Cross posted at Daily Kos

In a surprise move likely to have far reaching implications, Secretary of State Rice has expressed her concern over trends in Russia that do not bode well for democracy.
What were those trends you may ask? Oh, how about:

“The centralization of state power in the presidency at the expense of countervailing institutions like (parliament) or an independent judiciary is clearly very worrying,” Rice said. “The absence of an independent media on the electronic side is clearly very worrying.”

The Star

Now that you’ve stopped spitting out your cheerios, let’s think about that for a second.

Centralizing power in the Presidency?

Score one for Bush

Reducing the power of an independent judiciary?

Score another for Bush

A sham free-press?

Wow, Bush is three for three here. He must be so proud.

Now what was the problem again Condi? Oh right, do as we say, not as we do.

What a joke to have her prancing around the world making pronouncements on democracy. Do you think Putin gets the joke?

One last part before I go back to bed to get away from this nonsense…

“Moscow should make every effort to convince the world that they understand those responsibilities that attend inclusion in organizations such as the G-8,” Rice said. She said the G-8 was intended to be a “a group of democracies” committed to “free-market principles, free trade, the rule of law.”


Rice said the United States was watching carefully whether individual freedom was being eroded in Russia. “I still do think there is a considerable amount of individual freedom in Russia,” she said, adding that U.S. officials have told the Russians “the ability of individuals to coalesce into political groupings is also a test of democracy.”

Shoe on the other foot test:

The US should make every effort to convince the world that they understand those responsibilities that attend inclusion in organizations such as the G-8,” said Chirac

And about those freedoms Condi – does that mean free speech zones will be a thing of the past?