Scott Ritter says June. I say when the Michael Jackson trial ends. Regardless of who’s right on that one (or maybe we both are, Jackson prosecution will reportedly close next week) it is clear that Washington has already begun the process of expanding the crusade theatre to include Iran.
Iran is about 3 times the size of Iraq, with about 3 times the population. It also has an air force, and has not been operating under starvation sanctions for the past dozen years.
The US has been conducting various “operations” in Iran for decades.
Its population, while divided on most questions of domestic politics, are unified in their lack of enthusiasm for being invaded by the hordes of torturers and sexual predators that currently hold the position of American goodwill ambassador and spreader of, among other things, the US version of “democracy.”
The Times wrote in an introductory note that names of participants in the overthrow were digitally edited from the report “after consultations with historians who believed there might be serious risk that the families of some of those named as foreign agents would face retribution in Iran.”
Cryptome has recovered the majority of the edited text of the files and is publishing the report unedited except for unrecoverable redactions, and Sections IX and X as well as four appendices which were not edited. Restored text is shown here.
In a previous diary, I included a poll on the question of just how Washington planned to staff this ambitious project – remember the US is also currently occupying Afghanistan, Iraq, and to a lesser extent, Pakistan and the Philippines, as well as maintaining a healthy gaggle of gunmen in Korea and in Europe.
The US has stripped the shelves of commercial gunmen, and in order to secure significant numbers of expendables from any other country, it is currently in a rather awkward position. It would effectively have to invade and occupy, say, France or Germany in order to secure its German or French assets to deploy in Iran, thereby requiring even more expendables.
Yet, the stage is set, and the sets are being rolled out.
Like the follow-up hit of a mediocre pop band, the DC warlords are strumming out the same old riffs, Iranian “exiles,” clambering over each other like eager little puppies, yipping about “weapons.” (It is a given in the mind of the American public that the privilege of self-defense and possession of weapons therefor, can be granted only by the US, by divine right.)
There are the poor deluded rentaKurds, obediently scampering around Iran as their cousins were doing in Iraq back in the winter of ’02, clinging to the foolish hope that Uncle Sam will really come through with the sweets this time.
There is the ritual banning of pitiful declawed Al Jazeera, just in case it has any reporters with more integrity than attachment to life and limb yet, the routine joint “military exercises” with Israel, Rummy in Azerbaijan, lining up his bases, his ducks, did he stop in Tashkent for a snuggle with Karimov to line up some boiling vats, too? The Uzbek press is understandably reticent on this and all other subjects.
News of the letter led to riots, 340 arrests and 5 deaths in Ahvaz, capital of Khuzestan. Khuzestan has 90 percent of Iran’s oil production, 8 percent of total global reserves.
Today I dug around a bit to find the source of the forged letter, and learned that the letter was first published right here in Britain on the website of the newly-founded British Ahwazi Friendship Society (BAFS) and then broadcast into Khuzestan over BAFS’s own in-house Al-Ahwaz TV into Iran. It was also provided to Al-Jazeera, which has now had its southern Iran operations closed down while the events around the forgery are investigated.
It could all be coincidence, of course, but I kept digging.
The timeline is very intriguing. . . . link
The Marines simulated an armed assault from the sea while IDF forces maneuvered inland until the two forces met.
Military sources said the operation was code named “Kaya Green.” Troops were delivered by LCVs (hovercrafts) which also unloaded Humvees.
The Marines of the Sixth Fleet specialize in extraction operations to evacuate US personnel and conduct such exercises periodically in Israel.
According to local reports, during his roughly three-hour visit Rumsfeld met with his Azerbaijani counterpart Defense Minister Safar Abiyev and addressed Azeri peacekeepers in Iraq and the current pace of settlement talks regarding the Karabakh conflict.
While brief, the trip generated huge interest among Azerbaijani media, with some reports calling the visit “shrouded in secrecy.” Local analysts blamed the suspicion on recent international speculation that the United States seeks to establish a major military presence in Azerbaijan. The so-called Caspian Guard will reportedly be headquartered in Baku and comprised of American troops trained for rapid response missions for regional crises.
So how do they intend to pull this off? It is unlikely, and possibly logistically impossible, to repeat the Iraq modality exactly.
More probable: the classic and timeless Mission Creep. As the twitching fingers of a besotted youth inch downward from the shoulder of his blushing dance partner sneak stealthily toward their plum, inviting goal, so will the “consultants,” the “exiles,” the “special forces,” and of course, the hapless Kurds, tiptoe gently onto the sand and stone of Darius’ old stamping ground. Yes, Iran is not without a little knowledge of empire itself…
That still leaves the question of staffing. While “nuke em all” may be popular with the American public, it will be less so with American corporate executives, for obvious reasons.
How quickly can the US implement a program of impressment of sufficient rigor to provide the large numbers of expendables needed? Not quickly enough, and the top gunmen don’t want it. Hard enough to operate a crusade, they say, without having to operate it using battalions of unwilling, hostile youths who are thrust into the theatre without the necessary “training.”
