“Ask not what BooTrib can do for you, but what you can do for BooTrib”
–anonymous blogwhore
–anonymous blogwhore
Tell your friends about BT. Add BooTrib to your blogroll. Click on the ads, support our sponsors, write some diaries, share some mojo, help me write my new and improved FAQ, complete with rules and site tips, offer some advice, suggest a way to improve the site, call Tom DeLay an expletive of your choice, or just blab about something in the comments section below.
It’s the 10th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, and there are lots of anti-government and/or white supremacist people who think that day is very important.
To the list below (near verbatim snips from the link to the Denver Post below it), I would add April 19, 1985. That’s when the Covenant, Sword, and Arm of the Lord was stormed by the FBI outside remote Pontiac, Missouri. I was driving out of St. Louis to my hometown, quite close to there, when I heard about it on the radio. I pulled off and asked state troopers, who said it wasn’t in my path.
Next day I went to a press conference out there. The Ozarks are beautiful with dogwoods this time of year, and they were all over the mountains. Above them circled these black helicopters.
Some of those same folks are now over at a white supremacist compound in Oklahoma near the Arkansas border. They call it Elohim City. Google it if you’re interested.
Here’s the Denver Post snips:
# April 19, 1775: The battle of Lexington and Concord, which touched off the U.S. war for independence from England.
# April 19, 1943: Warsaw was shelled and burned by German Nazis.
# April 19, 1992: The government attempted to raid Randy Weaver’s home at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, but the plans were thwarted when concerned citizens arrived with supplies for the Weaver family.
# April 19, 1993: The Branch Davidian raid.
# April 19, 1995: Oklahoma City bombing
# April 19, 1995: Richard Snell (white supremacist) executed in Arkansas after delightedly watching the OKC bombing.
Throughout the afternoon of April 19, 1995, Snell continued to watch television coverage of the Oklahoma City bombing …. At 9:10 p.m. on April 19, 1995, Snell said his last words:
“Justice is on the way. I wouldn’t trade places with you or any of your political cronies. Hail his victory, I am at peace.”
Denver Post:
you’re scaring the crap out of me!
People should keep an eye out for stupid militia types tomorrow. That’s true.
Booman, could you post the code for putting the Booman Tribune link in our sig lines on DK? Maybe just like yours, with a few front pagers listed. Might be good publicity if we all changed it May 1st or something. And ePluribus Media’s fundraiser is up April 30! Thanks!
That code would be:
<a href="http://www.boomantribune.com">Booman Tribune</a>
I’ll drag out my Wonder bra and 3″ stilettos again and bring ’em in.
we’ll have to charge a cover for that…
Vamps have to eat too, ya know.
Bill thinks it is ridiculous that Harvard has disinvited Snoop Dogg because he has lyrics on his latest album that talk about slapping women to keep them in line.
“Ridiculous? You decide.” BO
Anybody else here ever watch “Wire In The Blood” on BBCAmerica … it’s more proof that those Brits are, um, …
Tom Delay is an Asshat.
Marla Ruzicka died Saturday, April 16 when a suicide car bomber blew up his car next to hers in an apparent attack on a nearby civilian convoy on Airport Road in Baghdad. She was 28.
Marla was a friend of mine here in Baghdad. She was a matchmaker, a social hub and the heart of our journo-tribe, both here and in Afghanistan, although she wasn’t a journalist. She was known and loved–sometimes through gritted teeth, admittedly–by the majority of Baghdad, it seems. Everyone knew Marla.[…]
For journalists here, she was our little sister, our masseuse at parties and sometimes our project. For all her energy and good work, she was troubled, telling me over dinner one night about her anxieties and battles with depression. Her mood rollercoasted between mania and tears, and we often felt protective, but also sometimes impatient. Marla, go home; it’s so hard on you–and us, I remember thinking selfishly. I felt this was not the place for DIY therapy, for saving oneself by helping others.
But I think now I was wrong. She helped so many and she was so loved. She died doing exactly what she was born to do, and thousands are grateful to her. Thousands were saved by her. And what have we, the journalists who took her in, done? Compared to the beautiful, sad pixie, most of us are dwarves.
She was so many things to so many people, but for the journalists who knew and loved her she was, ultimately, our heart and our conscience.
We realized something was wrong Saturday when she missed her own party that was to mark the social “coming out” of the Hamra Hotel pool. Some photographers, including Scott Nelson, who is donating any sales of his photos of her to a fund for her families, and me sat around cracking jokes and talking about our friend.
“Every war needs a Marla,” Scott said, referring to her zest for life, compassion, sense of fun and passion for helping people.
“Every war has a Marla,” I said. “It’s Marla.”
Two hours later, we found out she was dead.
What a great loss.
BooMan Tribune is not linked to other like-minded blogs,
not on the Daou report etc. Is linking a problem?
I’m a novice at this, ya know?
