surprised at someone in the military so openly expresing political and other controversial views in public while identifying themselves as a soldier. Seems a breach of most of the codes of conduct I’ve ever heard about. But then again, perhaps he knows that he’s on the side of the administration and the Pentagon brass, and so nobody will discipline him. Or he’s a bit naive and stupid…
Consider this, he has a desk job, he is in Baghdad, he has access to computers as part of his job, internet cafe type sites for soldiers are everywhere in Iraq, that they can put them, soldiers are allowed to use internet. they do not work 8 hour days there, they can be called to or be on duty at anytime during a 24 hour period, especially in the area he is in. Lots of night duty.
He may have a personal computer, laptop as many do there. They can have internet access where ever there is electricity, wireless connection, they do have all the electricity and communication capabilities in the Green Zone,(where he is located) all the time, they are not subject to the limitations the Iraq people have in that regard.
Soldiers all over Iraq can be on the internet at any time of the day or not. It is encouraged by the military to keep them in contact with their families, etc.
I just can’t believe the direction this diary is taking and the previous one was taken.
Oui did not even participate in the first Lt. C diary that I can find, so as an observer he takes it upon himself or herself to expose this man.
I think he would have done the same thing with my Iraq friend had I not given further detail that she was not an American plant. For all I know he/she may be engaged in investigating my Iraq friend.
I will never even let her come on this blog site now as Oui may decide to investigate her and then endanger her life in Iraq.
I deleted my diary on my Iraq friend due to comments Oui made concerning whether she was really was an American women posing as an Iraqi, so that my friend will not stumble on it and be upset.
She was always reluctant to start a blog to this very kind of thing that is happening here with Lt. C.
This kind of investigating I think has come out of the whole Gannon/Gukert thing and now everyone thinks they are an investigative journalist.
But the problem here is that this is not investigative journalism, this is yellow journalism. Deliberately setting out to find something bad about someone and than making a case based on completely fautly reasoning.
Continuing that attack with another diary that further seek to dig into his life and ‘expose’ him, now for the time on the computer, what is the next installment on this Oui, the amount of time he spends in the bathroom and what he may be doing.
Oui was completely blown out of the water on DK for the first diary, and he did not post this diary over there as of this writing.
Why does he feel he has this audience here for this kind of drival.
Do you all want to discect this man Lt. C. If he had not come on these pages to answer your questions, during which he was treated badly, none of you would even be reading this today, this diary or the other would not exist.
Now I and others like Canberra are forced into this defensive posture, because we simply do not like this kind of defamation of character that is going on with this. I could choose to just ignore this and not take the heat I am no doubt going to, but I cannot just sit here and let this go on unchallenged.
Throw all out of context quotes to me you want, I could take your quotes out of context and make diaries of them as well. What purpose is this serving.
This type of diaring is just plain wrong and I think Lt. C. would have a good case of defamation of character against you Oui.
You are welcome to check the commentary at dKos.
Iraqi girl’s BIG secret – Lt C is a shill reporter!
by Oui Tue Apr 12th, 2005 at 07:15:22 EST
Usually lifetime of a diary at dKos is 30 min. best. On this topic I was very pleased with ten recommendations and a bunch of 4’s. I preferred to have discussion at BT first, so at dKos I published a day later.
Only when I think a topic suitable for dKos, will I decide to publish. Like ask commented before, there are more pressing topics that should be discussed. I am certain that “true colors” of Lt C. have now been clarified.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Over at dKos » the rage is on … Come on diane!
… and I was still a virgin on giving and ever receiving a troll rating. The anger even 24 hours after diary was published.
I am glad there is a clear preference for canberra boy and RFTR, aka Another Perspective at Booman, on this issue. In previous diary I did my best to call for more unison and less divisive issues to be brought to Booman Tribune.
Comment Ratings by diane101
1) Exactly – the heading is as deceptive [], by canberra boy, Rated: 4
Posted on 04/12/2005 08:32:17 EST
Rated on 04/13/2005 09:56:43 EST
2) I trust people on a blog … [3.00], by Oui, Rated: 1
Posted on 04/12/2005 07:59:42 EST
Rated on 04/13/2005 09:56:43 EST
3) ummm [], by tlaw, Rated: 4
Posted on 04/12/2005 07:43:39 EST
Rated on 04/13/2005 09:56:43 EST
4) Enjoy reading … [3.00], by Oui, Rated: 1
Posted on 04/12/2005 07:24:28 EST
Rated on 04/13/2005 09:56:43 EST
5) RFTR [], by dmac, Rated: 4
Posted on 04/12/2005 20:08:29 EST
Rated on 04/12/2005 21:27:17 EST
6) I just wrote a column [], by RFTR, Rated: 4
Posted on 04/12/2005 19:51:43 EST
Rated on 04/12/2005 21:27:17 EST
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
can’t resist dragging me into your debates, can you?
in previous diary.
I guess it’s mere interest in same topic, nothing serious.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Yes I did rate you today on the DK Diary yesterday, because today I saw you wrote another diary along the same lines as the other one and I did it because I couldn’t rate your diary which is what I wanted to do.
I gave you a one on a entry which means (non productive) which was you stating ‘enjoy, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this'(which I find to be as offensive as the diary, you enjoyed researching and ‘exposing’ and a 2 on another comment as marginal, which was marginal in MHO..I have now changed the 1 rating to a 2.
I did not rate you yesterday although I wanted to but thought I had said enough and just to let the matter rest. Then I awoke today to find this new diary and yes I am upset with this as I think you can tell.
And yes I did rate others a 4 yesterday because they made statements I agreed with.
You say “In previous diary I did my best to call for more unison and less divisive issues to be brought to Booman Tribune.”, well that is really nice and I appreciate the sentiments, but apparently you do not draw the line at defamation of character in your diaries, I find your statement rather hollow in view of this diary and the preceeding one.
It is all well and good to call for more unison and less deviseness here but then to go to these lengths you have to castigate a person who dared to come to these pages and take the flack he was given.
I frankly don’t know any way around this for me. I feel that I absolutely must stand up for someone when I think he/she is given an unfair treatment as I strongly do here, no matter who the person is.
I will consider revising my ratings on DK if you will give me one good reason for these diaries and the conclusions you have come to and the parallels you have drawn.
Sure Lt. C. may have made some remarks that you don’t like on his page, but consider that Lt. C. may have made hasty statements out of reaction to all that transpired, that I do not necessarily approve of but that is not the point. The point is that this diary is biased and unfair and I cannot condone that and not say anything.
He was baited on these pages previously and then he took the bait and reacted. A human failing.
I challenge anyone and you Oui to provide for me a clear line of allegation leading to proof that you have made on both diaries, because I cannot for the life of me see any support for the allegations you have made in your ‘proof.’
As I see later comments have come in as I write this, one as expected from Alohaleezy. First of all I did not give a troll rating, I gave a 1 and a two, see the first of this comment, and it was on DK and not here and you expect Booman to arbitrate this!
So I’ll reiterate, this diary is based on unfounded and unsubstiated claims and is just plain wrong.
And to Alohaleezy, I will comment here further regarding your last comment and my interchange with you. You have continuously dogged me for statement or comments I have made, and attacked me for even daring to write said Neocon diary. You are a fine one to talk here.
I am not questioning Oui’s right to have an opinion, this is far more than that, this is casting aspersions on someone and bringing false info to bear and to substantiate those opinions and using inflamatory titles designed to get the readers on your side.
As to tirades I think not Aloha, rather the opposite is true.
Yesterday you attacked me for “being offensive and agressive” in my comments and made plain you did not like them, just as you have now done here.
Now you have called for Booman to take action, how ironic. Do I really have to go back and excerpt your comments to make my point.
You clearly stated in comments on Debate with a neocon, that you ‘find this diary offensive.’ so you are allowed to be offended at my diary, but I am not allowed to be offended at this one.
I am not allowed apparently to state my views but you are. It is apparent to me now that you do not like me personally and you seek to censor my words, although I have never made false allegations about anyone.
Your honesty and sincerity …
is appreciated and a well deserved 4.
I have no interest whatsoever in Lt C., especially after reading his remarks on his blog. Guess we’ll disagree on his merit, let’s just leave it at conclusion of a difference in opinion. Through my fault we got started on the wrong footing, I did offer you my excuse.
I am hopeful we can close this chapter and get on with true democratic and patriotic activities needed for Election 2006! More action to unite the BT community.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Oui, and I will move on with this, I just had to state my case here for the reasons I outlined.
I just asked on the other diary, where the line about ‘how we reason with them here’ was found as I have searched the site and found no mention, in fact I found him to be complimentary reg. this site for the most part.
Clear this one up for me and I will say no more, but if he did not make that statement it is unfair to have it here, do you not agree.
And for the record here are some other things he said reg. Booman Trib:
“”Boomantribune…(a nice blog type site from Ohio. It is left of center (often way left), but some good readings nonetheless)
But, there are some very smart people I came in contact with there, so I shall take my licks and stay in contact with them. I got beat up in there, but I am still here. Sucking dust in Iraq, with a perspective on this war, that they the arm chair pundits will never have, but it’s easy to second guess what we do here, when you’re always right. “””
Ps. Oui, would you send me email and I will write back to you privately, you don’t list one but mine is listed. Don’t worry I will not be mean or offensive, but I just have some questions and I don’t want to bring it on to this site at this point.
Here is the paragraph that contains the quote I think you are referring to in bold:
so the comment was made here on the original diary. I am going to email him right now and ask him to clarify or explain that statement.
I think that is the only fair thing to do, don’t you.
was posted on Lt. C’s blog and found by Oui.
what I understand to be his blog. I don’t know if he made any such comment here or not.
Personally, I like the US Constitution, even though it was pretty much ripped off from the Great Law of the Iroquois, and I like the First Amendment too.
So as far as I am concerned, he has the right to say whatever he wants on his blog.
I would also like to refer you to some very good but unsolicited advice I posted a few minutes ago here
love that you mentioned the Great Law of the Iroquois. The whole was it 5 Federations and their Constitution/laws was pretty amazing huh for those ‘savages heathens’. Another myth perpetrated on schoolkids.
that is indeed a delicious morsel.
Speaking of which, I noticed another succulent bonbon on our pet “interrogator”‘s blog, when he referred to a little Iraqi girl as a “diamond in the rough.”
(For those who need an explanation, Mesopotamia has just a few millennia more history with both what is commonly considered “civilization” as well as “nationhood” than any country in the west, and Europeans invaded the tribal lands now called the US only a couple of centuries ago. So it is the kind of joke that only about 85% of the world will laugh at.)
I seem to be missing the point here (not uncommon). What’s wrong with Lt. C’s “diamond in the rough” comment?
As an aside, I frequently visit and have sent care packages to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. I detest this war, and everything it stands for (no matter what the reason d’jour), yet I feel good in supporting the soldiers overseas and the Iraqi children in need. (And yes, I understand it’s likely that U.S. policy created many of their needs – I’m not intending to engage in a discussion regarding the merits of the war.)
And while I mourn for the hundreds of thousands of people who have been dramatically and negatively impacted by this horrendous undertaking, the soldiers on that site have posted hundreds of pictures of smiling Iraqi children, who truly seem to have entered the soldier’s hearts. So I see nothing unusual or overtly propagandist about the picture of “Adele” posted by Lt. C.
paragraph in my previous post.
Now I feel the need to expose myself for the truly ignorant person I apparently am. I still don’t get it. If you so choose, please explain in “grunt” terms I’ll understand.
While most of the world has a very long history of things like written language, architecture, art, statecraft, etc., the west is a relative newbie in these areas, and in the case of the US, it was only a few centuries ago that Europeans, newbies, as noted, invaded the ancient tribal lands currently known as “the United States.”
For that reason, it is amusing to hear someone from such an, um, barbaric, rustic, raw, primitive, whichever adjective you find less offensive, there simply are not any euphemistic ones that would be accurate, anyway, when such a person refers to a child from the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia as a “diamond in the rough,” the roughly 85% or so of the world’s people who are not western are unable, despite the best and most sincere efforts, to suppress a smile. 🙂
Maryscott OConnor on Troll Ratings etc
Wrote an excellent diary, worthy to reflect —
META-DIARY ALERT: Troll Ratings and the Abuse Thereof
by Maryscott OConnor Fri Apr 1st, 2005
Two examples of a tiny miracle @dKos
No you’re wrong on that
by vcmvo2
I’ve had time to think about it…
by Maryscott Oconnor
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Say what you like, he’s got a point here that folks need to be paying attention to.
But that never happens.
How? R&R at Abu Ghraib? A trip behind the shed?
Maybe too much energy is being expended here on one particular poster, but Oui, you have my thanks for exposing this officer’s true colors.
but I will say that I am happy to have Lt. C’s reflections of his experience here.
Booman…I am sorry to see that you as the host of this blog have no bone with someone, any of us, going back to a diary a day later and troll rating someones comments because they disagree. Oui is not a troll, just has opposing views with someone.
Diane101 has attacked me and Oui both for having our own opinions and goes into tirades over it with the how dare you attitude and then hands out 0/1’s a day later? What a turn off this has turned out to be. Very disappointing.
I’m not defending those troll ratings, but I don’t think Booman can be expected to take a stance on every rating, let alone intervene. The adjudication system is decentralized for a reason, after all. We should all take our downratings and move on – or bear grudges, if we so choose (nothing wrong with that).
to look at ratings.
My comments are only a reflection of reading through this thread an hour or two ago.
I don’t know what ratings occurred here or at dKos, and no one has sent me any complaints.
I only mean to say, that this particular diary contains information that I am glad to have.
My sincerest apologies for calling you out(or in) to this over the ratings. The way the comment upthread was posted I improperly assumed they were comment ratings from BT when actually they were from a crosspost at dkos.
I will say one more thing and then move on. We are a very divided country and most undoubtedly very concerned where this country is due to the incompetant liars that run the country right now. The administration took us from one nation united after 9/11 to a war based on deception. Now, I see what bringing in “the other side” has done the same thing here. After reading Lt. C’s comments from his blog I can only hope he doesn’t come back stateside and live near me or my family. From his own words he believes that dissent is worthy of punishment. He scares the living crap out of me. I guess I just don’t understand why they would even want to come here but then again maybe they have accomplished what they wanted in the first place, division.
alohaleezy – everyone has to make his/her own judgement. I just love it when in real life – happens very often – persons disqualify themselves!
No need to give anyone the last nudge so they lose grip scaling a gletcher. Need to get togerther, and move on to the political issues for Election 2006.
Thanks a thousand fold for your early support – I have made new friends.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
You are most welcome and absolutely right. Let’s all move on.
that you attacked Diane long before she attacked you.
You posted a nice long rant on her debate with me about how she shouldn’t have posted the diary and how useless it was yada yada yada…
Now you want to play the victim? Please…
That is why I appreciated it with a 4.
I am hopeful you will conclude “once and no more”, as we can close this chapter and get on with true democratic and patriotic activities needed for Election 2006! More action to unite the BT community.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I just want to repeat what I said before:
I must say, that statement by Lt. Currie [“I am fortunate here in Iraq, in that we can deal with those here who cannot be reasoned with”] is appalling. Even if he was joking, I can’t countenance it. I hope he is reading this, because I can’t emphasise strongly enough how chilling it is to see someone in his position throw rhetoric like this around, especially after atrocities like Abu Ghraib. Ugh!
On the other hand, I don’t see what the point is about the time stamps. They were pretty underwhelming once I looked at them in detail.
Oh, and one other thing I was wondering: am I the only one who doesn’t crosspost my diaries to dKos? (I actually haven’t posted on dKos since I came here; it wasn’t something I purposely set out to do but I just lost interest in going back.) I said from the beginning that I didn’t see anything wrong with crossposting, mind you, but it seems a bit of a shame if none of the diaries are exclusive to this site.
Maverick Leftist
I began by trying to do separate, original content for both, but saw others including front pagers cross posting so I figured I would too. However, I’ll probably keep doing Carnacki’s Chiller Theater as just a BooMan diary. Seems to fit the BoooooMan Tribune better. :^]
is merited in some cases, due to large number of readers at dKos. I do try to keep diaries started at Booman Tribune exclusive for a day.
