We have seventy-four new users that have joined BooTrib in the last week. I’ve been meaning to update the FAQ, but I haven’t gotten around to it. So, if anyone has any questions, post them here. The old timers might be able to lend a hand.
And all you lurkers out there (you know who you are) drop in and introduce yourself.
We have 18 new users today. We also broke the record for traffic, and it still only 4:30 PM EST.
A new lurker here, hailing from the once free state of Kansas, now called the as bigoted as you think we are state. lol. yet there are some here who have an open mind and haven’t been swallowed up by the mega church, neo facist, right wing christian nazi party that wants to control the world and see its end in armageddon. On a lighter note, thanks for being an open forum to vent or just get out once in a while.
What’s the old timer UID threshold? I’m sick of being middle aged, I want to be able to wave my cane in the air and complain about everything:)
cuz I’m 342. Where’s my cane?
is in the elders I think and I already have a cane and even used it today…….
At 225 that sounds about right.
But I’m not sure I heard you right.
[Cough … mumble …]
[White knuckles on cane]
Well you know, some of us are older’n spit.
Geez at 184 I must be a really old geezer…
I suppose a woman is entitled to lie about her age.
[winky emoticon here]
among friends…
Either that or admitting I need new glasses to read 182
Beats head on keyboard a few more times
…and you might find a nice place to be.
I will be the one to explain today’s new traffic. It’s all Kos’s fault. Denizens of Cheers and Jeers on Kos were without their fix this morning. NeutralObserver created the Duck Spanking diary to give us a temporary outlet.
Once I got here, I signed up so I could post a comment.
Now I am checking out the site. I like it here. 🙂
Not just C&J denizens, many others were without. I’ve been here a couple of weeks, mostly just reading. I like it too. (I’ve posted two comments today!)
It was nice to you guys over here this morning…
Booman you may need to watch out for an increased quanity of cute kitty and puppy pics though!
Welcome folks to the Bootribe. Lots of great food, drink ..oh crap that was the resteraunt last night1 Lots of fabulous writers and a great community of folks to hang out with. A nice slower pace here but getting busier as we speak. i came here from kos when Boo first opened site. still visit Kos daily but prefer the pace here. Hope you enjoy!
Its pretty cool that your diary entries aren’t immediately scrolled off the page here! Anybody know what’s going down with DKos, sooo slow… I agree, I think that’s why more people are migrating…
Agree with you Aloha and Bood about the pace being more comfortable here. DKos may have got too big for its own good.
Here at BT I can easily log on and check all the diaries posted in the last 24 hours. Another advantage is that after a few visits, you start to feel that you know the majority of the people posting/commenting. That helps to give BT a real ‘community’ feel.
I think another thing that counts is the quality of the writing at BT. Don’t get me wrong, DKos has many great contributors, but I think the huge quantity of diaries serves to dilute the quality. There’s almost no dross to wade through here with the Booman.
BTW, welcome to all the newbies. On second thoughts, I think we might all be newbies at BT. The site has only been going a short time.
I’m a serial lurker. Here, Kos, MyDD…I will comment occasionally but it’s usually on threads where I am confident in my answers. Threads like “What’s your favorite color/band/soda”, “Where do you live” or “Jessica or Ashlee? Who’s your fave Simpson” are more my speed.
The Big Lebowski?…hint,hint…
THE BIG LEBOWSKI, of course!
I haven’t seen it. It’s making me crazy reading all these references to it and neither of my nearby video stores owns it. wtf???? Am I going to have to break down and join Netflix?
you can get it here for less than two bucks
I didn’t even realize it was the Coen brothers. I was worried that I wouldn’t like it after all the buildup, but that has never happened with ANYTHING from them yet. One of my students told me “Buy it! Buy it!” and then, “I’m going to go home and watch it again, right now.”
While you’re at it, pick up “Grosse Pointe Blank”, John Cusack’s best movie, and watch it with no distractions if you can, a few times. 😉
I’m thinking of doing a “Who’s your favorite Benedict?”
