Promoted from the diaries by susanbhu.
I cover environmental issues for Rolling Stone magazine. The article I wrote about the Bush administration’s plan to create a Sunset Commission, with the power to terminate any and all government agencies, started life as a strictly environmental piece [“Bush’s Most Radical Plan Yet,” Rolling Stone, 5 May 2005, issue 973].
The original idea was to examine how the president’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2006 would effect the environment. There was plenty to write about and it was fairly straightforward.
But after interviewing scientists, politicians, environmentalists and, most important, policy analysts at the non-profit OMB Watch, my editor, Eric Bates, and I realized there was an even larger story. (I owe Adam Hughes and Rob Shull at OMB Watch big-time for pointing the way. As far as I know, they really broke this story first on the OMB Watch website.)
SusanHu did a great job in her diary, whittling down my RS article to essentials, while at the same time adding her own insights and more information (gleaned, I’m happy to say, from OMB Watch). After reading the dozens of comments to her diary, I wanted to respond to some.
So, here we go (below the fold):
COMMENT #1 by Susanhu:
They’re all on board, aren’t they. What will we do about it?
Susan in Port Angeles
RESPONSE #1 to Susanhu from Osha Gray Davidson:
Grover Norquist is the best known and most powerful leader of the far-right groups that support the Sunset Commission. Norquist cut his political teeth in the Reagan White House, and later sharpened them working with Newt Gingrich writing the “Contract With America.” While Clay Johnson attempts to minimize the sunsetting element of the sunset commission, Norquist gleefully proclaims his reactionary intentions. “I don’t want to abolish government,” he told an interviewer in 2001. “I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” Norquist is the president of Americans for Tax Reform, which depends on corporate donations for a large chunk of its funding – mostly from industries like tobacco and alcohol that would profit handsomely from a rollback or elimination of taxes.
Tax reform is just one of Norquist’s goals. He is currently rallying his many troops to support President Bush’s efforts to partly privatize Social Security, which Norquist sees as a good first step toward total privatization, and, ultimately, to the end of “the Welfare State.” To Norquist, the sunset commission is another potentially promising route to the same goal. In an interview with the Spanish newspaper “El Mundo” last September, Norquist explained that when the government is on its way out of the pension business (Social Security) and health care (Medicare and Medicaid), he plans to work to “reform” the EPA. (“Reform” is the preferred conservative euphemism for “cut” or “abolish.”)
When I asked him recently which programs at the EPA he would eliminate, Norquist demurred. “Hell, I’m not an expert in the field,” he said.
Norquist does, however, have a friend inside the Bush Administration who deals with the EPA on a nearly daily basis: John Graham, whom Bush appointed administrator of the OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). Graham has been called Bush’s “Regulatory Czar” because of the power he wields to stop regulations in their tracks if he believes their costs outweigh their benefits. It’s a power his critics say he misuses to favor industry. “He seems to think his job is to snuff regulations in the cradle,” says Rena Steinzor, a scholar in regulatory law at the University of Maryland. Steinzor is also a member of the Center for Progressive Regulation, a “virtual Think Tank,” and co-editor of the book A New Progressive Agenda for Public Health and the Environment.
In 1995, Graham was part of the team, with Grover Norquist, that wrote the Contract With America. At the time, he was running the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, which was largely funded by industry, and was accused of producing the results funders wanted.
In 1996, the future “Regulatory Czar” told the audience at a forum hosted by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank, “I don’t think there’s any more passionate advocate of regulatory reform than myself.” Graham next outlined an incremental strategy for rolling back safety and health protections without attracting attention. Gingrich had over-reached with the anti-regulatory sections of the Contract with America and the package had blown up in his face, forcing him to step down as Speaker of the House, and making environmental, health and safety protections off limits to reformers. Graham counseled a slow, steady and highly disciplined campaign. “We build our own morale as a movement to work for larger and more ambitious regulatory reforms at a later time,” he said. Graham also cautioned against speaking too plainly about their goals in public, citing a meeting he had recently attended at which Vice-President Al Gore and EPA Administrator Carole Browner “named Congressmen in this town who had said they wanted to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency. Maybe we’re going to get to that some day, but I don’t think that’s a helpful way to talk about these issues.”
