“I mean, these good folks are revolutionizing how businesses conduct their business. And, like them, I am very optimistic about our position in the world and about its influence on the United States.
We’re concerned about the short-term economic news, but long-term I’m optimistic. And so, I hope investors, you know—secondly, I hope investors hold investments for periods of time—that I’ve always found the best investments are those that you salt away based on economics.”
—Bush in Austin, Texas, Jan. 4, 2001.
Don’t forget to use the regional threads to tell your neighbors what’s going on in your state or community.
Know what I mean, these good folks is rhym’n how businizzles conduct they business sho nuff. And, like thiznem, I’ze very optimistic `bout our position in tha world n `bout its influence on tha United States.
Were concerned `bout tha short-term economic nizzay but long-term Im optimistic so i can get mah pimp on. And so, I hope inviztors, you know—secizzles I hope inviztors hold investments fo` periods of time—that Ive always found tha best investments is those tizzle you S-to-tha-izzalt away based on the nomics, ya know.”
What the hell are you talking about?
It has a translator to put any text you want into “Snoop Dogg” dialect.
I just thought W’s ramble might be funny.
THAZ whatam talkin’ bout.
A company located in Charelston SC is very interested in hiring me but I’m not to sure about the location. What’s the area like? I’ve never ventured to the south and I don’t know if it would be a good fit for me.
Spent a lot of time in the Carolinas. North Carolina has a very nice liberal community which I have not found in the South. (Charleston would be the closest, but much more limited than the Raleigh-Durham area.) South Carolina doesn’t have the mountains either, but if you prefer the beach it doesn’t matter (it’s hot, and very humid – no real winter). Whereabouts?
It would be in Charleston. The hot, humid and no real winter doesn’t really appeal to me. I couldn’t stand LA in January, I really missed the four seasons. I live in Fargo, ND now and I prefer living in a red state; I like fighting the lies from the belly of the beast.
Oh well, I was looking forward to the chance for international travel, but I would be miserable in that type of climate. Thanks for the answer.
Hagel is considering breaking ranks with a NO vote on Bolton. Rate up the Yahoo story please: GOP Senator May Vote Against UN Nominee down to 3.66 with 395 votes
In better news, we’re kicking ass in Time’s Ann Coulter poll: Does Ann Coulter make a positive contribution to American political culture?
No at 75.5%– Yes 23.4 %, Don’t Know 1.1%. Go ahead and click–tastes great, no calories. How low can she go?
and i just read:
Lugar: Bolton Nomination Likely to Pass Committee
Sun Apr 17, 2:35 PM ET
New allegations of bureaucratic bullying are unlikely to change minds on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations committee over whether to confirm John Bolton as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, the Republican chairman said on Sunday. …
but wouldn’t it be hopeful if at least one of the GOP got the guts to vote against him? Even one would break this dreadful pattern of them voting in hypnotized lockstep, rather than in good conscience. Problem is, bullying is a neocon way of life, so Bolton’s behavior is not going to bother them.
Basically, what we’re going through reminds me of a giant playground full of good kids cowed by a few bullies who beat them up and take their lunch money. When the good kids stand together, the bullies lose their power and slink away. Till that day, I’ll keep praying!
Just had an encounter with my son-in-law, that just left me shaking and near to a heart attack. My son suggested I blog about it as I just don’t know what to do with son-in-law or the situation.
What in the hell do you do when you have verbally abusive son-in-law (15years) that you never wanted your daughter to be with in the first place, but accepted him after many trials and tribulations and then he calls you and your daughter and grand daughter the most insulting names because he is angry.
This was a teenage hookup that could not be stopped.
How do you handle the helpless feeling that you can do nothing, and what you really want is for your daughter to just up and leave him, but know that he won’t let her easily and without a big fight.
So, help, I need some advice here, especially women, tell me what you would do or how you may have dealt with situations of your own, or am I the only one with this sort of problem.
tell us some details?
Like, do you live in the same town, see each other frequently, what are the patterns and dynamics of your relationship, etc.
We live close, I visit and babysit a lot, have been a part of their lives in a lot of ways, due to her youth when she met him, went through many difficult times personally with him reg. these issues. Recently we got to a point where I thought things were better and we were getting along pretty good all things considered.