For me, it’s Benedict IX. No question. Hands down. Heck of a guy and gangbusters as a Pope.
I think you’ll fit in quite well here, smash.
longer than you, Denver! 🙂
catcher for the Atlanta Braves in the 80’s…
I can’t think of a favourite colour/band/soda… or at least, I can’t think of something that fits all three! But the other two are easy – about a mile and a half from the office, and Homer.
Okay, yes, I too am mostly a serial lurker although I do try to jump in to the UK discussions (though I’m horribly out of touch with my home nation at the moment…).
This Malaysian group is asking bloggers to add this image to their sites.
A snippet from the Malaysian site:
Let us take the same context, but this time, under the circumstances of an earthquake. It was widely reported in Malaysia, of people running down the stairwells in fear during a recent earthquake that struck off Nias Island. What if you were in a wheelchair?
A fellow blogger needs our help
Peter Tan, a fellow blogger faced this problem recently. During the height of the quake, this blogger was posting entries. Through our conversations, he revealed that he was fearful yet felt helpless. It prompted him to write to the building manager, and request that an orderly evacuation plan be created, of course, taking into account the safe removal of the disabled.
He was branded a troublemaker. …
I think it’s pretty easy to get branded a troublemaker in Malaysia. You don’t have to do much…
We’d all been hoping that things would loosen up a little when Dr Mahathir departed. Can anyone comment?
Go to the diary Tell us about you!!!!!!!!!!and tell us, we are such a family, you should join in.!!!!!
It’s great to know a little about the person posting, and we have made some great friends on the site and offsite as well.
So welcome to all newcomers, and lurkers, don’t be shy!
Nice place you’ve got here! I remembered SallyCat or SusuanHu mentioning it and when the Kos went down I googled.
Already bookmarked in my daily.
<taps the microphone>
umm….hello?….is this thing on?
I’ve been reading here since the site launched (user 66) but probably still considered a newbie. Oh well, still great to be here.
My name is DH from MD, and I am a newbie.
[all newbies shout “Hi, DH from MD!”]
[whispers of “get a better name, ya schmuck”]
I am user #729, and I joined this morning because Kos spilled coffee on the DKos servers or something. Whatever it was, the site was under maintenance again. Anywho, you can find me on DKos as…DH from MD.
No, I am not that creative. Why else would my user name be the same on both sites? 🙂
So far, I like the site. I will be sure to spend time here.
Welcome to all of the newbies!
What is that? A fish? It’s very cool.
If it’s a critter, is it doing what I think it’s doing? 😉
it’s a plane doing skywriting
It was a real tough call, but even blowed up real good it looks like a psychedelic fish on my computer. Go figure. 🙂
Like many others apparently, I wandered over here via Kos where I mostly lurk (as dsb) but occasionally talk to myself — glad to see you all here —
I like the look!
Now I’ve signed on to ask What’s the deal with this quasi-Kossian breakout? Is it about the intimacy?(Is that all there is?)
This is were all the people that protested against Armando posting on the front page went.
Stupid Armando, swearing all the fucking time. I can’t stand that.
I’m over here hiding from the Press kissing butt party.
I probably do not qualify as a newbie anymore, having been around for all of 7 weeks, or so (is that really enough to reach ‘maturity’?). Glad to see the upsurge here and welcome to everyone. As so many here, I also came from Kos (still there, but less active). You’ll like the fact that you can take your time with each diary, and if tempted to post a comment – no need to do so in a mad rush. Diaries take a day or two to scroll off – at least for now.
A couple of housekeeping issues:
I agree with ask – I think BooTrib’s clock must be set an hour ahead of whatever ‘home’ time zone the site works from. I’m set to AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and for several weeks I have also noticed everything is one hour ahead.
hmm, (checking) local time on the server is correct…. and its ntp synced so it should always be accurate. maybe there is a daylight savings bug in Scoop? hard to imagine how they could mess that up, but anything is possible….
okay, it was only sort of scoops’ fault… scoop does not automatically detect the time zone config of the server… scoop was set to PST but the server is in PDT… almost the same thing but not quite — PST has no daylight savings.
