Racism is alive and well in America. Care to take a look?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Umm, no Mexicans are probably still a bit peeved about losing CA, NM, AZ, TX to the US back in the day.
And it’s funny, because the exact same topic was raised by the Toronto Star last week and it was presented in celebratory terms… ya know, what the US is supposed to stand for… epluribus unum and all that jazz?
She already is a racial minority — in the world.
But, then, the sorts of people who put out these things don’t want to look outside narrow nationalistic borders. They forget (if they ever knew) that, unless their ancestry is all and only Native American, they are the children of immigrants. And that within living memory immigrants from places like Ireland, Italy, Poland, among other countries, were denied housing, employment, and rights because they were the fearsome others.
Um, it’s not about immigrants. It’s about race, so there is no forgetting going on here. I have no doubt that these guys find Native Americans just as threatening and inferior as Mexicans, Africans, etc. etc.
Like so much rightwing propaganda, this thing reveals more than it intends: being a racial minority in America is a fate too horrible to contemplate.
Attacks on immigrants in this country have always also been about race. The discrimination of the late 19th and early 20th centuries routinely conflated European immigrants with undesirable racial characteristics.
That’s just what I was thinking about when I saw this. That the underlying theme on becoming a minority is somehow to awful to contemplate and why is that I wonder. I thought all minorities got to live high on the hog with their preferential treatment and welfare checks, affirmative action, free health care and all that, right?
Reminds me of a half-remembered story about a college prof who followed up a heated discussion about how minorities were getting all the advantages with a thought experiment. What if I could turn you into a black person, he asked. What would it cost to get your permission to make you eligible for all that preferential treatment? There was only one offer: $5 million, cash.
That’s so freaky, I’m struck dumb.
(At least they have a better graphic artist. Smirk.)
Holy cow. That’s a nice resume. Is he an opportunist?
Born in Japan, educated at Yale, and somehow still became a nativist white nation asshole.
Apparently Joe Scarborough considers him an expert.
Sometimes those educated types cynically use the dumb masses for their own enrichment, or advancement, or the perverse pleasure they may derive from shocking their intellectual equals … they don’t so much buy into the crap they’re peddling but they know the dumb masses will buy it hook, line and sinker.
How do people like this function in society? There are no adjectives I know that could describe that site. ‘Republican Jesus’ talking about Satan’s Filibuster… and you can buy ‘Republican Jesus’ mugs. That’s like a bad SNL skit. OK, I admit it, I laughed so hard I almost peed myself… maybe a good SNL skit.
director Roger Vadim
Consider the source. The link is to an article on Common Dreams describing this idiot:
I feel so enlightened now, knowing that out among the people is a man with such foresight, and insight into harmonious interpersonal relations! Gosh. How could I have gotten this far in life and not run across this person? Makes me want to run out and buy “The Classic David Duke Collection”. </snark>
It is the blessing and curse of this medium that a megalomaniacal fascist can garner so much publicity. And as the hard right knows, all they have to do is throw some meat to the lemmings.
I have been waiting for the introduction into the mainstream of blatant racist propaganda. It just follows the memes of repression/suppression/control. Now it is admitted.
Good grief! Call it for what it is. Racism, racism, racism. Bigotry. Intolerance. Hatred.
And yes, all they do is incite people’s fears, manipulate people for their own ends. For all those willing to give this a hearing, shake them up a little. Call them puppets, for that is what they are.
As a thought. these promoters of “whiteness” ought to have a turn at living in a black community, a black culture, a proud black culture. Send them down here to the Caribbean. With their extremist attitudes and superiority, however, they probably wouldn’t learn anything. I think they are the ones I see huddled in a sea of white bodies (attempting to get brown, mind you) clustered before the bar, while a mile of palm-shaded beach goes unexplored and they fail to mingle with the West Indians.
The real puppet show begins.
Racism has nothing to do with the color of one’s skin… it’s often confused that way because racism in America does seem to be along physical attribute lines.
Here in Romania there’s some racism against ethnic Hungarians. But if you took a plane across the Atlantic and landed here, you couldn’t distinguish a Romanian from a Hungarian.
Or a Serb from an Albanian. Or a Macedonian from a Bulgarian. Or a Russian from a Ukrainian. Or a Tamil from a Sinhalese. Or an Arab from an Iranian. Etc, etc.
Racism isn’t about “color”, it’s about culture. That’s something I learned the hard way back in the States. When one culture feels dominated, threatened or attacked by another culture, feelings of hate grow from that.
People often say that hate must be taught. That’s true. The opposite is also true, that love and appreciation for people who are different from us must be taught as well.
It’s easy to sit here and judge that ad pretty harshly but it doesn’t do much to stem the problem. YOU know what to do, it’s just hard to do. Next time you hear someone make a racist comment, say something about it. Say it with love, not with an equally harsh judgemental tone as the original comment. Is it easy to do? No, not usually. But is it worth it? Yes it is.
I agree with your sentiment. This guy is, however, making appearances on Cable News as an expert. See: Ornicus.
Television? I gave up on television years ago.
What I mean by that is that you can get as outraged as you want at TV programs, whether this jerk or Jerry Springer or anyone else. It just fuels the ratings and prestige for the person you’re trying to minimize and doesn’t change anyone’s mind.
I’m sorry this guy is getting airtime. But then again I’m sorry Jerry Falwell is on free TV in almost every city in the States.
That website is really something and if you start reading some of the comments on the articles be prepared to go puke overload at the blatant stupidity and propaganda these people buy into concerning minorities.(like how Rodney King deserved to be beaten)
Yeah those friction causing racial groups on campus are real pieces of work all right, wanting equal and fair treatment and all…geezzz the idea. What do they think this country is anyway, some bastion of democratic ideals. Silly people.
I’m just to disgusted by such fucken blatant goddam racism/stupidity and bigotry that I really don’t know what to say thats printable.
Does that mean they will soon be promoting incest only reproduction? Reminds me I haven’t visited the Darwin awards lately. Maybe some of these yahoos made it to the recent selection.
shift, both in the US and in Europe. Ethnicity will be a major front in the impending domestic conflict in the US.
Well, the snakes are slithering out from under the stones all over the place this week. I’m pretty much speechless.
The thing I find sad and scary about this, is that it’s really not so stunningly different from the kind of sentiments on immigration that are quite often expressed by people who would position themselves as liberals — it’s more overt, yes, but the difference is one of degree, not of kind.