Someone did this once upon a time, I always thought it was a great idea, so I’ve decided to make a more frequent contributions now that school is winding down.  Why do I like this idea?  It gives you a great list of important stories (on Yahoo!) and empowers you to make them front page worthy or hide them in the other news.  The effect can be small or large.

Using the new Yahoo! News Beta service I’ll brief the stories and link to them below, then if you want to, you can link, read, and vote…

I’ll post the first comment below for other stories to read and freep as they come, or as somebody else finds one I missed.  Which is bound to happen.  Polls are fair game in the first comment’s thread as well.  Comments, if any, I envisioned keeping them out of this first comment thread…

these go up (5)

Insurgent Attacks Kill at Least 20 in Iraq

This should look good on front page with the recent violence in Iraq.

Bush says US making ‘really good progress’ in Iraq

And now the stories I dont like: