Update [2005-4-16 16:32:27 by hfiend]: Networks are now reporting that there is a joint operation being carried out by Iraqi and US forces.
This is a new tactic for Iraq. They used to kidnap someone or some group of people usually Iraqi police or Shia’. Now they have taken a town and the resulting rescue, if it gets out of hand, could be a lot of bad press for the occupation from any point of view.
An entire city just got snatched by an insurgent army…
“People from the town called me begging the Iraqi government to save their relatives, who are hostages. They told me there are at least 60 hostages,” the Shi’ite official, who asked not to be named, told Reuters. (LINK)
and not to long ago…
That’s my post…
But let me add a brief snip of the DoD propaganda website right NOW!
Not that our soldiers are doing excellent work, but this story hasn’t made front page of one news service, I got this through the Swiss Media.
So as you wish sir, here is the real Iraq.
Holy cow. Thanks for this. I’d seen headlines about the 60 hostages, but that’s it.
Now it emerges that there is a strong movement in southern Iraq for the establishment of autonomous Shi’ite provinces as a precursor to introducing vilayet-e-faqih (rule by the clergy) in the whole country….
To head off this threat of a Shi’ite clergy-driven religious movement, the US has, according to Asia Times Online investigations, resolved to arm small militias backed by US troops and entrenched in the population to “nip the evil in the bud”…
Asia Times Online has learned that in a highly clandestine operation, the US has procured Pakistan-manufactured weapons, including rifles, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, ammunition, rockets and other light weaponry. Consignments have been loaded in bulk onto US military cargo aircraft at Chaklala airbase in the past few weeks. The aircraft arrived from and departed for Iraq.
of whether we we are gotting the full story or not…
I don’t believe any story that comes out of Iraq on the first, second maybe even third go-a-round, not even if Jesus himself was reporting. They are just always always wrong in either a big way or various minor ways as to render story pretty screwed up. Intentionally wrong as propaganda like Jessica Lynch or just our reporters regurgitating what the military has told them and we know how factual that is.
That’s usually why I don’t comment on any particulars in a breaking story except maybe in a general way.
funny, I had just gone to Asia Times Online myself…they seem to have some of the best reported and researched stories around.
One report I read said the whole thing was media invention but don’t really believe that however I doubt will get the real story on this for some time. Also had one report saying it had something to do with tribal war/retribution so who knows at this point what is going on. And the last people I trust to have the real story on this are our military …they seem pretty clueless half the time.