Ah! Good fences make good neighbors! From AP/Yahoo:
“… [H]e feels they need to enter the country the right way, and must not undermine important security issues. He feels that the border needs to be secure.”
.. Schwarzenegger also suggested exploring several policy proposals aimed at addressing illegal immigration, including President Bush’s proposed guest worker program and federal legislation to pave the way for undocumented workers in the United States to attain legal status.
It’s not the first time Schwarzenegger, who emigrated from Austria as a young man, has become entangled in the emotional debate surrounding illegal immigration.
Schwarzenegger has been repeatedly grilled on why he voted for a 1994 ballot measure to deny many basic services to illegal immigrants. Shortly after entering office, he derailed a law that would have allowed illegal immigrants to apply for drivers licenses.
In February, Schwarzenegger endorsed congressional legislation authorizing the construction of a fence along California’s border with Mexico.
Emphases mine.
Does anyone have a sensible plan for what to do about illegal immigration?
It seems to me that everyone just has their head stuck in the sand (on both sides).
I wish I did but seems like politicians just like to piss/moan about it but they know they can’t do anything as big business wouldn’t like this at all. If I do think of a brilliant plan you’ll be the first to know.
It never ceases to amaze me how politicians talk around this issue. With their talk about closing borders, putting up fences or walls when they oughta go to the goddam source. Business big and small who hire illegals so they can save big bucks and pocket the profit(as they never pass it along to the customers it seems).
Every time I hear some Jane or Joe Blow bitch about those dam illegals(taking their jobs at McDonalds or whatever) I mention that maybe they ought to start boycotting or protesting big business and all I get for my trouble is a bunch of either blank looks or downright hostility. Implying I’m some sort of ‘mexican lover’.
Arnie’s history on his own immigration here is a bit murky itself and not on the up/up due to a few irregularities of his own in that area. But hey he’s white and he’s a Mooooovie Star now and can beat up people, call them girlie men and all that so he’s one of the good guys, right? Or maybe he’s just saying this cause he needs some better publicity as he’s going downhill in his poll numbers and bitching about illegals usually is good for a few points.
As long as businesses keep hiring no dam wall will keep anyone out. Unless the vigilante’s start playing One potato-potshot, two potato-potshot..
Where I live we have McMansion after McMansion going up, and I’d bet most of the workers are illegal – as well as all the plow drivers and the yard workers. The town doesn’t care and these companies make a killing. We’re sending all our Middle Class jobs out of the country and nobody wants to work for low income (plus none around here can afford housing at lower wages)- this system has got to collapse onto itself one of these days. Illegals artificially keep things going. They don’t get any sort of insurance, and basically live in squalor. Solutions? I don’t have any, but your’s is a good place to start.
People who keep wanting to blame the illegals I think find it easier to do that than get off their ass and start taking a more active part in the local/state and national government and find out what maybe is really going on.
I referenced this one woman who lives in my small apartment complex before about this. Here’s someone with little education(is now spending her time in sex chat rooms even though she’s married), refuses to register to vote cause she doesn’t want to get called for jury duty, can’t find a job after several months of looking with I think high school education and blames those ‘flip-floppers’ which doesn’t mean Kerry people but Mexicans to her.
When I mentioned that businesses just keep hiring illegals and she oughta start wondering what kind of Americans all these business people are I just kinda get this flat effect…and her talking about the ‘good’ jobs being lost. Yeah those illegals come in here and just take over and start at the top as CEO’s and such.
I’ve been telling my sister for years that the US is going to turn into a giant McDonalds/Casino and motels. The workers will be illegals and we’ll all be living under a bridge. And I saw Smirky McChimp just yesterday on tv talking about the good economy and his pro-growth policies. It’s a wonder my tv isn’t a smoking pile of electrical sparks and broken glass but I controlled myself and didn’t even bother to throw a cuss word his way.
I wonder if your neighbor would take a job that paid minimum wage? With all the additional costs of things like child care, transportation etc.. the only people who can afford to take some of these jobs are illegal workers since they’re usually single men that are easily moved around in one van, don’t mind sleeping several to a room and so on. I do take issue with how they’re treated because by my standards it’s offensive, but if we raise their standard of treatment we will in effect be cutting off their jobs as well. It’s a vicious circle. Many workers are just here to send money home to their families.
Well she probably would as this is a woman who is 47 and never worked/married to a man in his 70’s who used to go to the Holy Roller church(whose told her I’m the ‘right’ sort of person to talk to..meaning that I’m white I’m sure. If he knew my politics I’m sure I wouldn’t be the ‘right’ kind of person at all) and she mostly wants to just get out of the house(course that’s going to cut down on her sex room chat stuff) so she doesn’t have to talk to him according to her. Not that she’s really qualified for anything right now.