Booman, I just got this toolbar yesterday, and I don’t know if you have it or not, but it is very good for tracking web sites, finding ranking, etc. much more. It only works with Explorer, that I can tell so far, but you can use it to check things.
I believe all it takes is a request from you to each blogger to exchange links. I notice you have a long blog roll. These bloggers should be linking to you.
Here’s a link to the Daou Report. Many people check this Report on Salon.com.
You simply submit a BooManTrib story clip with link to this site here http://daoureport.salon.com/about.aspx
Thanks, I sent him an email.
Hope it helps.
Did you see my comment above, the Alexa toolbar has a place to submit review of sites and a lot of other features. It is a site tracking toolbar. DK is listed, Booman is listed but with nothing much there. I tried to submit a review but it said unavailable at this time. So perhaps you could contact them.
there are other ‘left’ blogs that could link this site
as well.
Your readership seems to be growing.
Wishing you every success.
I have a couple of suggestions (I know, when do I not?). Marketing design was my thing at one time, though, so I can’t help it. Blogs are a bit of a different animal, however.
One good way to get links from other blogs is to link to them, not so much on the blogroll but in posts… especially if you word it so that people follow through and click thru to the site, as people get curious about who is you are and follow the links back. Getting into actual conversations with other bloggers helps as well, as people follow the conversation back and forth from site to site.
Just asking for a link sometimes works, too ;).
Also, maybe a gradual dekossification might be beneficial (voluntary,of course). The more original and exclusive material that is here, the more reason for people to come for a visit.
On your ad… when you renew, you might consider a different, more punchy text. I don’t know your space or word limitations, but something like this might work:
What’s up in the world?
What’s up in your backyard?
and most importantly
…What’s up with the frog?
Find out at the Booman Tribune
Progressive news, views and snark – daily.
I readily admit to not being an ad copy writer, but the general idea is there. Short, to the point, using the frog to engage curiousity and hopefully click thrus. Mind you, if you are getting a lot of click thrus from the current one, best advice is to ignore the above.
I’ve offered a few other suggestions from time to time, but they didn’t generate much community interest, and some stuff does require community participation. Other things can be done on an individual basis, such as the sig files, of course, and posting material at other sites (progressive blog alliance, or something… which actually you should join, and there are others like that). With a snarky, engaging tagline, or Top Frog at the Booman Tribune or something like that.
Those ‘meme’ things seem to be all the rage… could also consider starting one of those, as well. Even if you hate the word meme, which everyone really should, I think.
Reading Nanettes comment above I wanted to add to that I have often thought by cross posting articles on DK, traffic is just being driven to that site for comments a lot of time and not here where you want it.
As nanette says above:
The more original and exclusive material that is here, the more reason for people to come for a visit.
So I think it would be better for you, if diary posters that want DK comments would be for them to post links to here in open threads on DK/ and not post diaries both places.
That way you get the built up linking traffic such as DK readers often got to this site.…..Booman,…. which is what Alexa and others like them provide.
Hi, #652 here. That’s right, an honest to ( insert higher power of choice here ) Newbie of the freshest kind. At least for err tonight.
It’s ok to laugh if you think this is cheesey. What about a daily diary whose sole purpose for the day is welcoming newbies? It’d be one way to encourage people to Jump right in, test the waters, squishy mud between the toes sort of thing.
That’s a good idea, JM. Or maybe a weekly open thread topic for newbies to check in and say hi–“New Froggers #650 and up–Represent!” Really a good community builder and a chance for us all to get to know each other as the site grows.
danke. Yours is better, Eleanora. More opportunity to expand in a weekly thread. Tips, tricks, and random bits for spice.
Just a hello to the Booman Tribune folks. Checking out my stylish #658…
zinging back a hello to you 🙂
Just adding my print request to others for regional diary area. Click “West” would get me to “page 2”.
White smoke, no bells yet
It’s the Panzer cardinal! RatZinger. Who is up for taking bets this is the beginning of the end of the church?
I have long been wondering why the posts on dKos and here are referred to as ‘diaries,’ and one fine day I stumbled upon the answer in the dust-covered FAQ of Kuro5hin, the original Scoop-powered site:
They aren’t. Or at least, they weren’t meant to be. The word ‘diary’ refers to a user’s diary page, an addition to which is a ‘diary entry.’ Now that makes a whole lot more sense, no? A diary, in effect, is a personal blog; a diary entry is a post put up on that blog.
Traces of that classic usage still remains both on dKos and here. For instance, the link to ‘Sirocco’s diary’ leads to my diary page, not to any given diary entry.
Having discovered this, I find myself unable to call a diary entry a ‘diary.’ But I realize that my chances of converting others to this usage equals the proverbial snowball’s in Hell, and that I have hereby outed myself as an extraordinary pedant.
However, I’d much prefer the euphemism, ‘purist.’
I don’t see why they use the term ‘diary’ at all, as they are not really diaries but um… um… some other word.