As I feel a serious diary acomin’. I thought I would spread a little joy first.
Over at New European Times , I have been having a bit of fun with something I haven’t heard before. I had assumed most geeks would have heard it but, as polydactyl tells me that it was new to at least one IT person, I post it here as a delight to enjoy.
Based on Don MacLean’s “Bye Bye Miss American Pie”, it is a sung response by a Microsoft systems guy to an article in the Harvard Business Review entitled “IT doesn’t matter”. He says it is a retrospective for some years in the future. Don’t believe him. His lines:
“Gonna outsource every resource `til the business runs dry.”
“And as pink slips caused an exit flight
Of jobs to Bangalore’s new site
I saw Harvard laughing with delight
The day that I-T died”
are relevant right now, today.
As I can’t stream it directly, go to the video here and enjoy it.
By the end of the song, you may be liking this guy as much as I do. You will like him more if you read the last two posts in his personal blog
Hey, as an ex-governor of one of the world’s top three business schools, even I enjoyed the lines:
“The men that I admire the least
The MBA’s trained in the East”
Some of you Geeks are quite tolerable, aren’t you? Well, I reckon ol’ Pat Helland is a Geek’s Geek. I hope he plays golf, as well.
Although, of course, by the end of it I don’t know if you will be laughing or crying.
that I couldn’t quite get to the end of the song – it’s very long, and I’m a biologist – IT is kind of foreign to me. When I’m interacting with IT folks they’re even more foreign. Why is it that IT people can’t answer more than one question at a time? It’s always mystified me. I have my own work around – say I have three questions. I’ve learned to send three separate emails, better yet if I send them on three different days if the matter isn’t urgent. When I finally gave up was when I sent an email that began: “Roy, I have three questions;
(There were actual questions, btw, not just ellipses)
and he only answered the first one. (sigh) He’s very smart, and very helpful, but he’s not the only IT person I’ve had this problem with.
Anyway, I did go to Pat Helland’s blog. And yes, I like him very much.
I can see you also need to go here courtesy of polydactyl’s recommendation.
All this good stuff on New European Times. It really is surprising that I don’t pimp it a little more 🙂
Notice you are in the blogroll now.
Thanks Booman.
“If you ain’t busy bein’ born, you’re busy dyin’.”
True of individuals, and of nations.
If the Indians and the Chinese can now do what Americans have been doing to enrich themselves, and can do it more cheaply, then Americans can either roll over and die or they can re-invent themselves.
It’s not rocket science; it’s biology, and history, and economics. Even IT guys should be able to figure it out.
yeah, well just wait till they outsource “Fast Food” LMAO….. (American’s Last Industrial Force)
I understand some McDonald’s drive-through windows now take their orders through a non-local call center. This isn’t true of my local McDonald’s, where last time I was there just to watch and report back, I swear! Ignore the Egg McMuffin wrapper, nothing to see here, move along the manager was taking orders through her headset like she usually does. Well, like people tell me she usually does, not that I would know of course. What Big Mac wrapper? Hey isn’t that Elvis over there??
I have to head for a bus so I can’t check, but the call center may not even be located in the US. If so, now that is a kick in the head.
geeesh..try tell’n some Pakistani, you want “Freedom Fries” with that order….it’s hard to say what you’ll get… ; )