[Maybe this has been reported elsewhere, but I hadn’t seen it until I was searching through the Heritage Foundation’s Website. John Graham, the Bush administration’s top person on federal regulations, discussing the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency, and saying “Maybe we’re going to get to that some day. . . .”]
If you want to know more about Graham’s views on regulations, read Priceless: On Knowing the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing by Frank Ackerman & Lisa Heinzerling. I reviewed the book for Onearth, published by the Natural Resources Defense Council.
And here’s more about the Mercatus Center from the deleted (and rambling) section:
[After Enron collapsed] the Mercatus Center had found deeper pockets in Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, which has donated millions to the center over the years. Koch Industries is known for two things. Its foundation is one of the largest donors to conservative and libertarian causes fighting “burdensome regulations.” And in January 2000, the oil and gas empire was hit with a $30 million fine – at the time, the largest civil penalty ever imposed against a company for violating federal environmental statutes. Through negligence, Koch had caused more than 300 oil spills in six states over a period of several years.
In addition to donating money to the Mercatus Center, two top Koch executives sit on the Center’s seven person board. The Koch Foundation has also made donations to the Harvard Center for Risk Assessment, founded and run by John Graham until he took Wendy Gramm’s old job at OMB. Before going to OMB, Graham also served on the Mercatus Center’s advisory board. Meanwhile Grover Norquist supports the Center’s anti-regulatory work by celebrating their work through press releases from Americans for Tax Reform.
These incestuous links aren’t merely suspect. The nonprofit Clean Air Trust pointed out in 2002 that “the OMB office [headed by John Graham] is becoming a conduit for regulatory bashers such as Mercatus.”
. . . . At the economic conference where the Mercatus Center’s Susan Dudley trotted out the new sunset idea, Treasury Secretary John Snow called regulations “hidden taxes,” a charge leveled frequently by those wanting to cut government protections.
Secretary Snow has been fighting the battle against big government for years. Before President Bush appointed him to head up Treasury in December 2002, Snow had been the CEO of the railroad giant CSX for twelve years. His tenure at CSX was a disaster, marked by a crumbling infrastructure that resulted in more safety violations and more accidents. According to the Washington Post, the man who replaced Snow as CEO admitted that “CSX for years limited capital spending in part to make its finances look better.” From the time Snow took control of CSX in 1991 until 1998, the railroad spent less per mile of track than any other major railroad in the country, found the Post. Investors were happy as profits soared, thanks to Snow’s corner-cutting. And significant portion of the funds that should have gone for new rails and ties and for hiring enough maintenance workers to inspect and repair the track, instead went into Snow’s pocket. In 2001, he was paid $10 million, not including a golden parachute several times that amount. The Federal Railroad Administration issued a damning indictment of CSX in a 2000 audit of track conditions. They found CSX employees falsifying safety records, maintenance crews stretched so thin they were only able to “put out fires,” and mile after mile of barely functioning tracks. An FRA inspector checked the condition of 475 consecutive ties on a curve approaching a bridge in Virginia. He reported that 196 of the ties, forty-one percent, were dangerously defective. The track, the inspector noted, was used by Amtrak passenger trains. Local company officials indicated that no work was scheduled for the track that year. The FRA was so concerned about conditions that it took the unprecedented step of putting CSX on probation for the next two years. A CSX website profiling Snow when he was CEO, boasted that Snow was “an effective industry spokesman for the continuing benefits of railroad deregulation.” Also mentioned was Snow’s successful effort to deregulate the rail, truck and aviation industries, as Deputy Undersecretary of Transportation in the Ford Administration.