This is also the woman who I mentioned yesterday on some diary that caused my jaw to drop a bit when she used the phrase that she wasn’t prejudiced against the ‘coloreds’.
Maybe you could help motivate her by picking up a job application from somewhere and complimenting her on what a great fit she would be to work at such-and-such a place? Give her a bit of prep work on things not to say and send her off into the sunset. (Maybe I just created a hideous image for you – in which case I apologize.)
Well she has put in applications at McDonalds, K-mart, Albertsons, and she’s putting one in for the prison here. She isn’t innately stupid but from her background and the guy she’s been married to for over 20 years and her own complete disinterest in anything political or reading has made her pretty ignorant. Like I said she isn’t stupid just uneducated(and she seems to like it that way). Although she did go take a computer class at community college here for 26 bucks and now thinks she should get some swell paying office job and can’t figure out why no one is hiring her. She was just ranting and raving I guess the other day to her husband that ‘all’ her education was for nothing. The computer class was to learn the keyboard.
I’m handicapped and don’t drive or get out much so doing anything like you suggested isn’t really an option for me.
…so she doesn’t want the low paying jobs – it might come across in her attitude when applying for work. Maybe she’s just scared, if she’s never worked before.
She just wants to get away from her husband. She was 26 when she married him and had not worked before that. Although right now she’s more interested in her sex chat rooms. In the space of 5 days she’s already sent one pix to a guy(whose also married) via snail mail and is thinking of meeting him in Bakersfield and has called his cell phone at least 6 times. Her new computer sits on her kitchen table and she’s on this sex chat line while her husband is just a few feet away in his arm chair watching tv. This is just trouble waiting to happen. Especially as she has said her husband is jealous(and 20 years older)
I think she’s absolutely crazy for doing this but I really don’t know her well at all..she just keeps coming over here every few days to talk to me about this.
Besides no work history she unfortunately had Bell’s Palsy at one time which left her face a little crooked. So her appearance might be a stumbling block to job because people do care about appearances. I don’t notice it anymore but .
Ahnie, Ahnie, Ahnie! You sure do look funny with that bucket on your foot. This one is a wash between “nativists” and Hispanics, so why bring it up? Combined with his other recent utterances this isn’t going to help much. “His spokeperson clarified” is the phrase being seen in article after article.
Right, build a wall. Let’s see, it would only be 2,000 miles long, so it would cost how much? Oh, you want only a partial wall? where? Oh only 300 miles long? Let’s see at $100 per foot that would be only $1,584,000,000.00. simple.
ever since he came to the US, hasn’t he?
call them “special interests”. That’s his code word for anyone who is not one of his corporate donors.
I’m willing to bet this is an effort to stem his fall in popularity. This is a hot-button issue in California and there will no doubt be choruses of, “Yeah!”
I’m one that also sees a problem with illegal immigration, but I know a political maneuver for better poll numbers when I see one. It’s political pandering that will likely do nothing but give him a much needed, but undeserved, popularity boost.
They’re fighting about Arnold and his statements about the borders on “Connected Coast to Coast” (MSNBC) … one pundit just said that Arnold himself violated every visa he ever had. I did not know that.
(They don’t show the name of the pundit at the bottom of the screen so I can’t tell you who it is…. called him Mark.)
His name is Art Torres, not Mark.
Yes he did. It’s all documented how he screwed around and pretty much did everything wrong but then he’s Anuld and became a big star so he got to tell funny stories about it when he was on the Tonight Show. Also how he wrote in one of his early books how he cheated people out of money with a job he had supposedly fixing earthquake damage to people’s roofs.
His partner would go up on roof and literally break stuff up there, come down, tell the people they needed work done and then they’d hire them or rather Arnuld said then they got someone else to fix the roof(heaven forbid he did any real work).
Now he says he just wrote that as a supposedly ‘funny’ story about how he self promoted himself but of course it wasn’t really true…yeah he’s a real scumbag all right.
He’s a con artist, in other words. I wonder if it ever dawned on Maria that he married her for her connections.
Who knows but she recently was quoted as saying something to the effect that she was brought up with the expectation that she would marry some Harvard type guy(she implied wimpy), who played polo, etc or like Kerry but she chose to marry someone who had no aspirations towards politics (ha ha ha ha ha ha) and actually did something..she must have been in a shitty mood that day cause the quote was really rather snotty and snippy….no politics..again..ha ha ha ha ha.