Bush, April 28 press conference Q&A:

That’s why, as a part of the No Child Left Behind Act, we had money available for remedial education. In other words, we said,
we’re going to measure. And when we detect someone who needs extra help, that person will get extra help. And absolutely it’s making – it’s a good piece of legislation. And I will do everything I can to prevent people from unwinding it, by the way.

Q: What about the lawsuit? What’s your response to …

BUSH: I don’t know about the lawsuit. I’m not a lawyer.

But I – you know, I’ll ask my lawyers about the lawsuit.

But I know some people are trying to unwind No Child Left Behind.

You know, I’ve heard some states say, Well, we don’t like it.

Well, you know, my attitude about no liking it is this: If you teach a child to read and write, it shouldn’t bother you whether you measure. That’s all we’re asking.

I know, you know, unwind a little: