The president who today made us safe from lighters in carry-on bags is an advocate for “personal stuff” privacy:
About FOIA documents, Bush said, “I would hope that those who expose documents are wise about the difference between that which truly would jeopardize national security and that which should be read.” Just read that sentence twice, and it’ll become clear . . . more below . . .
Bush volunteered his aversion to e-mail during a discussion on whether his administration is sufficiently responsive to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act.
Advocates of greater openness in government charge the Bush administration has used the need to guard homeland security as an excuse to keep more information secret.
Bush said the government receives about 3.5 million FOIA requests a year and that he is for open government but does not want information released that could endanger lives.
“I would hope that those who expose documents are wise about the difference between that which truly would jeopardize national security and that which should be read,” he said.
Sean Moulton, of OMB Watch, “a group that tracks decisions by the White House Office of Management and Budget and other government agencies, said: ‘This is a government that is getting worse by the day in terms of permitting the public access to information and documents that they have paid for.'”
Bush has pressured Russian President Vladimir Putin to allow for greater freedom of the press in Russia. “We got to make sure our own press is free. I know that,” he said.
But when it comes to e-mail, Bush said he avoids it because “everything is investigated in Washington” and as a result “we’re losing a lot of history, not just with me, but with other presidents as well.”
Repeat: “[W]e’re losing a lot of history, not just with me, but with other presidents as well.”
Just read it over a couple times.
“[W]e’re losing a lot of history, not just with me, but with other presidents as well.”
Or at least things being put under lock and key forever. Bush signed that executive order that said something like no presidents papers could be released as long as that president or the current president or the next one (I think) said they should stay secret. I am badly paraphrasing, but the gist of it was… we’re losing a lot of history, tis true.
Beyond that though, he’s definitely just using this and homeland security and stuff as an excuse to shut the government away from the eyes of the people. And, it seems, there is little we can do about it.
The last sentence makes perfect sense.
He has locked up and classified more presidential records -his own, his father’s and former President Clinton’s, than any President in history.
He has received scathing criticism over this from historians.
Bush: “I would hope that those who expose documents are wise […]” that means,
‘heads I win, tails you lose.’
People, he is not that hard to understand. 🙂
Meanwhile, the rest of us are all fair game for him and the rest of his right-wing juggernaut.
Heck of a diary! Everybody, recommend it:
Time to Choose III – Privacy for Sale and Invasion
via the link in Madman’s comment