Man, after Frist’s “against people of faith” statement, the sh*t is really hitting the fan. It’s one of those evenings when I can’t wait to wake up in the morning to see what delightful commentary will come next.
In any case, below the fold, you’ll find my reaction.
With the latest twist in Bill Frist’s campaign to overturn hundreds of years of Senate tradition, I have to agree with the conclusion of Armando’s front-page dKos post:
Of particular concern to me are these passages from the NYT article:
Fliers for the telecast, organized by the Family Research Council and scheduled to originate at a Kentucky megachurch the evening of April 24, call the day “Justice Sunday” and depict a young man holding a Bible in one hand and a gavel in the other. The flier does not name participants, but under the heading “the filibuster against people of faith,” it reads: “The filibuster was once abused to protect racial bias, and it is now being used against people of faith.”
The telecast also signals an escalation of the campaign for the rule change by Christian conservatives who see the current court battle as the climax of a 30-year culture war, a chance to reverse decades of legal decisions about abortion, religion in public life, gay rights and marriage.
“As the liberal, anti-Christian dogma of the left has been repudiated in almost every recent election, the courts have become the last great bastion for liberalism,” Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council and organizer of the telecast, wrote in a message on the group’s Web site. “For years activist courts, aided by liberal interest groups like the A.C.L.U., have been quietly working under the veil of the judiciary, like thieves in the night, to rob us of our Christian heritage and our religious freedoms.”
Democrats accused Dr. Frist of exploiting religious faith for political ends by joining the telecast. “No party has a monopoly on faith, and for Senator Frist to participate in this kind of telecast just throws more oil on the partisan flames,” said Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York.
But Mr. Perkins stood by the characterization of Democrats as hostile to faith. “What they have done is, they have targeted people for reasons of their faith or moral position,” he said, referring to Democratic criticisms of nominees over their views of cases about abortion rights or public religious expressions.
“The issue of the judiciary is really something that has been veiled by this ‘judicial mystique’ so our folks don’t really understand it, but they are beginning to connect the dots,” Mr. Perkins said in an interview, reciting a string of court decisions about prayer or displays of religion.
“They were all brought about by the courts,” he said.
I dunno about you, but I’ve had enough. It’s time Dr. Frist, James Dobson, the Family Research Council, et. al. heard from another side of the country.
So here’s the idea. I will be creating a page for Democrats to state, simply and directly, that they are not hostile to faith. You don’t have to be religious yourself; you just have to state that you are a Democrat, and you are not hostile to faith, in terms of judicial appointments or otherwise.
Perhaps by the time this video comes out on the 25th, we’ll have quite a few testimonials to let ’em know the fundies aren’t the only ones out there. (I’ll also work on a link to contact your Senators to let them know where you stand.)
Sorry, work in progress. In the meantime, here’s some general guidelines, and my own statement.
- Give as much of the following information as you feel comfortable sharing: your name, your hometown, and whatever religious affiliation you may have. Include a picture of yourself if you’re brave enough.
- State, in the simplest possible terms, that you are not hostile to faith simply because you disagree with the Republican agenda. Tell them why.
- Conclude with a positive statement of your vision of what this nation could become, minus the fear, selfishness, arrogance, and general recklessness we have experienced in the past four years.
- In your statements above, try to avoid profanity if at all possible. This is for public consumption.
Isn’t that easy?
Here’s mine:
What I am hostile to are attempts to politicize my faith. I am no less a Christian for being a progressive.
I am no less a Christian for opposing Sen. Bill Frist’s attempt to overthrow hundreds of years of Senate tradition for partisan gain.
I am no less a Christian for opposing a handful of radical right-wing judicial nominees whom I believe will be harmful to American jurisprudence.
