Month: April 2005

How’d boo do that? (An HTML Primer)

If you have ever wondered how BooMan, susanhbu, or some of the other BooT’s here manage to put together those beautiful Diaries, I have the answer. Well – I have part of the answer. Here is a short primer on the HTML...

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NYT Does Puff Piece on Bolton

UPDATE: Thank god for the LA Times. (At end of story.) “Johnny, we hardly knew ye!” About “this brainy son of a Baltimore firefighter,” the Sunday New York Times writes fondly: Mr. Bolton has proved...

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Cheech and Chong Meet Kafka

Tommy Chong is in a tight spot, man. To hear him discuss it, you’d almost think he’s describing the plot of one of the skits he used to do with his partner, Cheech Marin. But for a comedian who manages to find humor even in the...

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Citizens Kane and Their Progress

Dan Gillmor of Grassroots Journalism, Etc. blogs this bit of expose on the NYT: Citizens Kane and Their Progress      The New York Times killed a magazine story about Wikinews by Matthew Yeomans, who...

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