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Deadwood Nuggets

  • It was estimated that 90% of women living in Deadwood in 1876 were prostitutes.
  • In 1876, the lawless town of Deadwood averaged a murder a day.Image Hosted by
  • According to eye witnesses, Wild Bill Hickok could hit a dime tossed into the air nine out of ten times; he could knock an apple from a tree with one shot and then hit the apple again with another bullet before it hit the ground, all at 25 paces.
  • In 1876, the presidential election was won by Rutherford Hayes defeating Samuel Tilden by only one electoral vote (185-184). The election was very controversial and the major issue of the time was corruption.
  • Rumor has it that the tradition of spreading saw dust on the floors of bars/saloons started in Deadwood due to the amount of gold dust that would fall on the floor. The saw dust was used to hide the fallen gold dust and was swept up at the end of the night.

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Episode 20: Childish Things

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThis Sunday Francis Wolcott [PHOTO LEFT] offers on a rich claim operated by two ornery brothers, and reports to Hearst on their progress overall.

Nuttall proudly unveils his new “Bone-Shaker” bicycle – but some doubt he can ride it.

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Swearengen and Bullock discuss alternatives to annexing the Hills to Dakota.

Miss Isringhausen [PHOTO RIGHT] strikes a deal with Swearengen.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usAlma receives proposals from both Martha Bullock [PHOTO LEFT] and from Ellsworth.

Merrick’s new office mate is a Russian telegraph operator, and Stubbs has two unexpected visitors at the Chez Ami.