Despite their professed non-partisanship, they are running the following images on their website.
First of all, what does the juxtaposition of those two images say to you?
In any case, they are raising money to run advertisements against Voinovich in Ohio. Listen to one here:
Move America Forward is clearly not non-partisan, and their tax-exempt status is a joke. Here is their Board of Directors and Staff:
The Honorable Howard Kaloogian – Co-Chairman
Melanie Morgan – Co-Chairman
Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson – Board Member
Lew Uhler – Member, Advisory Board
Siobhan Guiney – Executive Director
Sal Russo – Chief Strategist
Take one look at their biographies, and you’ll know they are partisan hacks.
Meanwhile, the Freepers are in an uproar:
Apparently Voinivich is now claiming the Holy Spirit told him to do so.
My response is that it wasn’t the Holy Spirit that urged him to stab his collegues in the back without warning with a lame excuse of not having done his job. If a Spirit was whispering in his ear, it wasn’t one sent by God.
I didn’t think I could despise him more, but pinning his betrayal on the Holy Spirit just sent my anger to a whole new level.
14 posted on 04/20/2005 5:08:00 PM PDT by Soul Seeker Via Freeperville
A job for E Pluribus? Or are BooTribistas ready to rumble?
I see the Washington Note has already looked into this organization, so we have a head-start.
I’d try to say something intelligent but it is hard to with my jaw on the floor.
How the hell do these people sleep at night? This is the most outrageous partisan hackery I have heard in a loooong time. When did investigating an applicant to a job such as the U.N. become treasonous?
At least the Right is so consistent in their politics. We all know how they just got right in line with Clinton and his administration. And there sure wasn’t any criticism of Carter from the Republicans. Yep they sure are consistent. Not hypocritical either. Jackasses.
For starters, they need a decent graphic artist. How amateurish!
you listen to the ad?
That ad is a piece of work. A text version can be found here
I found the following in their FAQs. As if we would stoop so low as to go vote in their poll…
Unfortunately there are people out there who feel threatened by Move America Forward’s grassroots activism and our efforts to bring a message to America. Many of those people would be willing to vote repeatedly in our polls in an effort to damage our ability to determine what issues are most important to Move America Forward members.
Jeeze, I’ve heard about advertising and TV programming aimed at 13 yr olds, but this stuff is about third grade level. Well, maybe a mentally challenged third grader. Honestly, how can anyone with a straight face (or more than three functioning brain cells) make the claim that this group deserves tax exempt status? They have the right to spew any amount of foul smelling Republican crap that they want to… but this group needs to pay taxes, back taxes and penalties.
Why doesn’t everyone join Free Republic and just post the hell out of their site with our side.
I am so tempted, I joined by haven’t posted.
my reply is above, ack.
Because they ban people at the first sign of a central nervous system.
This organization manages to attain a level of professionalism at least as high as that of Talon News (Jeff Gannon’s “employer”).
However, simply being slipshod and playing fast and loose with the truth doesn’t makes something less dangerous.
Ever tried, for example, to read Mein Kampf?
I can’t find them doing a search on the IRS Charity Search* page. Closest is an organization called “Move Forward” out of Elk Grove (a bedroom community south of Sacramento).
Kaloogian is well-known out here as the man that brought Gray Davis down (he’s somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun), Melanie Morgan is a radio “personality”, Russo’s a reep hack. Not familiar with the others. Can’t get too excited about them ’cause “California Republican” is an oxymoron – without the “oxy”. However, now that their little action has gained national attention in the blogosphere, I’d expect fundraising “thermometer” on their front page to reach the top fairly soon.
Why is it that every time they throw meat, we bite? If you want to bite them – challenge their status – read this first. Bottom line:
Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code prohibits the IRS from disclosing whether it has initiated an examination or the results of an examination. Therefore, the IRS cannot communicate with the original source of a referral beyond the acknowledgement letter noted earlier.
To answer your question, maybe but . . .
What are the chances the IRS will go after any conservative movement 501c3 corps? A snowball’s chance in hell.
“First of all, what does the juxtaposition of those two images say to you?”
Oh my God! Kofi Annan is black? Oh, the horror . . . .
My first thought on that picture was that this implies that Kofi Anan is the evil black guy trying to get rid of Bolton-we know how much bushco loves Kofi.
That picture doesn’t even make sense from a message point of view as it’s the Senate committee that is the stumbling block..What’s Kofi got to do with it?(sung to Tina Turners tune of ‘What’s love got to do with it’).
As for Move American Forward, of course their partisan and shouldn’t be exempt but our reality based world tells us that that ain’t gonna happen.