The House judiciary committee yesterday approved legislation — The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act — “that would criminalize helping teens circumvent state parental notification laws when obtaining abortions across state lines, moving [the] measure one step closer to passage.” More below:
Proponents of the measure, who believe abortion is immoral, say it will help protect the health of minors and prevent adults who are not a woman’s legal guardian from circumventing what they call “parents’ rights.”
But pro-choice advocates, who have dubbed the legislation the “Teen Endangerment Act,” argue the measure would impose undue restrictions on girls’ right to legal and safe abortions, endanger teenagers’ health, and punish adults for helping “young women in need.”
Meanwhile, in California, abortion initiative allies turned in 950,000 signatures today. The initiative “would require parents to be notified when minors seek an abortion.”
Emphases mine.
Who knew they had such high-powered lobbyists?
I remember when this bill was proposed. Now that it’s passed the house, I feel ill.
The assault seems never-ending. I think I need some air.
My question is:WHO is going to take care of all these unwanted children?
some will be sold, some will die. Those who survive to late adolescence will be available for use as expendable assets for the crusade.
Taking cyninism to a new level, though I tend to agree. There seems to be no limit to these people’s lust for invasion of others’ privacy and right to self-determination.
The growing prison industry needs more and more bodies, so it does make sense. Just like today’s round-up of 10,000 wanted criminals … who knows how many of them are guilty.
I remember reading long ago about child prostitution in the Victorian era, which was at an all time high. Once we bring back the work houses we’ll be right on track.
Maybe those dickheads should wonder why some girls might be wanting someone who is not their parent to help them out…like the high rate of abuse/rape by the parent that caused the problem in the first place.
All these unrelenting assaults to women’s rights are getting pretty overwhelming. Collective gangbanging by Republicans on all women’s rights, that’s what it feels like to me.
What? Abuse in the sacred two parent biological family? Surely you jest.
Okay, major snark but from the recent rewriting of family “facts” you’d think that the only danger to children are outside it, while in general it seems that the major threat is right at home.
I feel like I’m living through the lead up to Hand Maids Tale…this is getting more frightening every day.