The attempt to identify Christian faith and practice with the agenda of the Republican party is disgusting politics and even worse faith.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have fed the hungry.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have given water to the thirsty.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have welcomed the stranger.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have clothed the naked.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have cared for the sick.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have visited the prisoner.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have sought to end racial prejudice.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have sought to end political oppression of those with unpopular views, or whose sexuality challenges perceived norms of one segment of the population.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have sought equity for the poor.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have sought peace at home and in the world.
My Christian heritage lies in those Americans who have hungered and thirsted for justice, that it might roll down like mighty waters.
And my political freedom lies in not being silenced.
I will not be silenced by those who cannot accept my political affiliations.
I will not be silenced by those who cannot accept the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ as I have heard it.
I will not be silenced by those who would pervert my faith for political ends.
I will not be silenced.
I will look, instead, to an America where justice, compassion, diversity, and the peace of God are allowed to live and flourish, and where we as a community can reach for our highest potential together, rather than our lowest common denominator, separated by ideology and mean-spiritedness.
I extend my hand in friendship and brotherhood to all those who will accept it, and call upon them to walk away from the so-called “culture war” by seeking that which unites us, rather than that which will divide us.
I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, who dreamed of us all “being as one,” and of whom I am proud to declare myself a servant.
In his name, Amen.
Obviously, you don’t have to use the same Christian rhetoric I’ve used here. But that’s where I’m from, and I want the Christianists to know I’m proud of it.
Think you can do it?
Post below, or e- them to me at: faithforward at verizon dot net.
Update: Some folks have objected that beginning “I am not hostile to faith” buys into the Republican frame. Can’t say as how I disagree. Start your statements with something positive, along the lines of “I am a Democrat of faith,” or “I am a Democrat who appreciates faith.”
I’m up to about 25-30 e-mails, and about the same in this diary’s cross-post over at dKos. And that’s before we’ve got a real start.
Last night, I was researching these folks, and found a letter from the Family Research Council, and posted on Free Republic + the poster for the April 24 Justice Sunday. Truly scary stuff.
Why beat around the bush (not sure if pun intended or not, will have to think about it) and waste months, maybe years of these precious twilight moments of decline and fall?
Just have a national “election.” Put the machines back out, invalidate a few more thousand registrations, and let whatever is left of the 25% of people in the US who participate in the political process vote on it.
The impending domestic conflict is set to explode now on three fronts: economic, ethnic, and religious.
All that’s needed is an election, results decided, naturally, by the Supreme Court.
For the benefit of those who may be unaware of the Chief Justice’s position on the subject:
Antonin Scalia, the man most likely to be our next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, turned history on its head recently when he attended an Orthodox synagogue in New York and claimed that the Founders intended for their Christianity to play a part in government. Scalia then went so far as to suggest that the reason Hitler was able to initiate the Holocaust was because of German separation of church and state.
The Associated Press reported on November 23, 2004, “In the synagogue that is home to America’s oldest Jewish congregation, he [Scalia] noted that in Europe, religion-neutral leaders almost never publicly use the word ‘God.'”
“Did it turn out that,” Scalia asked rhetorically, “by reason of the separation of church and state, the Jews were safer in Europe than they were in the United States of America?” He then answered himself, saying, “I don’t think so.” link
Boy do I get tired of republicans/judges rewriting history..Hitler invoked God all the time and wanted no separation of church/state….this phony history they keep yapping about is becoming like an avalanche on lots of unsuspecting people who take these idiots word for everything.
you are making prettier and prettier blockquotes.
We may have to have an intervention 🙂
I am not deceived. Intervention, ha!
This year, I bought all colors, and the word has spread. I am on alert.
“As the radical, anti-Life dogma of the right has been validated in almost every recent election, the courts have become the last great bastion for faux-liberalism,” Emma Snacker, number 142 of the Booman Family blog and rabblerouser of the environmentally challanged, wrote in a message on the group’s Web site.
“For years activist courts, aided by money grubbing interest groups like the oil and timber industries., have been quietly working under the veil of the judiciary, like thieves in the night, to rob us of our environment and it’s life sustaining gifts.”