What transpires in 24 hours at BT is equivalent to 10 min. at dKos, shortcoming is that good diaries are lost in 1/2 hour.
This diary on Lt C will NOT be repeated, is not functional for any further limelight. Prefer that readers move quickly to RECOMMEND best diaries on the list, so that these political topics are back on the agenda.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
this guy. But he seems to be the type that enjoys poking folks in the ribs and waiting to see if they’ll hit back.
How depressing. There are so many more important ways to enjoy life and have fruitful dialogue with folks you don’t agree with.
Which guy are you referring to? If you’re referring to Lt. C, I guess I have a different take. For whatever reason, the proprietor invited Lt. C here for open discourse on his experiences in Iraq (at least that was my understanding) But within moments of the diary being posted, it turned into a free for all brawl about his political affiliations, stance on the administration’s foreign policy, yada, yada, yada. The same things happened on Diane’s diary for Another Perspective, but I felt that diary may have been framed in a way that promoted the type of discourse that transpired. (I didn’t view it as a debate with a neocon, I viewed it as an introduction to someone with another perspective, who chose on his own to register and contribute to this site)
If I were king or queen, I would have invited those folks to participate on the site in the same way as others – general dialogue, and stating their opinions on a given matter. In the instance of Lt. C, the discourse would have been focused on his experiences in Iraq – not his stance on executive level policy decisions. Heck – who among us – except, of course, those whose brains overshadow the chips on their shoulders, are qualified to serve as representatives of their respective parties.
We’re all individuals, contributing our thoughts, and learning from each other if we so choose. And in the cases of both RFTR and Lt. C, since neither of the invited guests were or are qualified to represent the strategies of the entire Republican party – aside from their personal opinions – nor should they be subjected to attack for their personal political beliefs. (Which is not to say I found their contributions profound, eye-opening or substantive – but nor do I feel that way about some of the contributions of other ramblings on this site – and – I’m sure that many feel the same about my comments)
Under the first amendment and the guidelines set forth by the site proproprietor, we all may choose to post our opinions on any given subject. I’m simply confused as to the purpose of Oui’s recent diaries regarding Lt. C, and what they were intended to accomplish other than to expose the one isolated comment that clearly offended many. Nor did I particularly understand the special diary established for “debate” with Another Perspective – both of which diaries begged for misbehaving from some of the more outspoken, opinionated BT members.
But here again, just my opinion – open to attacks from both sides of the current, um, “debate”. And if I fail to see the purpose of any given diary, that’s my own issue, and I needn’t contribute to any particular diary if I feel that way. (But ding, ding, ding, here I am exhibiting human nature and submitting a post)
I realize it’s probably ignorant to enter this exchange so late in the game, but I lack the filter to hold me back – I just felt like doing it – plain and simple. (And given my frequent poor timing in matters such as this, I can only assume that all others have hugged, shaken hands, and moved on to the next issue long ago!)
I would like to comment insofar as my diary is conerned on debate with a neocon, the discussion had started on another long diary and ended up being mostly between Another Perspective, myself and several others. As the first diary got too long, I decided to take the discussion to a new diary, which then got really long.
Perhaps that was a mistake, perhaps not, and perhaps I did not frame it right and maybe it was the title, although all I did in the diary was tell how it came about and then post the last two comments Another and I had made. Intending to take it from there, it instead became something else.
So there you are that is the way it happened.
Don’t think I would do it again.
I did a really crappy job in writing my last comment, and I truly regret that I positioned you to once again defend/explain the diary you posted concerning AP/RFTR. Lord knows you’ve done so already (time and again) but the unfortunate framing of my comments begged for your response. (And yet, you still gave me a “4”)
In retrospect, it appears that my pent up frustration caused my fingers to type much faster than the functioning of my brain. I was merely trying to express my hopes that we all treat each other with respect. (And I probably would have been more effective by limiting my comments to a couple of worthwhile sentences versus the tome I submitted.)
With that, I wish everyone a prosperous day!
for you to say the above. You’re words brought a tear to my eye, (not kidding.) I gathered your intent from the first, but wanted to clear it up once again, for other readers who may be did not see my repeated explanations.
