Kramer: “I’ll tell ya who’s an attractive man: George Will.”
Elaine: “Well, he’s smart.”
Kramer: “No, I don’t find him all that bright.”

George Will has the bearing, temperament, and wardrobe of a serious and thoughtful man. But it’s all a mirage. Every column he writes contains some major logical fallacy or some grossly unfair characterization of facts or motives. You could teach a journalism class dedicated to finding the fake crutch Will uses to construct his arguments. Today he takes on what he calls ‘therapism’. He claims, “the “caring professions” have a professional stake in the myth that most people are too fragile to cope with life’s vicissitudes and traumas without professional help.” And he concludes, “national enfeeblement must result when therapism replaces the virtues on which the republic was founded — stoicism, self-reliance and courage.”

To prove his point he leads with this:

It hurt her feelings, says Jane Fonda, sharing her feelings, that one of her husbands liked them to have sexual threesomes. “It reinforced my feeling I wasn’t good enough.”Wash Post: Free Reg


Now, I’m not an orgy guy. I can’t get with all the oils, and lotions, not to mention the gold jewelry. I have nothing against people that like to invite a third or fourth person into their bed, but it’s just not my thing.

George Will seems have a much more open mind. He equates Jane Fonda’s discomfort with her husband’s practice of insisting on group sex with some kind of symptom of national enfeeblement. Apparently, the proper response to such a request from your husband is a stoic resignation, combined with a touch of courage. In fact, as Jane should have known, bottling up your feelings, and submitting to unwanted group sex is good for your mental health:

From childhood on, Americans are told by “experts” — therapists, self-esteem educators, grief counselors, traumatologists — that it is healthy for them to continuously take their emotional temperature, inventory their feelings and vent them. Never mind research indicating that reticence and suppression of feelings can be healthy.

George Will sure looks sharp in his custom tailored suits, bow-tie, and designer glasses…but I gotta agree with Kramer…”I don’t find him all that bright.”