“The issue of the destruction of our health giving environment is really something that has been veiled by this ‘judicial mystique’ so most folks don’t really understand it, but they are beginning to connect the dots,” Ms. Snacker said in an interview, reciting a string of court decisions about illegal logging or the lowering of air pollution standards.
Seriously, I will work on my statement, and e-mail.
“The last time we mixed Politics and Religion, people got burned at the stake.” said Ms. Snacker
Great idea, you activist Pastor, you.
Well I will try to work on a email and get it out to you in the next few weeks..I’m an agonizingly slow writer.
Good idea pastordan, we have to start somewhere to counteract what is becoming more/more scary with these people.
Posted a comment with my beliefs at dKos PastorDan…would you prefer it by email?
I can copy and put in an email if you would prefer?
There’s a terrific bunch of LTEs to the Seattle Times today. Too many to quote.. Here’s a sample:
Editor, The Times:
I was surprised by the mildness of your headline, “Justice Kennedy draws criticism” (Times, News, April 12), over a story about the shocking extremism of the “Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration.”
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association Michael Farris, (conservative activist) Phyllis Schlafly and the rest make clear that the reckless policies of George W. Bush are only the beginning. They are plotting revolution against deeply held American principles of the rule of law and restraint on government, and once they fully consolidate their power, the ax is ready for those who offend them, just as it was in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and Iran.
Make no mistake: These people are already effectively running the Republican Party, and their well-financed tentacles reach deep into the media as well.
Rep. Christopher Shay, R-Conn., and former Sen. John Danforth, R-Mo., are right to weep for what their party has become (“Some Republicans grumbling about leaders’ Schiavo stand,” News, March 26), but until the American people reject this homegrown totalitarianism and those who serve it, there will be no relief and the danger to America will only grow.
— Tyler Page, Kent
Amicus breach
It was bound to happen. Apparently, the conservatives have run out of liberals to blame for everything including the ugly itch of psoriasis. Now they are going after their own. Phyllis Schlafly, never one to not tell you what she thinks, and ever-present to tell us what we should think, wants to impeach Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.
This time, Kennedy had the audacity to rule, with the majority on the court, that capital punishment for juveniles is unconstitutional. Kennedy was nominated for the court by President Reagan and, until recently, seemed conservatives’ golden boy. How fast we fall …
The neocons are all upset with Democrats for holding up 10 of President Bush’s judicial nominations. But think about it, you conservatives: It saves you the trouble of trying to impeach them in a few years.
— Ken McRea, Kent
Judgment day …
Great idea! I’m so glad you took up this challenge, the email is on the way!
Thank you, Pastor Dan, for ministering to me, especially via your diary at Kos.
The statements of faith were such a joy to read, I’ve saved the link to read over and over again. It is incredibly rich.
I’ll try one here.
I’m Anne Ramey from Cotter, Arkansas. Though I’m a lifelong Methodist, my faith has been broadened and deepened by reading about and experiencing the faiths of others.
As one who attempts to walk quietly with Christ, my focus is on the New Testament. He bade us love God, each other, and ourselves. Because we are frail, he promised the Holy Spirit would help us if we ask. In my experience, that is true, so my values are based on the “fruits of the Spirit” taught by Paul: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (I have some doubts about that self-control translation, perhaps because it is one of my weaknesses, but also because I wish my “self” to be controlled by the Spirit.) I reject that which is not born of love or does aim for love. If I need clarification I look to joy, peace, and the other fruits.
As a political Independent, I vote based on these values. Those who traffic in fear, hate, greed, judgement, and self-righteousness are not following the teachings of Christ. For that reason, most of my votes are for Democrats, who do not seek power over others by those means at this time. Rather, Democrats in general seek to help the downtrodden, support freedom of religion, and welcome plurality.
That’s not nearly as eloquent as what others wrote at Kos, but is the best I can do at this moment with a topic of such importance!
Thank you again, Pastor.
I’m working on an email, but I might just record it too.