“I appreciate the leadership of Congressman Tom DeLay in working on important issues that matter to the country.”
– George W. Bush 4/26/05
Presumably this includes the diversion of charitable funds from sports programs meant to teach “leadership skills” to city youth, to buy “camouflage suits, sniper scopes, night-vision binoculars, a thermal imager and other material described…as “security” equipment.”
I was just going to nap before work, having been on the business end of a “torture tiller” for several hours. Now I’m all riled up. Well, it’s my own fault, ain’t it? Nobody broke in and put a gun to my head, and said, “Dial up the BooBlog, or else!”
Good afternoon to all.
Join Rep. Rosa DeLauro, Rep. George Miller, Rep. Linda Sanchez, Rep. Hilda Solis, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Linda Chavez-Thompson, Executive Vice-President of the AFL-CIO, and former Miss America Carolyn Sapp to pledge your support for the “Love Mom, Not Wal-Mart” campaign.
We’ll be sending the card in the above image to Lee Scott. (In fact, I hope instead of sending it, I will be driving it down there myself)
Add your name to the card today.
Apparently, the poor have gone from not existing at all to now existing… but they are not actually poor.
They are just greedy
And these are supposed to be the ‘bright lights’ of the younger conservative/libertarian crowd… someone mistakenly hit the ‘dimmer’ switch, I guess.
Boy did that piece of shit-sorry only way to describe it-article hit me the wrong way. What country does that woman live in that she thinks no one here goes hungry or always has central heat or whatever.
Guess she wasn’t around when I was growing up. I know one time my sister and I hadn’t eaten for sooo long that we saw a newspaper with a picture of food and actually ate the newspaper pictures of the food… Yeah that’s wanting to keep up with the Jones’s alright.
I think I’d better stop here or I’m not going to be responsible for what comes out concerning assholes like these people who have no dam clue of what goes on in this country with many families.
For some reason, they can’t let themselves understand. And, they guard themselves against any stories of increased hunger, poverty, homelessness etc, that usually happens during Republican administrations by saying… it’s the media’s fault! For reporting more of these stories during a Republican’s time in office. Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not.
Children go hungry daily… entire families do, and no the parents are not all crack whores or whatever. Actually, I think there is probably more hunger, relatively, among people who are in dire circumstances due to job losses or divorce or something, because they don’t know all the ins and outs of being ‘poor’. Or they are too ashamed or afraid to ask for help.
Years ago, after my divorce and having to all of a sudden subsist on one part time income (my ex went off to ‘find himself’… while mostly avoiding finding a steady job and paying child support) we had a rough time and almost ended up homeless before I was able to turn things around. I had no clue at all how to be poor. If I had it to do over again, I would have gone on welfare for a year or two, to allow my kid to adjust (she didnt, well), and to allow myself to consider my options.
Anyway though… I thought that was new low… “the poor are not poor, they are just greedy”. blech.
Oh look! There really are WMDs in Iraq!
I’m going to be ill now.
From Progressive Dems
From today’s Social Security event in Galveston, Texas:
MR. BENTLEY: And we’re operating in central Iraq. I’ll be back there next week.
THE PRESIDENT: How many children you got?
MR. BENTLEY: We have two children. We have a four-year-old son named Patrick, and a three-month-old daughter named Elaine that I just got to meet for the first time.
MR. BENTLEY: Yes, sir.
THE PRESIDENT: No wonder you’re emotional. (Laughter.) That’s awesome.
MRS. BENTLEY: She was born two days after he deployed.
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, great.
Is this what it means to be a compassionate conservative? link
Go to this Seattle Times page to click the link to the AP video — the link is below the photo.
Yesterday there was this photo:
And today:
really is chapping my hide.
I followed that thread and saw the comments. Can I make a suggestion, how about in the future posting on open thread a little about the article and then a link to here.
I think in the end you will get more exposure ) for this site(it stays up longer) and or articles since I think a great many people check the open thread to see what people are talking about.
Just a suggestion, FWIW.
Thanks, Diane … we did do that too. A diary at Kos was important. But because of Kos’s rules, we couldn’t post a diary under Osha’s name.
Another reason: We wanted to make sure that everyone who’d read the Sunset diary and who’d posted on it would know that Osha replied to us. A post in Open Threads won’t get it out to nearly as many people as a diary would.
See below for more of the reasons we did things the way we did. Booman and I worked on that stuff all day, didn’t we, Boo. It got complicated for a lot of reasons, but we did it. Then to have that bozo poop all over the diary was a real downer 🙁 it made me depressed. He didn’t have a clue about what we were working with, and cynically repudiated all of our reasonable explanations. Nasty bad person. I’ll have an eye out for him in the future.
Me too. I was really PO’d. Thanks for taking him on, Boo. It was like he pooped all over the diary and the conversation, kind of ruining the ambience.
We had really practical — and numerous — reasons for doing it that way. Osha had never done a diary before. He tried, but couldn’t register in time at Kos to post his own diary there. He is working under a very tight deadline at the moment. But, he really wanted a diary up at DailyKos as well as Booman. So, we accomplished all with the less-than-ideal solution that it was I who had to post his diary at Kos.
That he took the low road, and cynically accused us of just trying to promote Booman is a cheap shot.
btw, I looked him up. He has NO diaries under his name. So, he is content to be a critic but never take the risk of doing his own work. screw him.
It is long, I do hope people will read it, if so inclined, it is long, I guess you could print it out if you have a printer and don’t like reading long things on the computer.
Haley’s Nose, America 2009
I will print it out and read it on the morrow. I skimmed a lot of it and I think you have a good story going here along the lines of Bradbury, maybe or Isaac Asminoff, or Ayn Rand I would say or even Solient Green.
It looks like a futuristic fantasyand maybe add mystery to that, Perhaps it should be set farther in the future, even though we think these things are eminent.
WEll those are some thoughts I’ve had and I just wanted to give you some feeback tonight after you brought one of your babies out for us all to see.
At Bats=5
Home Runs=3
Runs Batted In=10
He’s not a Mariner anymore 🙁