That’s why, as a part of the No Child Left Behind Act, we had money available for remedial education. In other words, we said,
we’re going to measure. And when we detect someone who needs extra help, that person will get extra help. And absolutely it’s making – it’s a good piece of legislation. And I will do everything I can to prevent people from unwinding it, by the way.
Q: What about the lawsuit? What’s your response to …
BUSH: I don’t know about the lawsuit. I’m not a lawyer.
But I – you know, I’ll ask my lawyers about the lawsuit.
But I know some people are trying to unwind No Child Left Behind.
You know, I’ve heard some states say, Well, we don’t like it.
Well, you know, my attitude about no liking it is this: If you teach a child to read and write, it shouldn’t bother you whether you measure. That’s all we’re asking.
I know, you know, unwind a little:
His speaking (in)ability offends me.
well I’m going to just unwind myself first and then maybe ask a lawyer ah about a lawsuit-maybe pinstripes- and then they’ll ah measure me for that while I’m still unwinding ah and then maybe with the new suit ah I’ll leave a child ah no wait that’s measure the child’s behind an ah see if he’s behinder in his ah reading ah cause he doesn’t have a measuring tape, you see that unwinds.
Next question.
That rings about correctly in my ears. <smirk>
smarter than the people who voted for him . . .
You mean the sheeple?
Only 4 comments? I realize that a fair number of men get all nervous when talk turns to measuring, but c’mon guys! Duh ya think that this could be a cleverly measured Rovian tool, crafted to make half of the 51% too twitchy to speak, or act? Or perhaps a set up for Big Pharmas benefit? Will Viagra sales spike as a result of the speech?
Yardstick in hand, Emma starts her day of measuring…but wait…yardsticks cant unwind…where the hell is my tape? I may be late starting. Sorry, but no can do without the tape. He is right about one thing. This is hard work.
Ha! I’m glad I’m not the only one who smirked when I saw Measure Yourself. “This is hard work” Pun intended?
Do you measure up?
It’s amazing what alittle Italian blood in the veins can do. lol <blush>
Sir, I was speaking about the direction of measurement. Horizontal or vertical?
Very punny. heh
Bush’s statement leaves one with the undeniable conclusion that he is the one in need of remedial education. Is he really the product of top flight ivy league schools? If so, I’ll just send my son to the local community college.
Test comment here….last one did not show up.
ha ha ha ‘unwind a little’.
will you all join me and Oui in welcoming newbies and lurkers to the site on the Tell us about you diary.
Question, should I start a new diary on Tell us about you, or just let this one get bigger?
I would put up a new one, with a link to both that one and to the Mindmouth one or something.
When the threads get too big, I know I personally tend not to even open them… too much to try and get through 🙂
It could be my isp… we had “weather” yesterday, and as it’s California, that sort of unusual event can throw everything off.
Am having trouble loading the site though, and especially trying to post comments and such. I gave up completely last night, because it wouldn’t load at all.
Then again, maybe the BooTrib is getting so big that it’s having server load problems. If that’s the case, yippie! (kinda, lol).
Click all the ads daily, please
I haven’t but I wasn’t on after midnight or so .. and I was back on at 7AM but didn’t notice a hitch.
Hope it gets better, Nanette! Booman has a complaint department, I think.
I wasn’t having problems yesterday, and was on until about midnight Arizona time. I wonder if that weather is headed in our direction…one can hope.
It comes and goes, so probably related to my isp thingy or something. Thanks susan and Man Eegee.
I will gladly send all “weather” your way, by the way, Man Eegee… this “seasons” stuff is way overrated.
We only have two here: hot & hotter
Where are you? Here, on the Olympic Peninsula, it’s overcast today and there’s a nice breeze… warm enough you don’t need a coat.
Tucson, Arizona. It’s actually nice outside today, alittle windy, but nice. It hasn’t reached the two-finger driving season yet. (that’s when you have to drive with only two fingers on the steering wheel so you don’t get third degree burns) Now you know why we have crazy drivers here 🙂
Can you believe he doesn’t know about the No Child lawsuits?
Glad he’ll check with his lawyers. HIS lawyers? Does he think he’s the one being sued?
Thank you for this diary. Last week my husband and I were talking about going to our 10 year class reunion and how people had shaken out into an adult life. The incredible straight A student at my class reunion was a stay at home dad, and I’m sure he is fab at it but it wasn’t what we thought would happen to him (if you know what I mean). The average C student guy who had great social skills too and a good sense of self was running his own business and making more money than God (or at least more than I was and I was on very good speaking terms with Mr. Straight A’s cuz we had a lot of classes together). It just seems that it takes more than good grades to really make it in this world. Good grades in childhood isn’t even a decent indicator of where someone is going to end up in the big picture since I had to listen to Hannity and Tommy Franks talk about what a couple of flunk outs they were. Now look at them! When little George said, “The system for too long had just shuffled children through and just hoped for the best. And guess what happened? We had people graduate from high school who were illiterate”, I had just one thing to say. Maybe it wasn’t the school’s fault George. Maybe this is something you ought to take up with big George and Babs…..maybe it was a nature/nurture thing, you know…..genetics and poor early childhood development. Maybe little George ought to stop taking all this out on my kids and lets lay blame where blame is due.
Very good, Tracy. “genetics and poor early childhood development.” Yup. And, if the kids I saw last year at the poor rural elementary school are any indication (and I think they are), they are the children of parents who are too young, too uneducated, too poor, and without access to the best parenting advice.
I posted a Diary regarding the passage of the Congressional Budget. There are links to the Roll Call votes as well. No Democrats voted for the budget because it cut Medicaid. Good for them!
I’ll raise you one.
Thanks! That was unexpected. 🙂
suddenly ass-bald?
Chemotherapy I would think, I heard he had some skin cancer or something of that nature. Maybe melanoma, rem. when he had those bandaids last year, I think it was.
You really have to admire how he keeps working so hard while he’s fighting cancer yet again. What type is it? Lymphoma?