Cross-posted at DailyKos. The Senate Rules Committee meets today on “legislation that would force virtually all independent “527” groups to register with the Federal Elections Commission and abide by stringent federal regulations,” says the ACLU in a just-issued press release. More:
Other groups, such as Democracy21, think the legislation doesn’t go far enough:
-From an April 20, 2005 Statement by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer on the Pence-Wynn Charade “Reform” Legislation, which does nothing to deal with the soft money loophole created by 527 groups spending money to influence federal elections.
There’s an interesting note about Democracy 21 in Terry Neal’s April 18 column in the Washington Post about DeLay blaming left groups that are financed by George Soros for his ethics woes:
From the ACLU press release this morning:
At issue is S. 271, the “527 Reform Act of 2005.” That proposal, being considered by the Senate Rules and Administration Committee today, would require that unions, advocacy groups, non-profit organizations and 527 organizations register as political action committees with the Federal Election Commission, even if their activities are non-partisan.
Despite claims from supporters that the measure would better regulate speech aimed at influencing the electoral process, the legislation contains no restrictions on corporations or individuals. Yet people who wish to join together on issues and pool their resources to increase the ability to have their messages heard would be restricted under the new rules.
The legislation would curb the ability of average Americans to come together and speak out against federal lawmakers, candidates for federal offices and political parties. If these new regulations had been in place during the 2004 election, the now infamous Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and would have been forced to operate under very different rules and restrictions.
Non-profit and 527 organizations also add to the national political dialogue by increasing public awareness, interest and participation in the electoral process through “get out the vote” efforts and other non-partisan activities. The proposed legislation would cripple these efforts, giving incumbent lawmakers a huge advantage.
“Censoring groups from speaking their minds does nothing to end corruption in elections,” Johnson said. “A democracy can only benefit by promoting a system that allows for the free and open exchange of ideas. Stopping that flow hurts us all.”
What do you think? Do we curtail MoveOn to save ourselves from the Swift Boaters? What other legislation might be suggested? And what will happen if S. 271 passes?
NOTE: The DailyKos version is longer, and takes in the WaPo editorial today.
I realize this isn’t sexy and it most certainly isn’t puffy, but it is so very important…. we really need to think about this before the nefarious GOP slides in some very nasty rules:
The Washington Post editorial board is concerned about:
Another risk is that lawmakers will put some forms of spending off-limits for 527s while letting the groups collect and spend big checks for other purposes. One such proposal would bar 527s from using unlimited contributions to run advertising but would allow them to spend such funds for partisan voter mobilization activity — getting their own voters to the polls. If, as we think, it’s a problem to let big checks influence federal elections, there’s no reason to allow these checks to be used for some forms of influencing voters but not for others. The point isn’t how the money is spent but from whom, and in what denominations, it’s coming.