But still I knew this abusive behavior was going on popping out here and there, He was ordered to counseling for one year, ending last year, things seemed better but his base nature just comes out when he is angry and he seems to have an especially deep seated hatred of women in general, which he covers up most of the time.
Especially I am worried about the effect this is having on my grand daughter, not to mention my daughter and my grand son. But now that the grand daughter is almost teen age, these old feelings of his toward women are surfacing even with me there.
I got angry at him for the names and left immediately, with my heart pounding 90 miles an hour, but that aside, it is the whole general thing and the suffering my daughter,and her kids are going through with this man.
He was ordered to counseling for one year
I do NOT like the sound of that…
Yes ordered to anger management after an incident.
I have suggested and pushed for counseling with both of them for years now and he always says it’s her problem, (my daughters,) and she is the one who needs counseling.
Classic pattern here.
Anger management was a joke as his group was made up of others with the same bent or worse, who played the game to get throught the counseling and even gave him some new ideas he hadn’t thought of before.
It’s hard to give advice without knowing the family dynamics, but I hope talking about it helps.
What, besides his abusive actions, are the major points of contention? Money, unemployment, jealousy?
What does your daughter want to do? It seems to me it’s her decision to make, although the whole family has to suffer.
In your situation, I would want to intercede to protect my daughter and grandchildren. It would drive me crazy not to.
As hard as it is for you to do, you may have to stand back and let your daughter decide. Let her know that you will support her whatever she decides. She’s very lucky to have you.
and I are very close as well as my grandkids. And I support her fully and she knows it. I have no problems with her whatsoever.
I am not sure what the root of the problem is, a little about money but they really are doing fine in that area, but rather it seems to me to be basically he is not a very intelligent man and has a very deep seated distrust of almost everyone and especially women.
He also had a difficult childhood, with single ‘crazy’who was sometimes lesbian and sometimes hetro, mom raising him.
I have intervened in the past, when I could, but that is so difficult to do.
I would really like to have a family intervention, but most of the rest of family are fearful of him and his reactions, he is not a man to be reasoned with and they are not the face up to a situation type.
I talk with him a lot about these things (in a very friendly way) and he seems to be getting them and them boom, he reverts, never know what will trigger.
I have asked them to please let me see them for one day as a happy normal family before I die.
He cannnot drink at all, and we all try to keep him away from any, and his incidents have occurred when he was drinking and blacked out with no memories the next day.
He was not drinking today.
Diane, The first thing you and your daughter need to recognize that the “root” of the problem has NOTHING to do with whatever he says either of you did to set him off. Verbal abusers will always find something wrong with their victims, and put the blame on them for whatever the daily rant is about. “If you wouldn’t do _, I wouldn’t have to yell at you and call you names.”
The panicked feeling you had (heart going at 90 miles an hour)? Your daughter lives a daily diet of that. It’s like living in a fog, always wondering what will trigger the next outburst, and being thankful when it’s directed at someone else for a change.
I’m glad you’ve ordered the book I recommended below. It will help you to understand what’s going on, and hopefully open her eyes to it as well. Good luck to all.
Wow, I’m awfully sorry to hear about this, Diane.
[It was a shock, actually, to find out you had grandkids! For some reason, I just felt like you were around my age (35). I think maybe I just assume that the “cyber” crowd is all my age or younger.]
I unfortunately don’t have much advice to offer. Seems to me like it’s all on your daughter. Does she ever talk about leaving him?
Well I could have great grandchildren since my one grandson is 20, but I am 61 as I’ve said many times.
I know it is a hard situation to give advice, I have been trying to figure out this for years.
They have come to the point of separation many times, but go back together like they are attached with a rubber band.
Problem is when you get together so young, she was 14 when they met, and you start having kids too young and you don’t know anything about the world, and here you are in this mess. She isn’t strong enough and does not have enough self esteem to leave.
My problem is how do I deal with the emotions and helplessness, take up drinking, smoke more, breath deep, what. It’s hard to know what to do and the thoughts are there in your head and you can’t make it go away. With the ‘wisdom of my years’ if that exists, I have seen from the very beginning the progression this would take, but yet hoping against hope that it would change course.