Thanks for fixing… disregard my extra post below.
andy, not sure whether you mean daylight saving time on the server’s clock or in the user-selected display preference. I can also choose EADT for daylight saving time – it just puts the time forward another hour, so that it’s out by 2 hours.
If the server clock is on the correct local ‘home’ time, perhaps the relativity between time zones is wrong in Scoop…?
Hi… I’m another newbie today. I found the site by accident while googling for a topic and thought I had accidentally stumbled in DKos’ back door. I do post at DKos with the same username but am relatively new there, too. I’m from Texas (Dallas) and did a post on the Southern page today… and hate Texas politics (and most of the politicians)with a passion. It’s pretty overwhelming for a newbie to post at DKos (or at least it has been for me), and it’s even more intimidating to see your user number in the 45,000 range, knowing if you screw up that 45,000+ people can jump all over you! I like the smaller group here (plus the smaller user ID number!) and the way everyone seems to be almost like a family… it seems like it would be fun to be almost a charter member with this group and get to know the various members as it grows. On a personal note, I’m female, in my late 50’s, retired, and raising my young nephew (my sister and her husband both passed away). Becoming a first-time “mom” so late in life has been a challenging but rewarding experience for me. And watching my nephew heal from so much trauma and loss has been a special chapter in my life.
Spencer, thanks for telling us about yourself. I’m glad that you are finding parenting rewarding. Watching children grow up and develop their own personalities, learn about the world etc is amazing.
I also came to parenting a little late in life (first child at 39) and I’m glad I did.
Do you find the experience more exhausting physically or emotionally?
Unplanned Parenthood by Liz Carpenter? I bought it for my mother when she was raising one of her great-grandchildren and she loved it. Hilarious, touching, inspiring.
And I love Texas – though I can maintain this illusion mainly by staying in Austin. I have to venture into darkest Dallas from time to time and flee after a day or two. Maybe you should come on down to Austin sometimes – swim at Barton Springs, take your nephew on down to Schlitterbahn. Hang out with liberals – maybe DemFest? We have an Austin Kossacks group and next time we meet we”re going to plan something for getting together with out of town Kossacks (and BooFolks) during DemFest.
Amazing that you should mention Schlitterbahn, as I was just on the phone talking about it with a friend. I think it’s something my 9 year old nephew would love. There are so many other things to do in that area that it should be a good vacation destination for us this summer. And yes, you have it sooo much better than us by living in Austin. No doubt about it!
The poster above asked if I found it more challenging emotionally and physically. Yes, to both! It’s more challenging emotionally because my nephew has so many emotional challenges. I think when you have so much significant loss at such an early age, it causes a lot of problems that you act out but don’t really know what you’re acting out against. He’s come a long, long way, though, and that gives me much hope for his future. Physically there are things I either can no longer do, or don’t care to do, that 10 years ago I would have still done. He’s in the Big Brothers program now so gets to do a lot of the physical or “guy” things with his Big Brother. There have also been a lot of sacrifices on my part… and I still sometimes miss the freedom that my “old” life held. But I would not trade the rewards that come from offering a child a second chance at life, seeing him laugh or smile (which he didn’t know how to do when he came to live with me), and seeing his amazement when he excels at something. He’s really starting to come into his own and it’s heartwarming to see it happen. Being a mom is a very challenging job, especially when it happens so late in life, but I feel blessed to have him in my life.
Thanks to both of you for your interest.
I joined earlier this week, feeling that it might be good to pull myself away from the dKos teat long enough to visit another blog once in a while, though really Booman Tribune, Liberal Street Fighter, Next Hurrah, etc feel like the dKos suburbs (on the trendy growth side of town).
Hello, Not-so-cruel world!
I’ve been lurking here for a while, and I’ve got this place on an RSS feed.