It is often hard, I know, to state things the way you really meant to and once the word is ‘writ’ it cannot be taken back, just like the spoken word. To see your words remain for ‘all eternity’ is another thing that is also difficult. Everyone does not see the solution or the retration or explanation of a comment, so it does force one to repeat it.
So thanks again for your kind words above.
BTW I think your original comment was just fine.
what Lt C has recently written. I didn’t see any of the diaries or threads, but just from the way he’s described his experiences here he seems to have some issues.
By Sherry Parmet
April 13, 2005
LAURA EMBRY / Union-Tribune
Marine Lt. Erik Swabb is based in North Carolina, but chose to use his 18-day leave following his deployment to Iraq to visit a special education class, which serves mildly disabled students at McAuliffe Elementary.
OCEANSIDE – Marine Lt. Erik Swabb traveled across the country to thank students at McAuliffe Elementary School in person yesterday for their e-mail messages and gifts while he was deployed in Iraq.
LAURA EMBRY / Union-Tribune
Marine Lt. Erik Swabb is based in North Carolina, but
chose to use his 18-day leave following his deployment
to Iraq to visit a special education class, which serves
mildly disabled students at McAuliffe Elementary.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Now this is an interesting one. It would be good to know who paid for Lt Swabb to ‘travel across the country’.
Reality – Daily life in Iraq for a marine.
5th Marine Regiment: 1st Batt 5th Marines (1/5)
Posted – 04/01/2004 : 12:23:51
Hi everyone – just got off the email with son at 9:30 this morning – again all of Alpha & 3rd plt accounted for and well, lots of patrols. His only requests were to keep mail coming and send him a slingshot & frisbee for “entertainment” (couldn’t help but chuckle!!) said slingshot was to keep the pesky dogs and kids away from the gate without hurting them. Apparently they are in good spirits! Said they get 30 minutes each time online, some computers not able to instant message, but others have webcam!! Note to Kurts mom – son is okay!! God Bless to all.
Robs Mom
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I’m not sure of the point to your last post. (But, as you know firsthand, I’ve been known to miss points on occasion :-).
If you’re questioning the way in which the marine spends his time – there isn’t a standard day for any of the troops. Some of the soldiers are in the line of fire 24/7, and some request decks of cards to relieve boredom. Some have computer access, others don’t. Some have mess halls – others need food. Some are staying in palaces, others don’t have roofs over their heads. Some of them see children every day and ask for toys to win hearts and minds. etc. etc.
So I guess I don’t understand what’s unusual here.
not wishing to make assumptions, or jump to unfounded conclusions. You force writers of comments to rethink or express themselves more clearly.
With my last two comments I want to place some distance to diary topic of Lt Currie. Illustrate there are real life articles to give insight to daily life of our troops in Iraq. These sources are not degraded by any blunt war propaganda.
Official sites of US forces are real good sources, it’s often a political blog that is difficult to be credible.
I often add INFO to my diary to make a story complete when it’s referenced for future reading.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Now I get it. And I highly doubt that anyone would need to rethink their comments or express themselves differently if I wasn’t so damn obtuse.
Now you did it again! Forced me to copy obtuse and paste it in Merriams to ask for precise definition.
Then the link died on me – sorry – but IMHO certainly not insensitive.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I was thinking along the lines of: dull-witted, simple minded, imperceptive, thick and stupid. And I have to admit, your last comment represented the quickest timeframe in which someone on this site has agreed with me on any given topic, so I guess it just goes to show . . .
On that note, I think it best that I get back to work. Good night!
I best be getting back to work more quickly than I thought. I mistakenly read the first comment in your last note as “Now you get it!” (As in – “it’s about time you realized your stupidity has been the problem all along”)
Maybe I need new glasses (but first I need a tissue 🙂
I just wanted to let you know that I tried to change the low rating’s I gave you on DK several times yesterday and was unable to do it, perhaps because it is now archieved, I don’t know.
I still do not agree with the diary, but I did want to change those low ratings to none, on the dk site so if you or anyone knows how to do it at this point please let me know.
At dKos go to your own user page and choose comments.