[End of deleted section, and back to comments to SusanHu’s diary]
COMMENT #2 by Enoch:
Nearly all state agencies in many states have 10 year sunset provisions. At the end of the ten years, the state legislature has to renew the agency. Here in Arizona, all agencies are renewed despite some hemming and hawing by conservatives.
by Enoch on Sat Apr 23rd, 2005 at 18:43:21 PDT
RESPONSE #2 to Enoch from Osha Gray Davidson:
BTW, I asked Clay Johnson if OMB had studied the success/failure of state commissions. He said (from my interview notes): “No, because they operate differently in each state. There’s nothing magical about a sunset commission. It’s all about the spirit in which they’re launched and the spirit in which the commission is formed. They have to be created with the best intentions in mind.” (Here’s an interesting Web-chat with Johnson.)
COMMENT #3, by WI Deadhead:
The difference here is they are hoping to get this done by an appointed commission with no exposure to the voting public. And once it is disbanded, good luck getting anything with real teeth ever put in place again.
WI Deadhead on Sat Apr 23rd, 2005 at 19:04:08 PDT
RESPONSE #3 to WI Deadhead from Osha Gray Davidson:
And several more people talked about the fact that it takes decades to build a consensus to create a major government program (more on that term of art – program – in a moment). As Deadhead says, once a program is gone, it’s probably gone for a generation – if not forever.
COMMENT #4 by RHunter:
I’m really wondering what they define “government programs” as…
by RHunter on Sun Apr 24th, 2005 at 07:23:32 PDT
RESPONSE #4 to RHunter from Osha Gray Davidson:
COMMENT #5 by ChristianDem in NC:
Wanted to find out how far along this has gone in the House and Senate.
by Christian Dem in NC on Sun Apr 24th, 2005 at 09:23:23 PDT
RESPONSE #5 to Christian Dem in NC from Osha Gray Davidson:
To keep up-to-date on the Sunset Commission, check OMB Watch periodically – and/or subscribe to their newsletters. A recent panel presentation about the Sunset Commission held at the Heritage Foundation is worth viewing. The speakers are Clay Johnson, Sam Brownback and Kevin Brady.
We all owe a big thanks to Osha Davidson for providing us with this superb analysis and far more information with which we can keep watch, and act, on the Sunset provisions.
Susan’s note: Buy the May 2005 issue of Rolling Stone! And visit Osha’s site — he’s written a number of books as well as articles.
Thank you for exposing this. What are the odds that any major media other than Rolling Stone have an interest in pursuing this story?
Great Q, Steven. Just from the stunning reaction my diary got this past weekend, it’s clear that once people know what’s being patiently planned and plotted, they’re shocked and ready to get into action.
Osha, you could approach the New Yorker, and write the long version!
But how to filter this down to everyday Americans? We need an easily encapsulated crisis with which to focus attention on the Sunset Commission.
I’m pretty sure there will be more attention paid to the issue when (and if) the administration introduces a bill. One source thought it’s more likely that Bush will create the commission by executive order. That would give it far less power, but at least it would start the process of “reducing regulatory burdens” wholesale. The administration has been doing it “retail” so far — rewriting one rule at a time. So, when there’s movement on this, that will likely draw more media coverage. That’s my guess.
I was struck by how in-depth your article was. What along the way led you to look deeper in the story? What made you suspect that this was a lot bigger than you’d imagined?
I love your user name.
I’d like to ask her how her morning sickness is going. Smirk.
— Her friend, Martha BULLOCK
Serious now: I’d find it fascinating to see how Osha winds and weaves all these multiple sources so coherently. It’s a lot to track. Osha, do you use file cards, indices, a computer program?
I wonder if Osha knows about the Deadwood soundtrack. Darcy (daughter) has downloaded a couple of the songs and plays them in the car. Great stuff. The guitar work on that one piece — the piece they always play when there’s danger — is incredible.
Nope. But now I’m gonna check it out. Thanks.
I asked because RS has so many features on music, and the music in “Deadwood” is incredibly good. My daughter’s been downloading the music — and bits of dialogue — onto her IPod and DVD burner (or whatever it’s called).
Are new User ID applications shooting through the roof while everyone who got here from dKos signs up wanting to comment? I hope so.
Anyway, cheers to SusanBhu for working to get people over here.
We’ve had about 10 new members sign in so far. More who have applied for passwords and haven’t signed in yet…they don’t show up officially until they do.
Susan is the best…
We’re renaming this joint the Chez Ami.
that’s an oblique reference to my whorin’ for the Booman.
P.S. Osha is a great guy to work with. Extremely organized. I can see how he is able to gather up that tremendous amount of information and connect the dots. That’s very difficult to do. Few diarists are able to do that. But we aspire, don’t we.
I can’t wait to show my wife that!
Believe me, it doesn’t come naturally. You were spot on when you wrote it’s “very difficult.” But as my son told me when he was three years old: “It may be difficult, but it’s not impossible.” He was responding to my complaint that writing a book is difficult. His words of wisdom have gotten me through many hard places.
To be honest, I don’t remember the exact moment. It kinda grew. But I do remember that it grew (in large part) because of the people at OMB Watch, and the amazing work they do. And largely unrecognized. If you think OMB is obscure (and it is), what does that say about a group devoted to monitoring them? We’re fortunate to have institutions like OMB Watch doing the grunt work. I say that as a reporter and as a citizen.
I looked around OMB Watch’s site a bit but didn’t see any requests for donations. Maybe I just missed it. I signed up for their newsletters. Their site is decidedly not flashy nor is it full of big claims, which is for the good, but will keep them from attracting a big audience.
Do you have a link to the OMB Watch website? Can I get to it at: or .com? I’d like to check it out. Thanks.
Their main website is For info on the Sunset Commission, click on “Regulatory Policy” (top, right).
Their newsletters are at
Osha, I’ve been digging a bit into another story that’s somewhat related to yours, as well as to the John Bolton nomination: Ken Ferree, who’s now in harge of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and — according to an amusing piece in CJR Daily — doesn’t watch PBS or listen to NPR.
In the beginnings of my research for a possible diary, I also found a confusing CNN 2002 article on his representation of Hughes at the time that Echostar was trying to buy out Hughes, which was later bought by Rupert Murdoch, and at the same time Ferree was chief of the FCC’s media bureau. I wondered, how can it be that he was the lawyer/rep for Hughes in a major communications merger at the same time he represented the “people’s” interests on the FCC?
The Bolton comparison is obvious. Then there’s Clay Johnson. Is every area of government — particularly those areas that the Grover Norquists want to get rid of — being taken over by those whose inerests are diametrically opposed to said gov’t agency? What can we do about it?
When I go on book tours I used to have a laundry list prepared for the inevitable (and perfectly legitimate) question: What can we do about _? (Fill in the blank with whatever the book’s subject was.)
But I realized that by giving MY list, I was short-circuiting the creative process where people wrestle with problems and come up with new solutions. We each have our own talents and interests. I believe we’re most powerful when we tap into those and apply them to the great problems and struggles of our time. My thing is investigative writing, so that’s what I do. Others are good at political organizing.
One of my dear friends is L. Samantha Chang. She’s a fiction writer, and was just named director of the UI Writer’s Workshop, the first woman AND the first person of color (she’s first generation Chinese-American) to direct THE most prestigious fiction writing program in America. (Pardon me while I kvell over my friend.) I read an interview with her today in which she said: “What people consider quantifiable standards – test scores, gross domestic product, stock markets, health statistics – have nothing to do with where we we are as a country right now, which is in the hearts and souls of people. We are hungering for stories.”
My point is just that there are many, many ways to make this world a better place. The trick is to find out which is our way. And then follow it.
Ugh, that guy’s vision of the perfect America is anarchy. Why he’s not recognized for the radical he is eludes me.
Thanks for the great research. An organization chart would cap it off nicely, so the connections can be seen more graphically. I’m surprised and grateful that RS is publishing this, and think that Mother Jones would be a great forum for an expanded version.
