I would first like to introduce myself I am Brian Hopkins, while being a regular visitor here at BooMan, I am also a regular contributor at UnitedLeft.  Due to the ongoing political strife, with Mark Williams of UnitedLeft, we have formed a new site.  I would like to introduce to the community here at BooMan Tribune DEMBloggers.

First off let me say we are an unaffiliated site.  DEMBloggers is currently a scoop site just like BooMan and DailyKos.  While you will see some similarities you will also find some changes.  Most notably we will be offering videos daily.

Also, we are not competeing with any other blog.  We at DEMBloggers feel there is no way to compete with what is already out there, we are just adding to the already formed community.  

Other changes you will notice is that while we only have two main contributors over at DB we will be promoting individuals to the front page that contribute via diaries.  Also check out our Activism link, this is a one stop for your state and federal government websites.  

So come on over and sign up.  Become a part of this brand new community.