In box “Containing:” fill out Oui and click Search button. You now have a list of all Oui’s recent comments. Your own setting to rate should be set to Yes of course.
I will find some time this weekend to send some info to you by Email.
PS If you don’t succeed at dKos, just never mind, I’ll just work harder to get som 4‘s.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Yes I already tried that twice and changed it, it went though all the refresh, seemed fine, and then when I checked it later it was back to the original rating. Could it be that it has to be changed on the diary itself or is it archieved and cannot be now changed.
The other night I jokingly gave someone a 1, and later attempted to change it to “none”. The system would not allow me to do that – it would only accept another numerical rating.
Well I just tried rating up and I cannot do that either so it must be set now and can’t be changed. I think I remember something about this on DK before, when I tried to make a comment days later from posting.
Act in haste and repent in leisure, I guess applies here.
And Anomalous, good thing you didn’t ‘Jokingly rate’ a 0.
I’ve learned my lesson about joking in forums such as this. Well, of course, until I forget that lesson. And given my nature, that’s likely to happen sooner rather than later :-).
Is a right-wing – pro-Israeli settlers – website in the US, founded by Anne Lieberman of Boulder, Colorado. Site is recommended on the Jewish Press Monitor’s Online Reading List along many other “centrist-conservative” sites as Little Green Footballs.
Anne Lieberman in a recent column “Out to Lunch” picked up on a comment by Irving Greenbaum of Boulder. The Rafah Pundits in turn follow what the pro-Israeli sites publish.
Why does especially this right-wing site “Boker Tov, Boulder!” – Good Morning, Boulder! – of Anne Lieberman promote the MilBlog of the likes of Lt. C.? What opinion does Lt. C. have on the connection between the protection of Israel and the US invasion of Iraq? What stance does Lt. C. have on the occupation by Israel of Palestinian territory. Did anyone notice this on his blog or in his comments?
“With regard to the generous support shown by Boulderites in the [Daily] Camera for the speaking engagement of Hanan Ashrawi, I would like to thank the larger community for its sensitivity toward us Jews in this difficult time. I am deeply moved that a representative of Yasir Arafat’s terrorist regime will be welcomed here, not only by the general public but by the venerable institution of Colorado University, where only last spring I was able to see anti-Semitic graffiti . . .”
Sukkot saw swastikas scrawled on the Hillel sukkah and anti-Semitic graffiti on the predominantly Jewish fraternity house. I was accused in a letter to the editor of supporting apartheid, segregation and ethnic cleansing . . . and that was just the first line.
March 23, 2003 — Politicians took their usual places at and alongside the podium yesterday, but the rally they attended on the southwest lawn of the Missouri Capitol clearly belonged to U.S. troops fighting in the Middle East and the families they left at home.
“This was hard,” Tracy Della Vecchia said of her attendance at the rally. The Columbia woman’s son, 20-year-old Marine Lance Cpl. Derrick Jensen, is near or in Iraq.
“Pacifists Encourage Terrorists”
Columbia Daily Tribune - McNamara
The rally drew veterans and relatives of active military members, as well as many of Missouri’s top politicians, including Democratic Gov. Bob Holden and Republican U.S. Sen. Jim Talent.
Many, also, came with a message for those protesting the war in other parts of the country.
“We will not tolerate the war protesters,” said retired Marine Col. Don Ballard of Kansas City, a Vietnam War Medal of Honor recipient who rallied the crowd from the Capitol steps. “They have the right to free speech, but they ought to do it in a way that’s not demeaning to the troops that are over there representing our country.”
Marine Col. Don Ballard
The division in our country runs deep. So is the trust in “our” president.
10/23/2003 7:58:00 AM Left Coast
By... NRO's Clifford D. May
What did Gen. Boykin say that was so offensive?
God Forbid
The entire affair, spearheaded by a GreenPeace activist in the employ of the LATimes, demonstrates the war that the left has declared on Christianity. Blocking nominees to the Judiciary on a litmus test of faith, attacking Generals apparently unfit to kill people because they believe in a ‘loving God’ and backing every effort by the ACLU to expunge America of it’s historical traditions.
Religious oppression is alive and flourishing in Leftist America.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité