Or how to make it through the day without Cheers and Jeers to make you laugh.
More below the fold
There has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth over at the C+J Cafe chatroom all morning. People are having a hard time coping with their withdrawal symptoms.
So I thought I’d provide a place where we can all come and post a few Pootie Pics, some snark and spank a few ducks.
No Cheers and Jeers please. I don’t want to get hit with a copyright infringement lawsuit from Bill, nor to be ostracised by the guys at the cafe.
nice place ya got here…
So sweet…I don’t know which one I want!
on the extra fuzzy grey middle one!
Hey do! Virgin post!
Hey, is that Booman in the middle?
I didn’t even notice that until I had posted it. Who knew Booman had such moves?
Just so that the pickets can put their fast-food wrappers and used newspapers somewhere.
Cheers to Thursday…the day before Friday…which is the day before Saturday, the day we all really like…
Jeers to Tom Cruise, the slut… Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, and now some actress named Katie Holmes. Hey, I’d be happy with any one of these women (would they be happy with me, that’s the question.) Tom, would L. Ron Hubbard approve of all of this chick-swapping? Settle down, boy, and raise a family….
Cheers to those naughty Republicans in Congress, caught with their pants down, forced to reverse their sneaky ethics regulations. And check out the article for a quote from our new Daily KOS heroine, and Wry’s representative, Louise Slaughter…
Cheers to Wendy’s customers now feeling safe enough to order chili again. Funny, that severed finger was probably the healthiest thing that Wendy’s puts in their chili…So people actually stopped eating there because they were concerned about the hygiene after a woman claimed to find a finger in her chili? And they weren’t concerned about the hygiene before?
Jeers to burying people standing up in Australia. A company has been given approval to bury people standing up to save space…Hey, I thought that death was you “eternal rest?” You’re gonna make me stand up for eternity!? I’m so lazy I use the TV remote to change the channel when the TV is 2 feet in front of me…I wanna be laying down in a plush, velvet lined, mahogany casket…in fact, I’m gonna put in my will that they bury me on top of a Sealy Posturpedic with Pillow-top and Memory Foam padding…nothing’s too good for Wry…
In efforts at dog vs. cat war detente, here’s a cute doggy photo

What? You don’t think that’s cute? Hey, it’s the best I could do!
Okay, how about this one?

Allright! Enough of that! Knock off the laughing, we’re calling a truce here, remember!
finally got my “fix”…
Hopefully we’re back up for tomorrow’s Wry’s Fantastic Friday Foto Festival after I get back my pictures!
you mean Bill wasn’t waiting by his computer the entire day for the site to come back up!? Where are his priorities!?
Disclaimer by the management:
Bill I asked them not to post Cheers and Jeers, but Wry never reads anything, he always wants to be in there ahead of the game.
you know we don’t read instructions…
Great news!! Check out this item about a species thought to be extinct!
For all you bird lovers out there.
Just in case you missed yesterday’s art show here:
More here
Dammit, late to the party again, and totally confused now.
Been out around the farm, spanking ducks. Missed a couple, so need to get back out. I only stepped in for a minute to phone for an order of duck diapers. If you spank them too hard, sometimes things get messy for a day or two.
Newsie’s C&J for Friday (because everyday should be Friday, or as Eddie Haskell says, Bill gives us all a few moments of Friday for every workday!)
Yesterday, That Sexy Stormin Mormon
Newsie Link Compilation Featurette
Nuclear Option Happenings:
Yeah, We Know What You Meant
(wakeupcall) “I regret having used that term. I meant to say this approach was un-Christian, meaning self-serving and selfish” — Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO), on calling Focus on the Family “the anti-Christ” (Denver Post).
Jeers to House Republicans like Dreier and Hastings. The spin is nauseating. “In a letter to Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Hastert wrote that the changes pushed through in January were an attempt to correct inequities.” Nice one. Rrrreaallly believable.
Jeers to House Republicans. Democrats furious over GOP efforts to rewrite amendments Dude, this is not third grade.
Jeers to exploading toads. No, I’m not talking about Tom DeLay. More than 1,000 toads have puffed up and exploded in a Hamburg pond in recent weeks, and scientists still have no explanation for what’s causing the combustion. Still, Separated at birth? Tom DeLay edition
Jeers to Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. Association with white supremacist David Duke is just the tip of the iceberg.
Cheers to Hairplug Joe Biden’s filibuster speech yesterday. Donate to the DSCC
Cheers to House Dems and Rep. Mollahan (sp?) for their work on the House Ethics Committee. Donate to DCCC.
Cheers to candor. Rummy Sez: We’re Losing the War. So what are they going to do about the situation we’re facing?
Jeers to shitty ideas. TX privatization plan stinks.
Cheers to this event from yesterday: “Democratic Leaders Reid and Pelosi join other Democrats for a press conference to highlight disparities in health care coverage and treatment at 10:45 a.m.” Anybody see any local media coverage on this? I got that item from The Note, so if the national media ignores the press conference…well, don’t blame the Dem. leadership for not highlighting this.
Jeers to Alan Greenspan. Greenspan’s Bubbles: ‘Too late to escape the consequences’, by Jerome a Paris
Double Jeers to Greenspan’s possible replacements. Via the Note: The Wall Street Journal’s Greg Ip on the candidates to replace Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan in January: ” . . . for now there appear to be three front-runners, all with sterling academic pedigrees: Martin Feldstein, 65 years old, a Harvard University economist who advised President Reagan and has been a leading advocate of Social Security private accounts; R. Glenn Hubbard, 46, who served in the Bush White House and now is dean of Columbia University’s graduate business school, and Ben Bernanke, 51, a Fed governor who has been nominated to be chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, a White House post previously held by the other two men and by Mr. Greenspan.”
Birthdays & This Day in History
AP News Calendar for the Week
Political Calendar from ABCNews
Larry King…is that you?

Separated at Birth? Larry King Edition
(I didn’t take that photo. Link was emailed to me.)
“I like oil companies. What’s so hard to understand about that?”

Brazilian students protest CONdi Rice

Freddy Fingers?

Mexican breed of hairless dog makes a comeback.
This could possibly motivate me to become a cat lover.
little Gremlins… who thought that was a good idea?
…they are naturally hairless. Talk about God’s sense of humor in action.
Is that what they really look like?
Heh, I wouldn’t want to find out, especially at night. They remind me of the rat from the The Witches.
Peter the Great, would be a good name for him because of his murderous past.
His former “owner” Luke is wheelchair bound with limited use of his arms. Luke loved Peter, gave him a good home and had his care-givers lavish him with attention.
Did Peter respond lovingly? No, he continually sprayed the care-givers’ bags when they arrived to change shifts and he growled at them if they dared to move him .
Peter often jumped up on Luke’s lap while he was busy on his computer knowing that Luke was unable to push him off.
Outside on the patio, Peter tortured dragon flies for hours, killed song birds and dug up the garden. One of Luke’s new care-givers was allergic to cats so Peter had to find a new home.
Guess who took him in? My son. I objected, “At least get a kitten you can train, why take a second-hand, reject cat like Peter?”
At his new home, Peter flies in and out of the window off the deck whenever he feels like it. He goes downstairs and torments the aged dog and cat belonging to the landlady. When my son went apartment hunting, his options were limited because of having a pet. He felt he had to move because his apartment was too small for him & Peter. Fortunately they have found a lovely place near a lake where Peter can take up a new hobby, chasing ducks.
I still object to Peter but secretly I admire my son for taking him in, saving his life when no one else wanted him.
that’s looking for a caption…. Best that I could come up with: George: “What’s that Karl?… you want me to give it to Tom… but I thought it was for me… can’t we share?”