The ace in the hole has always been the Indian army, but no matter what the honorarium, this could create some unintended domestic consequences for India, a country with a sizeable Muslim population, few of whom support US foreign policies.
There is always the option of a second Unity Operation, but my speculation is that opinion on this is divided even within the warlords’ lair.
What do you think?
They’ve got all these Air Force and Navy guys sitting around with not much to do. One could pretty much pulverize Iran from carriers sitting out in the Med. And don’t forget, the Israeli army and air force will also lend a hand because it will start with a “provocation” of some kind, seemingly coming from Iran or Syria. When Israel is attacked, the recruiter’s offices should have a bonanza of Christian soldiers lining up for the final crusade. Whoopie, we’re all gonna die for Jeezus!
will you ever give us a clue about your own ethnicity? Or is that in the vault?
Therefore I do not make personal info publicly available.
However, you will have noticed that I more than compensate for this by being very generous with my opinion on any and all subjects, nor am I afraid of using too many adjectives, and only Albert Jabara can legitimately be accused of more florid prose, thus, the net benefits for you, the consumer, are much more abundant, you can know me far better than you would if I wrote long treatises including shoe size, blood type, and spirit vs physical hair status percentages 😉
I’m still not sure whether DTF is a he or a she! And it really doesn’t matter. I think one of the bonuses of vitural communication is that we are all reduced to pixels on a glowing screen. It is our minds that we share without regard to race, color, creed, etc. We don’t have the indulgence of making snap impressions based on whether a person’s shoes are polished or if they have nicely manicured nails. We don’t get to access a person’s worth by their accent. All class distinctions go out the window — and good riddance! It’s mind-to-mind, baby! And that’s all we ever are in any empirical sense.
All the same, I’d like to know, too. (blush)
I would no longer surprise me if they invade yet another country – is this why they put Wolfowitz in the World Bank? Instant funding?
I do not believe that with the the US forces already severely overtaxed, combined w/ an economy that is, at best, unstable, that an outright invasion, especially one that would involve large numbers of ground forces, is likely.
If indeed there is an opening of hostilities w/ Iran, it would require a proxy force of more substance than that of the Kurds, and it would appear that they have their hands full with the situation in Iraq and the looming presence of Turkey, with whom they have a long history of dispute. That being said, Turkey may be able to be restrained through the influence of the EU, which it desperately wants to join. The EU on the other hand are very unlikely to view another US misadventure in the region favorably and even more unlikely to provide any significant support, or cover, politically, physically or monetarily.
India? I cannot concoct a scenario where they would be involved,
perhaps you could expand on that comment.
The most likely scenario, in my mind, is an air war initiated thru some ” Gulf of Tonkin”-esque subtrefuge that would provide Israel with an excuse to,once again, bomb the nuclear facilities with the US providing support. If they happened to hit some other targets – “collateral damage”.
I would posit however that if they’re thinking that this is going to be another “easy” war that they are very much mistaken. Your point that Iran has a viable military that has not been eroded by decades of sanctions and “no-fly” zones is well taken. They also possess a formidable arsenal of very sophisticated weaponry, courtesy of gee-duh-bya’s pal pootie. Most notably, some very wicked anti-ship missiles, think EXOCET on steroids, that according to Janes and other sources are 10 yrs. ahead of all current defense systems employed by the US fleet. These missiles.
[ sunburn was first and there is now a second generation version]
may be launched from aircraft or land based mobile platforms, and w/ a range of 200 mi. This point being that their presence places the US fleets in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman in the unpleasant position of “ducks on a pond”.
This has gotten to long so I will not address the economic ramifications that such an invasion might unleash, other than to say: Can you spell “CHINA”?
Iran is unflat. In fact, to put it in language Chimpy might understand, Iran is double plus unflat.
Though I can see picking off the flatlands, that’s where the goodies are. Nice pickup by DTF on the preliminary work being done to justify peeling off the Arab provinces. How the heck they’ll come up with an excuse to grab the North East I don’t know, maybe liberate the tomb of Imam Reza (actually the “z” is a velated “d”, but use the “z” if you are asking directions.)
I don’t have anything insightful to add to this as I’ve kinda been sticking my head in the sand so to speak on the idea that bush will be crazy enough to invade Iran.
But that’s probably the operative word,’crazy’…and I’m afraid it is altogether possible. I’ll have to rely on your diaries on this, Ductape, to keep me informed. And I can’t even begin to imagine what will happen in the world if he does.
In full agreement here, for what it’s worth. Hard to know what the totally insane may do next. Especially the heavily armed insane. I can kind of see them forcing a war soon though, to draw attention from the ongoing domestic agenda. And of course, there is oil. And the crusade mentality.
dtf, i’ve been following this story with interest, from an anti war stance i think it is THE most important issue at present. this thread mentions “collateral damage” if this happens and we all know what that means
like dada, i’m interested by your comments about india, is that just musing on your part or do you actually have something ?
meanwhile in case anyone missed it i’d highly recommend micheal klare’s recent article Oil, Geopolitics, and the Coming War with Iran which for me does a good job of explaining the oil angle on all of this.
please keep posting your thoughts on this dtf