We all know about the Catholics, after all the media has taken an interest (as it should) – and I would maintain that this was done primarily to deflect the attention away from Iraq. After all stories of child abuse, more often than not sexual, abound among religious organizations, yet why did they just pick the one organization. My guess is that, foreign rule and anti-Catholic sentiment aside, it is the biggest one and therefore had the ability to occupy the news ad infinitum, which it did. Yet other instances occur with alarming regularity, which are little more than a fleeting blip in the media universe.
What is most sickening within these moral bastions is that victims are not allowed to discuss abuse within their own organizations, let alone the outside world. Those that do are punished.
Often it’s schools that provide a safe haven for the perpetrators, especially when the children in question have had troubled lives to begin with.
These cases are among almost all Christian faiths from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Mormons, to the Baptists, the Anglicans, the Presbyterians, the Lutherans, etc, etc… I have my computer full of this stuff.
Somehow they manage to get away with this, with their immoral leaders trying to force their regressive culture onto the rest of us – encouraging violence against those that disagree. Even if a lot of this is in the public domain, it is still hushed by the media. I would go so far as to say the media is criminally negligent.
It’s time we use their tactics against them. We need to break them by getting them into the news on a regular basis. We need to picket their facilities, and draw attention to their crimes until they are entirely discredited. Until then, let’s just say they’re the ones with the momentum.
Breaking the code of silence is always the first step. Whether the abuse is from a Church official or within a church going family, the cover-up is ongoing and needs to be revealed.
Last week at DailyKos I wrote my own story as a victim of abuse and Mormons. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/4/21/205014/778 Use what you will and feel free to contact me if you would like more info.
The Code of Silence needs to be broken and I am here with you.
The media will not cover this – as much as we would like them too – except in isolated cases. We need to change the mind set to ‘victims of abuse’ not church bashing. The media, and a lot of the public, does not know how to cope with the idea of children as victims – they will remain in denial.
Wow, that’s some post – it must have been quite horrible for you.
For curiosity sake I started collecting these things when the Catholic scandal broke and was hoping that they would all go down – but no such luck.
I think there is a certain type of person, very unsure about human relationships – more likely than not abused – who gravitates to power positions in religious organizations. It’s a safe haven for them – not that they give it much taught – it’s that they feel comfortable there. (In the Middle ages murderers would join the church (as monks) in order to avoid prosecution, because the worst the church would do to them is excommunication.)
Thank you for reading the diary – I have truly made peace with my past. Now I fight for the future of other children. The hardest part was to post something so publicly – despite psuedonyms – it was still a larger group than I have ever addressed.
I have found that many senior leaders in organized religions are truly in denial that such things happen in their congregations or by their leaders.
Also so many times the average person is also in denial – exclude or avoid the victim. There is a lot of see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil attitude in society. I’ve always equated the 3 monkey statue with organized religions.
I was physically sickened by this video of the 5 year old girls [arrest in handcuffs http://www.tampabays10.com/news/news.aspx?storyid=13475
] The female host was visually horrified ass this asswipe “spinned” that this was somehow acceptable behavoir of TWO TEACHERS AND THREE POLICE.
The little girl was set up … why the hell would they arrest her at the time she was sitting quietly? Where is the rest of the tape?
There was no excuse and the supervisors should be immediately arrested themselves. Children are children and not adults!!!! They are not to be judged by the same rules.
As many times I would have loved the “discipline” a howling child in the mall … but I know that they are children and if there is any blame for their misbehavoir… I blame the parents.
How are we to be a compassionate society that suposedly protect children, when teachers and police act abhorrently with the blessing of the media and administrators.
If you haven’t see this watch it and listen to the school board nazi saying that this will be par for the course in schools from now on.
…before even clicking on the link … something told me that this could not have been a white child. What a visual for balck children in the US … you will never be safe… in this country.
This is a vast subject, and it’s hard to get beyond the knee jerk reaction that anyone who reports these crimes is “bashing religion”. Look at the uproar over Jon Krakauer’s book Under the Banner of Heaven-a great book by the way. The more authoritarian the church, or any social structure is the more liable to abuse of that authority. I’m not sure if it’s another case of “power corrupts” or whether abusers are drawn to these institutions. I don’t know why the Catholic Church is singled out more often, perhaps it’s as you say or it may be that once a few stories got out it was easier to get some more into print. If we can get some attention focused here it might help chip away at the wall. I hope so.
It’s still a taboo for people to go against their own faith or the faiths they feel a certain kinship with. Protestants don’t like to go after Protestants and so on. I’ve found similar stuff going on with Muslims, Hindus, Jews and so on – and I should have included this stuff – but I felt it was a bit much for one diary.