It’s troubling to me to see the extent to which our federal agencies have been infiltrated. This is truly the most dangerous component of a second Bush administration, the continued dissembling of our regulatory agencies. I’m sure this extends into other agencies, such as Treasury, Agriculture, and Interior. We are solidly into a new era of robber barons. Only this time, very little competent media exists to inform the apathetic public. Sigh….
We should do an org chart. With embedded links.
it could be a BooTrib project. And I bet we’d all learn a lot. I know that I’m going to check every single one of the links that Osha provided us above. That’s a lot of reading, but that’s how we build the knowledge we need to fight this.
Booman has called this “the other nuclear option.” The number of generations that will be affected by the breakdown of these institutions is be more than we can imagine.
Just doin’ my job.
If you’re surprised that Rolling Stone ran this piece, I’m guessing you haven’t looked at the magazine in a while. RS has really ramped up their commitment to investigative journalism. Its coverage on Iraq has been great. Janet Reitman’s recent articles on Fallujah have been terrific. Before that, Evan Wright’s coverage of the beginning of the war won a National Magazine Award (the magazine equivalent of a Pulitzer).
Now, you’re probably thinking that I’m just saying all this to kiss my editor’s butt. That’s not entirely true. Once you get passed the covers with Britany Spears wearing a washcloth, RS does a good job tackling tough and original stories.
[Note to myself: remind Jann W. to wire $ to Bahama account.]
I reviewed the prior legislation on the Sunset Commission, introduced in both the House and Senate last year. Both are rather diabolical. To avoid the obvious constitutional problem of a commission “legislating” the end of an agency, the Commission prepares a report, which becomes an “implementation” bill. To be sure that the implementation bill doesn’t die in committee, a lot of Senate and House rules are stated in the bill to not apply to an implementation bill. Very sneaky. It ensures passage in a Republican Congress. To make it palatable, the Sunset Commission does not apply to DoD, or to entitlement programs such as Social Security.
Of course, there would be much opposition to legislation starting a Sunset Commission simply because of the way it is drafted. I cannot imagine that the Democratic minority in either house would agree that certain rules CANNOT apply to any particular bill. Nice try, though. That’s why these two bills were stuck in committee, IMHO.
Congress already has the ability to end any program or agency, by legislative fiat or drastic cuts in funding. But that allows for public involvement. This is a bit of magic that these guys are trying. Yes, the inclusion in the budget of the President’s intent to start such a commission doesn’t mean much. But it gets the ball rolling, so we need to keep an eye on it.
Doesn’t this fit in with the class action lawsuit bill, and further whittling away of access to court relief by ordinary citizens?
Reuters; WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Legislation to create a $140 billion asbestos compensation fund picked up another sponsor on Tuesday and supporters insisted the bill could withstand a constitutional challenge if it becomes law.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Arlen Specter (news, bio, voting record) announced at the end of a hearing on the bill that Republican colleague Sen. Lindsey Graham (news, bio, voting record) of South Carolina had signed on as a co-sponsor. … link
That means five of the ten Republicans and two of the eight Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are now co-sponsors.
Specter from Pennsylvania and co-author Sen. Patrick Leahy (news, bio, voting record), a Vermont Democrat, will need at least three more votes to get the proposal approved by the committee.
I checked in with Osha, and he will get back to us as soon as possible. He’s been working on deadline for another story at the same time he prepared the above answers to the first set of comments. And he thanks us for giving him his first foray into the blogosphere.
let us not forget that Roemer, the DINO that our so-called leaders wanted to run the party, is associated with that group.
We have a “two party” system in name only with “leaders” like that … leaders that are part and parcel of ongoing attempts to dismantle our government.
Not to mention his truly suck-ass contribution to the 9/11 Commission.
The 9/11 widows posted over 100 questions they wanted answers to, and Roemer got them about 5 answers.
He sucks.
reflective of the sorry state of the party, IMHO.
Of course, I’ve stirred up enough trouble in other places regarding that.