Swearengen: “Don’t the decapitated deserve recreation?”

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More best lines from Episode 20:

Swearengen: “Certain facts show in the mug.”

Swearengen: “Our moment permits interest in one question only: Will we, of Deadwood, be more than just targets for ass-f**king?”

Swearengen: “Anyhow, thanks for brushing my pr**k”

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usSwearengen:
“Too early for you?”
Miss Isringhausen:
“I don’t time my drinking”

Joanie [PHOTO]: “Would you like a drink?”
Jane: “Yes. But my opening position is no.”

Joanie, pouring drink: “What’s your preference?”

Jane: “That it ain’t been previously swallowed.”

Swearengen: “The main dereliction is Farnum’s, whose bailiwick is specifically arrivals, but you have been remiss.”

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And, now, below the fold: Tonight’s episode, and a little bit about that actor who plays the big fella, Mose Manuel:


: : : More below : : :
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Amalgamation and Capital

Alma Garret’s [PHOTO] note causes Swearengen to amend his deal with Miss Isringhausen, while Calamity Jane and Joanie Stubbs continue their unlikely alliance.

A.W. Merrick [PHOTO BELOW LEFT] goes overboard printing rumors in the Pioneer, earning rebuke from Swearengen.

Tolliver aims to fleece Mose Manuel [SEE ACTOR PROFILE BELOW] of his bloodstained profits.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usUtter [PHOTO BELOW RIGHT] is enraged when Wolcott interrupts his and Bullock’s interrogation of Mose.

Alma’s note causes Swearengen to amend his deal with Miss Isringhausen.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usMartha uses the bank’s opening to open new lines of communication with Alma.

Jane and Stubbs continue their unlikely alliance.

Fields and Hostetler’s attempt to tame a wild horse has disastrous results.

Catch the encore presentations airing Tuesday at 9PM and Wednesday at 11PM. More airtimes.



Mose Manuel: “Two-hundred thousand? “
Wolcott: “Cash upon execution.”
Mose Manuel: “I already executed”

Mose Manuel: “My brother had an accident.”
Wolcott: “What’s his condition now?”
Mose Manuel: “Fatal.”


Image Hosted by ImageShack.usPruitt Taylor Vince

Mini biography

Vince first started to get noticed for his excellent performances at the start of his career in Shy People (1987) and Mississippi Burning (1988). In both these films he played something of a blathering redneck idiot, although there was a streak of pathos in both performances which made it impossible to dismiss his characters as just ‘bad’ people. In David Lynch’s Wild at Heart (1990) and Adrian Lyne’s Jacob’s Ladder (1990), he put in performances which showed he was merely biding his time before his next great role came along.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usWell, as luck would have it, two great roles came along in two years. As Rub Squeers, Paul Newman’s emotional work partner in Nobody’s Fool (1994), he put in an excellent performance which showcased his now trademark acting style of fast moving eyes to show sadness. However, this performance was nothing compared to the acting powerhouse which was Heavy (1995). In this tender indie film, also marking Liv Tyler’s first proper film role, Vince practically carries the whole film, and does so with style. Watching him gradually lose grip of his life breaks your heart, and it without doubt one of the most underrated performances of the 90s.

Vince has not really had a film role to touch this since, but he has been in the cult hit crime show, “Murder One: Diary of a Serial Killer” (1997) (mini), as Clifford Banks. It was a rare opportunity for Vince to flex his acting muscles as a slightly different type of character. Vince undoubtedly has the ability to be a major star; he just needs to be given the oppurtunity.

Trade mark: Playing twitchy, nervous, sometimes disturbed characters

Trivia: Pruitt Taylor Vince won the 1997 Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Performance by an Actor for his performance as serial killer Clifford Banks on “Murder One” (1995).

You can read additional bio info at The New York Times.