As I noted in a post to my blog earlier this week, today is officially “College Social Security Rally Day,” when College GOP’ers are supposed to stage demonstrations of their support for Bush’s plans for Social Security “reform” (the national office helpfully provided elaborate scripts and handouts for these “spontaneous “demonstrations).
By actually spelling out his plans last night, Bush may have thrown a bit of a damper on things. And his proposal to address the prospect of diminished benefits–by slashing benefits–gives new meaning to the cat food buffets that College GOP’ers have been urged to stage to dramatize the plight of future retirees.
But take heart, kiddies–under the president’s privatization plan, a retiree will be able to pass on his unused cat food “to whomever he or she chooses.”
I like mine stir-fried.
What is it with college GOP’ers and food, btw?
They just got done staging “affirmative action” bake sales at a number of colleges, and now they’re on to cat food.
The possibilities for using food in stupid political theater are apparently endless….
How about the one with the kitty passed out in his bowl of chow?
Or better, one of an old cat passed out in his bowl of chow.
This one always sends the CHEERS and JEERS crowd in to froth 😉
Now in her second year of coma, the family has decided to remove the feeding tub.
Groups of right wing religious zealots are mounting a huge protest and requesting the ASPCA to step in.