Unlike Ronald Reagan and John Paul II, the vice president and the new pope do not have large-scale charisma or sunny faces to soften their harsh “my way or the highway” policies. Their gloomy world outlooks and bullying roles earned them the nicknames Dr. No and Cardinal No. One is called Washington’s Darth Vader, the other the Vatican’s Darth Vader.
Maureen Dowd
Maureen Dowd
Did anyone else happen to read that Bush listed on his tax return his home address as a po box in Chicago? There has to be some sort of tax reason advantages to him but if he can why not everyone?
Or was this already mentioned and I missed it?
onworld-hed&ctrack=2&cset=true link to article on bush’s po tax address in Ill.
It’s because of the blind trust his assets are in, which I think is required of all Presidents holding assets,so the adddress of the administrator of the blind trust would be his. I hope someone will add info to this . There are other office holders (such as VP)who are required to do this but don’t know the details.
Saleh Ibrahim’s car was shot from behind, similar to Sgrena’s car. The surviving photographer’s name was Mohammed Ibrahim – no relation.
“A special correspondent for The Washington Post in Mosul, Dlovan Brwary, reported that U.S. forces had surrounded the Yarmouk area in Mosul when the two men
[AP reporter Saleh Ibrahim and photographer Mohammed Ibrahim] went to the scene and photographer Ibrahim got out of the car to take photos.
When the Americans began shooting in the air, the wounded photographer later told Brwary, he “ran immediately to the car, but the Americans shot toward the car.”
The correspondent reported that the car’s windows were broken and that Saleh Ibrahim had been sitting in the back seat. Brwary and four other Iraqi journalists were later briefly detained by U.S. soldiers at the hospital, he said.”
Take the test.
My answer (why am I not surprised?):
The Vampire Novel
Hmm, very interesting! You scored 135!
People are addicted to you, as you make such entertaining and sexy reading material. You get people’s imaginations flowing and make for the type of book people want to read more than once. Cults have been inspired by the likes of you.
The Warm Cozy
Hmm, very interesting! You scored 125!
Well liked, and so well loved that the binding is worn through. Strong character is the driving force of the story and indeed what draws such high sales. A little suspense spices up a predictably happy ending, so you make for great reading on a rainy day in front of a roaring fire – very cozy indeed. People are known to pack you in with their luggage because they want a real treat while on holiday. A warm cozy is always good company. Agatha Christies Death on the Nile……..
Personality wise, I’d rather spend time with someone like you than me. My answer from my test sounds like an accurate description of my book, The Mystery of the Haunted Vampire, but not so much me. Personally, I think I’m the reclusive hermit Silas Marner.
Thanks for that.
Whenever I see your name I think of Carnack the Magician, as in Johnny Carson, but I picture you as semi or generally serious in the role, with a few breaks here and there to drop a little humor and wisdom. I was surprised at your age, which I recall is mid 30’s, I assumed you to be elderly like me….slight chuckle there…based on your comments where you often drop cluster bombs on us masses.
I am a reclusive hermit also,these days, but I don’t know a literary figure to compare. Just love being alone, nothing makes me happier, well almost nothing…….
I’m 40 although there are days I certainly feel elderly. Playing chase with the girls the other day in the yard, I was out of breath and said, “Stop, Daddy needs a break.” My oldest, 7, replied, “No heart attack breaks, old man” and resumed the chase.
Visits to white house:
Perhaps more notable than the frequency of his attendance, however, is several distinct anomalies about his visits.
Guckert made more than three dozen excursions to the White House when there were no scheduled briefings. On many of these days, the Press Office held press gaggles aboard Air Force One—which raises questions about what Guckert was doing at the White House.
On at least fourteen occasions, Secret Service records show either the entry or exit time missing. Generally, the existing entry or exit times correlate with press conferences; on most of these days, the records show that Guckert checked in but was never processed out.
In March, 2003, Guckert left the White House twice on days he had never checked in with the Secret Service. Over the next 22 months, Guckert failed to check out with the Service on thirteen days. On several of these visits, Guckert either entered or exited by a different entry/exit point than his usual one. On one of these days, no briefing was held.
“I’d be worried if I was the White House and I knew that a reporter with a day pass never left,” one White House reporter told RAW STORY. “I’d wonder, where is he hiding? It seems like a security risk.””