Remember how outraged the Republicans were over the Clinton-Whitewater issue? The thought that the Clintons were involved in a ‘money-making’ scheme before they came to the White House was so corrupt and immoral?
And yet Cheney has a direct connection with Halliburton and the millions (billions) of dollars that Halliburton has squandered in the illegal war in Iraq and he doesn’t even get a slap on the wrist.
Democrats should be able to smack down all of the illegal endeavors of Bushco and yet nothing happens. The Rule of Law is on our side, right? I am so disgusted, outraged and flabbergasted at the lack of protest against most of Bushco’s actions.
We spend most of our days here on Kos ranting and raging, but nothing is changing, nothing. We have started attacking each other and spouting so much religious crap/arguments and spilling our personal guts which only exposes our weaknesses.
Where is the strength of the Left? Why are we so unable to Fight Back? Where are the revolts and uprisings? Where are the sit-down strikes and riots?
We, as Americans have more to be angry about now then at any other time in my life time. I don’t get it. And because I don’t get it I’ve been looking in tin-foil areas for explanations, like RFIDs, mind and crowd control, HAARP, cults etc., I want to blame something on our ineffectiveness. I don’t want to blame US. But even the Democratic leaders have been rendered nearly useless.
Maybe it’s the lack of MSM and we are not hearing about the background fighting in America for us.
Maybe we really do not care enough..
I need an explanation and cannot find one except that we as a group are just whiny weaklings.
Will someone please prove me wrong? Please?!!
rosee, I knew you would finally get to the bottom line, and leave the tin-foil behind.
The bottom line is, America has no balls anymore. Most people are too interested in their own “personal” endeavors, to join ranks of any type, shape, or form, to battle what’s happening.
America has lost it’s comradory, bottom line.
Yes these blogs are a great place to disect bills, media flash’s, backgrounds of the players. But unless the country stands as a whole, it will wither on the vine.
The only thing we have right now is some sort of voice, and that voice must NOT be muffled. So we MUST continue to bring light onto these issues, even if it’s just a little light, more and more will listen, and when it comes time to stand at the polls, we’ll see then.
Stay the Course, it’s all we have.
I have been saying this EVERY time a new outrage/lie/scandal comes up. And then there are a few comments here or a Kos that we need to protest this crap. Then nothing. I agree with Infidel that we are a society of “me” people and if something does not effect people directly its an oh well attitude.
Here is a prime example. 9 fucking 11! a president, three days after the attack says, this is horrible, we will hunt them down and kill these terrorist now go out and act normal, go fly, spend your money, blah blah blah. And the sheep did it.
A few months later down in Texas same Preznit says we will get OBL dead or alive, “Now watch this drive” and he goes and plays golf. Sets the example I would say. We as a nation have been apathetic for a very long time. Jesus half the registered voters in this country don’t even bother to vote.
I will tell you WE NEED TO BE ON THE STREETS. Now here is a bright note. One of the news reports last night was about recruiters having a difficult time enlisted kids(thank God). The really bright spot was they showed large protests at some college campus chanting get out of our school. I think each day the public may be waking up a little more at a time. Too slowly for me but hey…I just woke up a year and a half ago. If you build it they will come. We need strong organizers. I will be there for sure. I just hope the revolution starts before its too late.
I think protest is growing but you’d never know it if you read the local newspapers or get your news on tv. That’s a lot of the problem, I talk to people all the time who are outraged and don’t realize that anyone else it! When you think it’s only you or a few malcontents it keeps you from acting. Or at the least discourages you.
The newer crack down on public protest scares people too, Bloomberg and his ilk simply refuse to allow marches. And people are scared, not a lot of people are ready to go to jail. And when they do there is barely a paragraph of notice in the media so it seems a useless sacrifice. (Not saying it is useless, just that at the moment it feels that way.)
We need to seize the media but I’ve no idea how. Also the economy works against us is some ways. One side, most of us are so overworked and worried about the next weeks bills it’s hard to blow off a day of work to protest. Short sighted or not, those of us with minimal jobs really have to think about that. Another side, as the economy gets worse and worse we’ll have less to lose and more time to express our anger? Sorry I’m not more organized with this comment.
Mentioned your diary here.
Thanks- and yours is excellent!!
amazes me is how effective it is to have an all volunteer army.
If we had to draft our soldiers for duty in Iraq, Grenada, or Panama, we would never have gone there.
Until the soldiers and their families get fed up, I doubt America is going to take to the streets.
God I hope that day comes. I was just watching, and Peter Maguire, author of “Facing Death in Cambodia” was on. He’s taught at Columbia, etc…. anyway, in the Q&A period, he was talking about the stress on our soldiers that the Iraq war is creating.
He talked about a Special Forces soldier who is a friend of his… the guy is so bright that Maguire got him into graduate school at Columbia. But, just as the guy was ready to move to NYC, he got called up again for his third tour in Iraq. Maguire said that, of course, that’s what the soldier had signed up for, but.
And I wish I could remember where I heard someone talk about the toll on special forces troops … they’re trying to get out, they’re developing all sorts of problems, even their suicide rate has gone up. I find it particularly astonishing that a special forces soldier would commit suicide since they’re so carefully screened and so well-trained to give them a great mental and physical toughness. That’s, as they say, a “tell.”
the all volunteer army is becoming semi-conscripted at this point. And that creates a lot of strain.
But overall, I’d prefer a national service requirement of 2-3 years to the current system.
Our armed forces should be representative of the country as a whole. And we should never use them without the widest possible consent of the people. The way we do it now just invites abuse.
I really believe we would not be in Iraq today if we had a national service requirement.
So very true Booman
A draft changes the perspective of middle and upper class families. Suddenly it is their children fighting and being wounded and dying.
The select few got special treatment in the later years of Vietnam. Suddenly others went because most ‘ain’t no Senator’s son’.
Compulsory national service could be the answer. Part of the tin foil hat here says that special groups would be set up for the senator’s kids…