Cross posted at dkos
The point of this diary? Well I’ve recently found out about the proposed Iranian oil bourse (bourse being the French word for a commodities exchange) and would like to look into how this fits in and how serious the likelihood of it is.
I’m glad to see the number of diaries reflecting on various aspects of the Iran issue are starting to creep up on here, I hope it continues and while I get the sense that the average perception at the moment (of those who are commenting or showing an interest in Iran) is……naaah, never happen, we’ve not got the forces (and I hope you are right)….I think we have to continue to stay informed.
To do our bit to try and avoid a repeat of this 98,000 and this 1,756
But first a bit of
Both Scott Ritter and Seymour Hersh have written recently on the possibility of military action on Iran, Ritter highlighting Israels supposed “point of no return” of the end of June (may explain Sharon waving old photo’s around at Crawford) and Bush having reviewed plans being prepared by the Pentagon to have the military capability in place by June 2005, while Hersh refers to US reconnaissance missions inside Iran.
As realtique pointed out in a diary yesterday, GQ reports this month that the Bush administration has already turned down Iranian offers that may avert military engagement (and I remember another diary on here recently where we were all shocked, shocked I say to find the Bushies had turned down a similar offer from Hussein last time – can’t find that diary now), from the diary:
Additionally, stoy diaried on the Bolton angle, picking up on an Al Jazeera piece opining that Bolton is being sent to the UN to attempt to force a change in the NPT, from that diary:
and as stoy pleasantly puts it there are plenty of “galactic assholes” in waiting if Bolton fails to get nominated.
Finally Michael Klare’s excellent piece entitled Oil, Geopolitics, and the Coming War with Iran shows the role Irans oil and natural gas supplies have to play vis-a-vis Iran opening up further trading relations with China, India, Pakistan and Japan
Iranian Oil Bourse
But what none of the above have dealt with is the prospect of Iran opening it’s own oil bourse.
At present the majority, if not all, world oil trade is denominated in the mighty dollar, which means any country wishing to trade in oil must hold US dollar reserves which in turn helps to prop up the mighty dollar.
And it’s traded on exchanges such as the IPE (London) and the NYMEX, both of which are owned by US corporations. The IPE one including BP, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.
However what appears to be a little known fact (correct me if I’m wrong) is that in November 2000 Saddam Hussein commenced trading oil in Euros and its thought in some quarters that this was one of the major reasons for the invasion. Post invasion (you know, post “mission accomplished”) Iraq’s oil was mysteriously reverted to trading in dollars.
In June 2004 Iran announced it was looking into setting up it’s own oil bourse for launch by March 2005.
Obviously that hasn’t happened.
However in September last year Iran announced it would be operational by March 2006
The consequences of oil being traded in Euros on an Iranian bourse? Well according to this piece from Arab Media Internet network last month
and according to this excellent piece this month from altpressonline
(Unfortunately I can’t find the AJC piece)
So to get to my point in writing this, I know there are plenty of people posting on here with a far better understanding of the machinations of the international oil industry than me and I’m just inviting comments on whether this proposed oil bourse is a serious proposition and what it’s likelihood of success are. Meantime I’ll keep reading.
And if it does turn out to be serious I’d bet
a) It wont garner much attention in the mainstream media.
b) It would be one of a series of useful arguments we on the left are going to have to frame if and when the current sabre rattling starts to achieve it’s aim and the administration needs to start scaring the general public into another war.
in case anyone is interested, another aspect in all of this, on the proposed Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline
Rich men want more money.
Frankly, I don’t think that what is euphemistically referred to as the “left” in the US will be either able, or (did I say frankly yet?) interested in preventing expansion of the crusade theatre to include Iran.
They will talk about containment, and exhausting diplomatic channels, and a thousand other points of frames that are based on the premise that Iran, like the rest of the world, is US property.
And the top two reasons for staying in Afghanistan and Iraq and invading Iran
Defense Contractors Report Strong Earnings
Exxon Mobil, Shell Profits Soar
and of course, the obligatory pimplink to my own ravings on the subject:
Super-Duper Imminent Iran Invasion Update, with links and poll
be my guest pimp link away !
but could you have a look at mine and dada’s points re india in there….you wrote this
The ace in the hole has always been the Indian army, but no matter what the honorarium, this could create some unintended domestic consequences for India, a country with a sizeable Muslim population, few of whom support US foreign policies.
India will sell expendables to the US for Iran.
Beyond that, the question of euros vs dollars, I don’t know.
India depends on the US for a lot of its money right now, don’t know how true this is, but there was buzz that during the last Kashmir standoff, it was India’s Minister of Information Technology (title approximate) who more or less ordered Delhi to back off, because a war would be bad for business.
The fact that India has a Minister of Information Technology speaks to that very large elephant that will have to be negotiated around before there can be a BRIC or even a RIC, since at this point it looks like Brazil may align itself a bit closer to home š
Frankly, I don’t think that what is euphemistically referred to as the “left” in the US will be either able, or (did I say frankly yet?) interested in preventing expansion of the crusade theatre to include Iran.
The opposition realises that American needs to appear united to the world and they will give the President little or no fight if Bush decides to strike Iran. Personally I see this as proof that America is not as capable as many may thing to police the world
but Americans, and as I am frequently, and thankfully reminded, there is a small shrill extremist fringe of Americans who do not think so either š