I thought I was paranoid, but it seems the White House is also.
D.C. Alert Triggered By Clouds
About 15 minutes later, President Bush was in an underground bunker at the White House and Vice President Cheney was escorted off the White House grounds to a secure location, officials said.
If clouds can trigger a major alert maybe we need to start sending smoke signals..
With all that Bushco has done to destroy American Democracy, and the world, it is comforting to know that he is a bit jumpy.
We could use some old fashion Left Radicals in D.C. right now to let Bush know that We Have Had Enough of Him and The GOP.
WE need to scare them! One major riot would probably chase Bush and his crew into a bunker until the next election.
Are there any Progressive militia or angry Democrats out there??
they need to be consumed in a mushroom cloud, in the middle of no where.
inciting riots is against the law.
However, there are plenty of angry democrats around. Thankfully, they are not setting cars on fire and breaking windows.
It would be nice, however, if this administration would start representing us rather than figuring out new and imaginative ways to piss us off and steal our money.
well, illegal war, lies, pillaging the cofers, destroying democracy…no real news and information lock down,and just about everything Bush has done is wrong and illegal also, though he changes the Rules of Law as he goes along- a riot or demonstration is the least we should be doing…
Yes, i’ve been saying this for along time. We have more than the right to riot for what our government has done. Hell, We have the right to revolution.