That disappeared 5 nanoseconds after it appeared.
Mr. Stirling Newberry’s diary Monetary Insanity Continues is an overview of why the Bush economic policy is a disaster waiting to happen.
Mr. Newberry always writes Good Stuff but this is really good and deserves better than sinking into the night.
If you are interested in an analysis of Bush’s Social Security proposal check out the Jason Furman article on the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities website. This is long but well worth the read. Thanks to Angry Bear for the link.
Invite him to post his diary here. It’ll get read.
I don’t think it is correct protocol to invite someone to post on a blog not my own.
Booman made it as a gift for crotchety and opinionated earth residents.
Many of us hang out here at BooTrib because dKos has just gotten too overwhelming to spend major time at these days – but there’s no denying that there is still a ton of worthwhile writing going on over there.
Diary subscriptions can save one’s sanity at dKos. Stirling has been on my list for a while. The time I spend at dKos is more and more spent checking out my diary subscriptions list and less and less about the recommended list.
Once you’ve subscribed to a writer’s diaries, their diaries never “scroll away.” They stay safely listed on your hotlist until you either read them or delete them from your list.
Me too, Janet. The first thing I click at Kos is my Hotlist. And I read MaryScott’s note the other night saying she’d made the diary list her homepage … not the home page of Kos. I’d never thought of that. Good idea.
I for one, have always followed Stirling’s work, as always, very well written, and very thought provoking.
I would love to see him here more, as lately, Kos is just too much for me these days, and find much more comfort here.
I do have him on my hotlist there, just find myself not wandering that way these days as much.
thanks for the link, and reminder of the great diaries there.