From Georgia10’s diary … we coincidentally did diaries about the same two women. How weird is that. Anyway, she has added superb instructions this morning on who to contact. This is Amina’s LAST DAY on earth. Unless.
ALSO: Besides Georgia’s suggestions, contact your senators, newspapers, and other media.
Update [2005-5-1 9:54:25 by georgia10]:: Is it too late? I don’t know. But I do know that we owe it to Amina, as fellow citizens of this world, to take a minute out of our day to help save her life.
President Abdullah Saleh had this to say earlier this year:
“Human rights are tightly connected to democracy and the state of law and order. Therefore, we should remove anything that contradict them and stand against all forms of discrimination, oppression and exploitation for the human being and his rights.”
Let’s urge him not to let his words ring hollow today.
Thanks to all those who dug up action info in the thread. Today is my Easter, but I’m taking a minute out of celebrating to help save this woman’s life. Please, do the same.
Please FAX a letter to:
His Excellency General´Ali ´Abdullah Saleh
President of the Republic of Yemen
Faxes:00 967 127 4147
Salutation:Your Excellency
His Excellency Dr Rashid Muhammad al-Alimi
Ministry of Interior
Faxes: 00 967 1 332 511
Salutation:Your Excellency
Her Excellency Amat al Aeem al Suswah
Ministry for Human Rights
Faxes:00 967 1 444 838
Salutation:Your Excellency
Ambassador of Yemen
HE Dr Mutahar Abdullah Al-Saeede
57 Cromwell Road
London SW7 2ED
Telephone: 00 44 207 584 6607
Fax: 00 44 207 589 3350
Here is a form letter you can use:
Your Excellency:
I urge you to prevent the unlawful execution of Amina Ali Abduladif, who is sentenced to death for the murder of her husband. In 1994, Yemen passed a law making it illegal to sentence a minor to death. Amina was just 14 at the time the crime was committed. Please, commute the death sentence passed on Amina Ali Abduladif.
You are an ally of the United States in our War on Terror. In that war, we are together fighting against unlawfulness, against arbitrary killing, and against injustice.
Please, do not let this injustice occur. Commute the death sentence immediately and prove to the world that Yemen is a nation which honors human rights, international law, and above all–life.
X United States
FROM Georgia10’s diary
it’s because it relates to a front-page post by Susan (here) that’s scrolled off the front page, and to Georgia10’s diary at DKos (wherein a lot of Kossaks call each other names and waste time instead of trying to save the life of a 21yo mother of two).
Thanks, Susan, for keeping on top of this. What a terrible story, but maybe we can help give it a happy ending.
Sadiq Al-Himiari, member of the Al-Mahwit General Prosecution Authority, claimed Amina was an adult when she committed the crime and that she was tried and sentenced based on this fact. He added that the attorney general, the primary court, the penal court and the high court had all verified her age before issuing the verdict.
The assistant attorney general Abdul-Momin Al-Solwi, as well as accepting her adulthood, also ruled out she had killed her husband due to mental problems resulted from her early marriage. He said the suspect had committed her crime in cooperation with a second party after her husband discovered she was cheating on him with this person who for his part also received the maximum sentence. He said: “No person under the age of 18 can be put before the court. Such persons are treated as juveniles and are tried as such according to juvenile law.”
The defending lawyer dismissed the claims of the general attorney and said that in the appeal court in Al-Mahweet nothing was discussed concerning Amina’s case and the report of the legal doctor stating her age was not taken into consideration.
The “Last Chance for Freedom” legal center is providing legal assistance to Amina, but many obstacles impede their progress. The lawyer’s access to Amina’s legal files are being illegally held by the General Deputy and the Head of Prosecution in Al-Mahweet. link
This article says a month but I think it may be a mistranslation, since everything else says a day.
Reuters is finally on it.
I would concentrate my efforts on the US Government rather than Yemeni officials. One call from the US Ambassador in Sana’a to the President or a Minister would be worth hundreds of faxes from ordinary Americans.
I would e-mail or fax my Senators, the White House, and the State Department something along the following lines:
All information quoted is from Amnesty International and The Times.
You no doubt know how to find your Senators and the White House. I would contact the following State Department officials – unfortunately I couldn’t find e-mail addresses – because failing a political direction from the WH or Condoleeza Rice, they will be the ones who decide the US response:
The Under Secretary for Political Affairs, R. Nicholas Burns, tel 202-647-2471 fax (202) 647-4780
Assistant Secretary C. David Welch, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA/FO) tel 202-647-7209 fax (202) 736-4462
Director Alan G. Misenheimer, Office of Arabian Peninsula & Iran Affrs (NEA/ARPI) tel 202-647-6184 fax (202) 736-4459
Yemen Country desk tel (202) 647-6558
Thomas C. Krajeski
U.S. Ambassador, Yemen
Telephone: (967) 1 303-155 to 159
Fax: (967) 1 303160/1/2/4/5
Does anyone know the pattern of State’s e-mail addresses? Usually, if you know one you can then insert names using the same pattern.
Fabulous. Yesterday, my daughter and I could not find fax numbers for the State Dept. WTG, Canberra Boy!
We did fax both of our U.S. Senators. And I e-mailed Condi. We also faxed every major newspaper, from the LATimes to USA Today to NYT.
When my daughter wakes up — it’s her day to sleep in — we can fax again to these new #s. WTG!
And we faxed the Yemeni embassy in Washington D.C. and the U.S. embassy in Yemen.
Georgia10’s diary looks like it’s about to slip off the ‘recommended’ list.
Perhaps Susan, a cross-post of this diary? If you do, tell us so we can recommend.
Sorry, it’s 2.15am here and I have to get some sleep.
It is up at Kos. Georgia10’s diary has been in the Rec list since yesterday morning.
I’m sure she’s inspired a whole lot of people to act.
Here’s what I also did, and that you all can do:
I forwarded the info to all the mailing lists I’m on, including the almost 500-member ProgressiveTalk list. they’re the kind of people who will act on this. And I’m going to write them again with your advice and Fax #s above.
And I sent it on to a couple relatives and friends who aren’t on the same mailing lists.