And yes, I’ll admit it, I only registered here today because dkos was down, but I expect to spend more time here in the future (whether that’s a promise or a threat I guess is for y’all to decide).
User 698 here — same AlphaGeek as over at dKos and a few other sites.
About me: I’m co-founder of a 5-year-old Silicon Valley software company that you’ve never heard of if you don’t work in the industry we serve. For various reasons, I try pretty hard to preserve my anonymity in order to maintain a clean separation between work life and personal life. An industrious and motivated online investigator could almost certainly figure out where I work. If you do happen to find out, please keep it (and my identity) to yourself. I like having the freedom to speak openly.
When my schedule permits, I am an active commenter; I spend a fair bit of time rating comments; and I’d like to write diaries but rarely have the time. Part of the reason for that is that I am very happily married and have three small boys, who I sometimes refer to as Small, Medium, and Large. It’s easier that way, you wouldn’t believe how often you mix up the names when the little heathens are creating chaos in the house.
I am socially liberal, fiscally pragmatic, believe in having a strong military on a short leash, and think that the sooner Democrats can give up the shrill gun control rhetoric, the sooner we’ll win over the West and put a Democrat in the White House.
I believe that three prime factors drive society today: individual liberty, economics and energy. Everything else takes a backseat to those three factors. I think that the first major post-industrial country to achieve energy independence will dominate this century. Unsurprisingly, I think that the US should invest heavily in nuclear power plant construction and fund ongoing research.
Oh, and I have an offbeat and occasionally raunchy sense of humor. I was the author of the Fart Club rules BiPM posted as the lead-in to C&J’s at dKos a couple of months ago. I’m not sure if I should be proud of that or not. 🙂
Alpha, run quick! Booman has a secret identity-finding program! Your time is running out! Oops, too late. Now all 1,000 boomaners are going to know your secret, invest in your company, and give you mojo all day long.
Hi! I’m Brian H. from eastern ontario, canada, (that’s that nice democratic country to the north of you with a fully functioning set of checks and balances :). Despite all the stress over the state of dkos here, I owe it to them and, particularly, the cross-posters, that I’m here! I agree, it’s getting very intense over there, but it all seems like the natural struggles and challenges of a growing organization- here’s my question: what will our reaction be when Booman hits 30,000-50,000 users? 😉
Two tech q’s for Booman and anyone else:
I’ve been over at dkos for a few months now, and my diary ideas won’t really go over there, I think- I’d like to float an idea past you guys, then if it’s successful here, cross it over to dkos if you think it’s worth it. I have a colorful and painful history with the church, sharpening and “reality-basing” my faith while growing it, but through it, I’ve developed a very sharp ability to translate “Christianese” very, very quickly and get to the heart of an organization’s/individuals beliefs(that’s a very compressed statement, by the way). My idea is a substantive diary entitled “How to talk to christians- if you have to” and it’s purpose would be to help non-christians on the left find commonground with christians and vice-versa, and also help with the idea that if all of us don’t try to befriend, listen to, break bread with and share stories with those on the right, there’s no one else to help them see through BushCo’s propaganda. I think we can profoundly bite into the religious right’s “swing voters” with friendship, relationship building, listening and PERSONAL discussion. What do you think? I will include reading cites, personal eg’s and links…..
Welcome from another in Northern CA – check out the Western Open thread for more intros.
BTW – I love your signature…I’m pro the same things!
Great site, Booman!
One question: is that Dick Cheney up in the corner, getting frog-marched out of the White House?
Yes, I read the FAQ after I wrote my post, confirming that great minds think alike!
been lurking for about 3 weeks after nearly 2 years at kos
This site is nice and has that feel of being a lttle bit more cozy.
I am 30+ year veteran of the Dem party and still recovering from the 2nd stolen election
And I know DNC is helping with 2005 elections here in VA
kos’s update still seems to need a LOT of tweaking
performance has been horrible, especially today
I am thinking of sending him an email, but I am sure he is getting other comments as well