A judge ordered an Appleton woman convicted of theft to decide whether to spend 90 days in jail or donate her family’s Packers tickets next season to charity.
Sharon E. Rosenthal, 59, took more than $3,000 from labor union accounts before she left the organization, using the money to help pay household bills, according to a criminal complaint.
Judge Scott Woldt offered her the decision to either serve the jail time or donate her family’s four seats in the Packers’ three-game season package to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
The jail time or the ticket donation will occur as part of Rosenthal’s overall two-year period of probation.
CBS News
Sharon wisely chose to give up her Packers tickets. Is this cruel and unusual punishment? What would Scalia say? What about aspiring NFL Commissioner, Condi Rice?
Since it is Frivolous Friday, what crazy/odd stories do you have to share? Any Darwin Award nominees? Bizarre judicial decisions? Things so weird, no one could have made them up?
Dominic Timms
Friday April 29, 2005
A high court judge today refused to grant David and Victoria Beckham an order that would have prevented their former nanny from making any further comment about them to the media.
Mr Justice Eady said the publication of information about the Beckhams “on such a wide scale” made it futile for the couple to try to gag Abbie Gibson.
“There is no black and white line as far as personal information is concerned and what is in the public domain and what is protected by law.
“It is not necessarily the case that because personal information is already in the public domain it is beyond the laws of privacy.
“But the publication of this material on such a wide scale makes it futile to prevent further publication.”
The decision means Ms Gibson is free to appear on television and repeat the claims she made about the Beckhams’ marriage in the News of the World on Sunday. …
He said Ms Gibson had signed a confidentiality agreement four times. …
The Beckhams should have hired Tom Cruise’s attorneys.
Frog cocktails are popular in the Andes because of their supposed aphrodisiac qualities
Pepper-sprayed Humboldt activists awarded $1 each by jury — “Juror Athene Aquino, a 35-year-old Citibank employee, said she was convinced the force was excessive by watching a video showing the deputies swapping pepper spray in the protesters’ eyes. When she viewed the tape, Aquino said she “started crying. It was just very emotional.””
Have you ever seen that video? It’s horrible to watch … they wiped the pepper spray directly into their eyes.
“Kiera Spear, who is eight months old, got the cards delivered to her home in Haverhill, Suffolk.
Her mother Glenda said: “She hasn’t show any interest in Mr Blair or Mr Howard or Mr Kennedy. She quite likes Thomas the Tank Engine.”
The district council which sent out the cards said there had been confusion over Kiera’s age.
Other children have also been sent polling cards reports BBC online.
The Sibley family, from North Somerset, received polling cards for Freddie, five, and his two sisters aged eight and 10 last week.”
Tee-Hee link
Too young maybe, but at least she’s not a Felon.
(Don’t look at that story. Makes Susan upset. Why can’t it just go away?)
Yahoo frontpaged the injustic against Willie Nelson. Texas won’t name an Austin roadway after him because he drinks & smokes. Take to the streets in protest! or not.
They hate him for his biodiesel company BioWillie!

“The crows are clever,” said Frank Mutschmann, a Berlin veterinarian who collected and tested specimens at the Hamburg pond. “They learn quickly from watching other crows how to get the livers.”
“A Jordanian man divorced his wife after discovering that she was also his virtual girlfriend.
Bakr Melhem had been flirting with a women on an internet chat room for several months.
But, when they finally met up at a bus station, in Zarqa near Amman, he recognised her as his wife Sanaa.
Bakr Melhem immediately shouted the Arabic words for ‘I divorce thee’ three times.
The husband had assumed the online identity of Adnan, while his wife had described herself as an unmarried Muslim lady called Jamila whose cultural interests included reading.
Jordanian news agency Petra reports when the man uttered the Islamic words, effectively ending the marriage, the woman responded by calling him ‘a liar’ before she fainted.”
lol, lol link
Republican Parking Rules

in this Aussie city, because they are going to bury you standing up:
Good idea, but still. Also, I wish I could find the story of the little city somewhere.. France or Spain or something, that made it against the law for anyone to die within their city limits because there was no more room to bury anyone.
I still wonder how they planned to enforce that…
awful- lot- o- recycled -stuff- here…guess i spend to much time on the internets :{)
kinda tuff to beat duh-bya’s press boorah last night…and i’d a kept the tickets.