From Georgia10’s diary … we coincidentally did diaries about the same two women.  How weird is that.  Anyway, she has added superb instructions this morning on who to contact.  This is Amina’s LAST DAY on earth.  Unless.

ALSO: Besides Georgia’s suggestions, contact your senators, newspapers, and other media.

Update [2005-5-1 9:54:25 by georgia10]:: Is it too late? I don’t know. But I do know that we owe it to Amina, as fellow citizens of this world, to take a minute out of our day to help save her life.

 President Abdullah Saleh had this to say earlier this year:

 “Human rights are tightly connected to democracy and the state of law and order. Therefore, we should remove anything that contradict them and stand against all forms of discrimination, oppression and exploitation for the human being and his rights.”
 Let’s urge him not to let his words ring hollow today.

 Thanks to all those who dug up action info in the thread. Today is my Easter, but I’m taking a minute out of celebrating to help save this woman’s life. Please, do the same.

 Please FAX a letter to:

His Excellency General´Ali ´Abdullah Saleh
 President of the Republic of Yemen
Faxes:00 967 127 4147
 Salutation:Your Excellency

His Excellency Dr Rashid Muhammad al-Alimi
 Ministry of Interior
Faxes: 00 967 1 332 511
 Salutation:Your Excellency

Her Excellency Amat al Aeem al Suswah
 Ministry for Human Rights
Faxes:00 967 1 444 838
 Salutation:Your Excellency

Ambassador of Yemen
 HE Dr Mutahar Abdullah Al-Saeede
 57 Cromwell Road
 London SW7 2ED
Telephone: 00 44 207 584 6607
 Fax: 00 44 207 589 3350

 Here is a form letter you can use:

Your Excellency:

 I urge you to prevent the unlawful execution of Amina Ali Abduladif, who is sentenced to death for the murder of her husband. In 1994, Yemen passed a law making it illegal to sentence a minor to death. Amina was just 14 at the time the crime was committed. Please, commute the death sentence passed on Amina Ali Abduladif.

 You are an ally of the United States in our War on Terror. In that war, we are together fighting against unlawfulness, against arbitrary killing, and against injustice.

 Please, do not let this injustice occur. Commute the death sentence immediately and prove to the world that Yemen is a nation which honors human rights, international law, and above all–life.

 X United States

FROM Georgia10’s diary