Title says it all. I listened to another 15 minutes of poison from El Idiot Supreme today and was surprised to hear him reading from DailyKos.
He was reading a piece from the woman that will be testifying before Congress, I guess, on Bolton’s nomination as UN Ambassador.
Rush said he was reading LGF (no really?!) and got the link to Daily Kos which was good entertainment, full of wackos just as crazy as Democratic Underground.
Update [2005-4-28 4:28:22 by pyrrho]: here is the link to the diary, Rush read the letter to daily kos users the diary presents. You can’t use that right now because dkos is down for maintenance.
Isn’t that <s>grand</s> <s>strange</s> something else?
I don’t have a link to the diary, but I would love to read it, I was too lazy to search and it didn’t seem to still be recommended if it had been.
The woman in question (I’ve not followed the Bolton thing closely) was admitting she was caught plagiarizing when she was 22, some 20 years ago… before the Republicans drug it out.
At least, assuming Rush really did read it verbatim as he represented.
You might say… why listen to Rush? He’s poison!
But as Nietzsche said, I paraphrase, “A little poison now and then makes for pleasant dreams, a little poison in the end, a pleasant death.” Maybe that’s not a good reason actually.
Here is the diary.
Were getting trashed by rush, we must be a threat. Woohoo!
they mentioned the diary on CNN’s blog run-down too.
Alright everyone, first one to get me on CNN’s blog rundown wins a new car.
my choice?
oh, and does the context have to be good?
Any context qualifies, and I WILL deliver.
ok, deal.
As soon as I get them to mention rimjob on the air, I’ll be happy to help.
ulterior motives…
They said rimjob – hehehehehehe.
don’t forget, there’s always Newsweeks “Blog Watch”. Daily Kos has made it twice, and Daily Howler was in it this week for it’s ripping on the Time/Coulter love-fest that was last week.
The righties are attacking Randi Rhodes too, today. With a skit she did about Bush and Social Security… it was apparenlty on Drudge (i don’t go there anymore).
first: I hate Drudge.
But the “don’t go there thing” is the key, I hardly ever went there, but then again, there was that period I ended up there every once in a while. Drudge, like it or not, help get us to this point. It’s no wonder that Kos and Krempasky are allies in this don’t regulate the blogs thing.
Maybe I missed this in your diary but what did he say about her letter?
not much actually.
all he really did was say DailyKos was as crazy as DU, then he read the letter… his addition to it was merely to try to rub in her admission… that she is an admitted liar! And evidently she was getting a lot of “atta way girls” from Daily Kos users, then he slipped on to some other Bolton tidbit.
I didn’t keep listening as he worked his segment on Bolton into its no doubt illogical conclusion.
He can read? Oh, I get it, it’s the comprehension thing which gives him trouble. Probably due to his history of drug abuse.