I just wonder how many other parents are going through the same thing I am.
Diane, you and your daughter both need to read this book. Verbal abuse
I cannot tell you how helpful it was in my own situation. It sounds like she will recognize her own life in there, and I hope she has the strength to get out.
Thanks to you for this book suggestion, I have just ordered it. If you (or anyone else) care to send me an email with any more info or advice, please do so.
Thanks also to the others, Booman, Jane and Slakerink who came to my aid last night, it helped to get it out and talk about it, even though it was very hard to do.
If anyone else knows any resources that might help I would appreciate that too.
Glad to see this new blog! I will be dropping by frequently.
Thanks Big Man. Glad you made it.
Diane…you may not want any input from me but I came from an alcoholic and verbally abusive father. Thank God my mom had the courage to divorce him when I was ten. Both your daughter and your grandchildren will suffer greatly the longer she stays there. Your gran daughter is at the age that her self esteem is on puberty shakey ground as it is. For the childrens sake your daughter has to get counseling as this will help her to find the courage to leave. How many times have we all heard the nightmare stories of women being beaten to the ground emotionally, physically and spiritually that still stayed until it was too late. The scars are invisible but run so deep. It sounds like this guy is a timebomb just waiting to go off. Pay attention to your gut. She can have him removed if he has been physically abusive and then have a restraining order filed to keep him away. I so hope they can find the help and the strength to get away. Thank God she has you to help her. So many women stay as they have no where to go. I wish you well.
Yes I do appreciate your input and thank you kindly, I hold no hard feelings against you for our previous disagreements. I hear everything you are saying and I feel the same way. I have encouraged her and them both to go to counseling from the very beginning and did take her myself when she was young.
I know the dangers to them all and if I could I would have him removed.
I have had my own problems with this type of man and I know full well the ramifications and that makes it even harder to bear for me.
Problem is how to get her or them to go to counseling. I just don’t know what to do next. She, my daughter, has been informed by members of the family and I, of all of this as far as abusive relationships, many times and we would all help her if she would leave.
I did order the book Cabin Girl recommended and I will give it to her.
Do you have any suggestions as to how to get her to go to counseling.
Thank you for taking the time to write your comments, I do so appreciate it, from you as well as the others and I have received some emails as well, which I do welcome.
Well, just from my own perspective, its almost like trying to get someone sober. They will get it or they won’t but we can’t make them do anything. I equate the addiction part because that is what it really sometimes is. This is all she knows and probably thought it was normal until you all pointed out to her it was no acceptable behavoir for the husband to treat her in an abusive way. She was so young and emotionally vunerable, The verbally abusive spouse(man or woman) really can just keep whittling away at one’s self esteem until you start to believe the horrible things they say of you. I can remember thinking when I was little that if I could just not be so messy or prettier or smarter(my fathers favorite name for me was stupid idiot)he would stop yelling all the time. I blamed myself and of course know better now.
It is so hard to watch loved ones going through painful life experiences. All any of us can do really is be there when they are ready for the support. I so hope this works out well. Best to you Diane.
I agree totally with what you have commented above. She does btw know that it is wrong, she has always known that, she did not grow up in this way at all.
I have been aware and present on many occasions and tried to mediate when I could but so much more goes on when I am not there.
I have also been working with them (for years now)to try to negotiate agreements and help them to set up house rules, etc. and to try to understand the other better all the things I could think of even adopting some of nanny 911 practices.
Strangely enough he and I get along the best of any members of my family do with him as I have worked so hard to build a relationship so I could help. They both always want me to come over and to be there and even though I sometimes dread it, I do it.
I actually thought he respected me until last night when he said “I don’t want my daughter to grow up to be sl…’s. like you two are and points at my daughter and I.” You can imagine how I felt, because now all of it was personal once again in a big way.
No one has ever used those words to me at least not to my face ( and especially not a family member) and I was just immensely insulted and it brought home to me all the more the terrible situation my daughter and kids are in. The pain I feel cannot be measured.
I told my daughter that I would not speak to him again until he apologizes to me personally. I just hope she can get that same attitude towards him.
Thanks for your good wishes.
You are most welcome.