“This bill would increase gas prices,” said Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) just now. Get your talking points to write to your reps and Senators: Pork energy bill sneaks in Arctic drilling (Take action now!). Cross-posted at DailyKos.
“This bill would increase gas prices,” said Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) just now. Get your talking points to write to your reps and Senators: Pork energy bill sneaks in Arctic drilling (Take action now!). Cross-posted at DailyKos.
Rep. Wamp is arguing for Bush’s plan nistead of the House plan! (Republican from Tenn.)
Now Barney Frank is butting in.
Rep. Wamp says it doesn’t extend tax credit to hybrid cars … we need to do more. Nice from a Republican.
ANWR would offset all need for Saudi oil for the next 30 years: Rep. Ralph Hall, R-Texas
There has only been, AFAIK, one test well drilled in ANWR and the results are propietary information.
Someone needs to ask Rep. Hill how he knows it will supply oil for the next 30 years.