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The Guardian‘s “pick of the day” gives you “the lowdown on the Washington hawks, their links with organisations and corporate supporters and much more.” Right Web “aims to expose ‘the architecture of power that’s changing our world’.” Interesting note: IRC’s policy brief is available in English, Spanish, and Portugese.

Below, what Bill O’Reilly said about the Pope and goats, plans to “Swift Boat” Sen. Hillary Clinton, and a cartoon:
From the O’Reilly watch over at Media Matters:

Reilly denied calling the pope “senile” — but he did:

In response to a caller on his radio show, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly falsely claimed that he “never said the pope was senile.” In fact, in 2002, O’Reilly called Pope John Paul II “too senile to know” about the damage Cardinal Bernard Law, former archbishop of the Boston Archdiocese, had caused by allegedly covering up incidents of sexual abuse of children by priests in the archdiocese.

O’Reilly again warns that same-sex marriage could lead to calls for nuptials with goats:

While discussing the case of two male Massachusetts inmates who requested prison officials’ permission to marry, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said that gay marriage will eventually lead to people petitioning courts to marry goats. O’Reilly has voiced a similar idea before, as Media Matters for America has noted.

From the April 13 broadcast of Westwood One’s The Radio Factor with Bill O’Reilly:

O’REILLY: Now, there was another request up there from a woman — prisoner, inmate, convict — who wanted to marry another woman who’s not in prison. And, I guess they’re still mullin’ that over. No, it was denied — no, I’m sorry, they’re mullin’ it over — no, it was approved! Oooh, no, look at this! The other request was approved because it involved the marriage of a female inmate to a woman who’s not in prison. See, I woulda denied that. I’d have said, “When you get outta prison, you can marry her.” But not here. This isn’t pre-Cana [Catholic premarital counseling] prison — all right, you can’t do that. See, I’m not buyin’ into any of this politically correct nonsense. If you’re a prisoner, you’re a convict, you lose your rights until you get out. So, I’m sorry. We’re not lettin’ you get married, not gonna let you drive a car, you can’t vote. You’re in — you’re in, that’s it.

So this is just the beginning, ladies and gentlemen, of this crazy gay marriage insanity — is gonna lead to all kinds of things like this. Courts are gonna be clogged. Every nut in the world is gonna — somebody’s gonna come in and say, “I wanna marry the goat.” You’ll see it; I guarantee you’ll see it.

Conservative publisher announces plans to “Swift Boat” Sen. Clinton:

In recent days, a forthcoming book about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) titled The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President has gotten free advance publicity in major newspapers and on cable television, with several media outlets and figures already speculating — some five months before the book is to be available — that it will damage Clinton’s much-speculated-about, but undeclared, presidential campaign.

On April 11, Internet gossip Matt Drudge (who once famously said “Screw journalism! The whole thing’s a fraud anyway”) posted an “**Exclusive**” calling the book “the ultimate Hillary-attack.” Drudge claimed that a “source close to” author Edward Klein told him “The revelations in it should sink her candidacy.”

  • The next day, The Washington Times devoted nearly 500 words to the book-in-the-making …

  • That evening, on MSNBC’s Scarborough Country, host Joe Scarborough teased a segment on the book …

  • Also on April 12, Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes hosted Fox News analyst and serial Clinton-basher Dick Morris, whose false attacks on Sen. Clinton have included a grossly inaccurate book and promotional tour. Morris discussed Clinton in a segment headlined “What Might Be in Damaging New Hillary Book?” …

Read beyond the teases in the Media Matters article, “Conservative publisher announces plans to ‘Swift Boat’ Sen. Clinton.”

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The Center for American Progress‘s cartoon of the day.