Update [2005-5-2 0:35:6 by gilgamesh]:
I’ve updated this diary because, on further reflection, I realized I was a bit over-hasty in dismissing out of hand the possibility of deliberate assasination. But I was writing in a hurry.
I still believe it is extremely far-fetched, but the report clearly doesn’t rule it out. Why did the commander responsible for coordinating Negropente’s movements not bother to radio in to the troops on the ground the command to dismantle the improvised check points? We’ll probably never really know.
And therein lies a broader and more fundamental lesson here: If the US really did want to assasinate Sgrena, or anyone other foreign citizen for that matter, who is going to hold them accountable? The ICC? The Italian government? The German? The French? The UN? Tony Blair???
We have some extraordinary new developments in the case of Nicola Calipari, the Italian intelligence agent killed by US military forces on April 4th during an operation to liberate the captive journalist for Il Manifesto Giuliana Sgrena.
According to La Repubblica, the final investigator’s report, which has just been published on the Web, was blackened out in various sections in order to hide some rather important details, but an error in the cancellation process has made it possible to read the unexpurgated version of the report in its entirety:
All of a sudden we know first names and last names. We know the units from which the soldiers who manned blocking post 541 and shot at the car carrying Giuliana Sgrena, Nicola Calipari and the other SISMI agent who was driving came from. We also know his [the driver’s] name. We know the name of the other agent of Sismi who was in telephone contact with Calipari from Bagdad. We know who the agents were who, that night of April 4th, had one single priority: to protect the convoy of the person who in all of the reports is called VIP, the US ambassador in Iraq John Negroponte. And we know that something, among all of the extraordinary means of communation which the US military had its disposal did not work and that they were unable to make known to the various check points that the VIP had already passed and arrived at destination.
The omissions with which the report of the US commission is interlarded just failed to work. Because of a technical error. Just get a copy of the pdf format of the document from the website of the command of the multinational forces in Iraq, copy the text and paste it into a normal word-procesing program. Or, change the background color of the pdf and choose white for the text color. Three movements of the mouse and all the secrets fall right out.
And what do the obscured parts of the document reveal that we didn’t know before:
The man who opened fire on the Toyota is Mario Lozano, member of the NY national guard. He was one of the three “specialists” of the check point. The others, all of them of the 69th infantry regiment are a captain and four sergeants.
Drew calculated the velocity of the car and said that it was elevated, so much so that it wouldn’t be able to make the curve. Lozano threw down the mirror which he held and began firing at the car.
But there’s also much more crucial information which exposes the truth of what really happened that night of April 4th, information which was never exchanged with the Italian members of the so-called “joint” commission.
One of the most important passages regards the communications problems which the Americans experienced that night, intolerable above all in such a delicate moment as that one, with the movements of Negroponte. The report states that communications usually take place through the Voice over Internet Protocol, but that that night there were problems. The commander of the 76th company who coordinated the movements of the US ambassador was not able to communicate those movements to the command of the Fourth brigade. Nor did he attempt to do so by radio.
Now pay careful attention here, folks, and repeat after me:
The result was that the order to dismantle the improvised check points, like the one established near the airport never arrived. For this reason the men at the check point of the 69th company remained in a state of total alert.
In other words, had the communications system functioned properly OR had the commander of the 76th company who was responsible for coordinating the movements of Negroponte bothered to try to radio in the orders, this incident would have been avoided and Nicola Calipari would still be alive today.
Therefore, it seems probable that there was no assasination attempt on the one hand, and no carelessness on the part of Nicola Calipari and the other Sismi agents, no reckless driving or other irresponsible conduct on the part of the driver on the other. What we have is simply absolute negligence and reckless disregard for human life which resulted in miscommunication on the American side.
There are also recommendations to improve the procedures of control at the check points in order to avoid a repition of episodes similar to that of Calipari. Among these: take in consideration the use of “ulterior non lethal measures”; do not leave to the same man who is the guardian with the spotlight of recognition the responsibility of opening fire. A sort of recognition of responsibiity or, in any case, an admission that something more could have been done to avoid that tragic death.
Meanhwhile, according to Il Manifesto, the mutual hostility between the CIA and the Pentagon on one side and the agents of SISMI and the Italian governement on the other continue to escalate.
Sources inside the Italian intelligence services explain that they recieved with “shock” the revelations about satellite images of the incident that are allegedly in the possesion of the Pentagon that were reported on CBS. “If these reports were true, it means that evidence fundmantal to the investigation was denied to the joint commision by the Pentago.” “That which strikes one is the scarse consideration of the anomymous origins of the the reports, the underestimation of the consideration that, if there were true, it would mean the substraction of information from an the commision’s investigation.” The subtext is clear: the Italian governement has proof not only that the two Italians on the commision explicity asked for satellite images of the shooting. But that it also has evidence that the US had signed documnts attesting to the fact that no such images existed and that for this reason they coulnìt be ut as the diposition of the Italians.
While Berlusconi continues to maintain the charade of humble Bush sock puppet, unrest and dissatifation with Italy’s war-footing in Iraq is finally beggining to take hold on one member of the right, at least. Roberto Calderoli, minister of riform, said today, “In the light of the dissonances which emerged in the joiint commision…it’s time for the majority and the governement to undertake a detailed and attentive reflection on the time for withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
Well, let’s hope there not playing games this time!!
Well, let’s hope there not playing games this time.
Here’s the report itself without the omissions, so you don’t have to go through the process decsribed above. Here’s the report with the omissions. Compare and contrast. LOL!!! Why so much secrecy, sarge?
Over at dkos they’ve abandoned me becuae I don’t acceot the conspiaracy theory, for CHRIST?S SAKE!!!
Why are so many loud-mouthed idiots signing up for dKos these days?
Thank G-D for BooMan!
It’s disturbing and disheartening. I suppose you’ve also noticed how the diary lists fly by. Ridiculous.
really fly by a lot faster than when I first started working on this site and stopped posting regular diaries there.
I guess that C-SPAN appearance really did wonders for his membership. Good for him. But it has changed the character of the site.
Gilgamesh’s diary is finally on the Rec list at Kos, as it should be.
Susan, your diaries are always up there. but you’r one of the few, along with Jerome and Welshman,Meteorblades,etc who deserve to be always on the recommended list for content.
However,take a look at this diary and the one I just quoted varbatim below. That thing was up all day and mine was up for all of about ten minutes. What happended? I don’t know. I poabably sound like a child here. But absurd is absurd!!
No, not always. In fact, probably 80-90% of my diaries don’t make the Rec list. But I write a lot so eventually I get up there, and it just seems like it’s often. I’ve probably posted 12-14 diaries in the past 6 or so days, and only one made it briefly on the Rec list.
Anyway, you have the CORRECT view of this story. Thank god. Incompetence always made the most sense, and it’s been proven out.
The 3 points in dispute:
Was there a check point?
What was the driving speed?
From what direction was the US solider firing?
The US report is in direct contradiction with the Italian witnesses.
The report gives 6 excuses to explain why the Italian driver was speeding.
Inventing excuses for another person’s actions is not evidence.
I have 2 questions, since the Army excuses the killing based
on its claim that the car was driving 50 mph/ 80 kph, and
this was faster than any other cars on the road.
What is the speed limit on Route Irish, if any?
Where there any other cars on the road at that time?
The only one of your points that isn’t in dispute actually is number one. There was an improvised check-point.The report verifies that fact unambiguously.
It shows that the people manning the point were not informed about the fact that VIP’s car had already passed.
According to the CBS repoort based on anonymous Pentagon intel sources, the driving speed was 90k/h. If you actaully do the calculations thouhg, the speed turns out to be 95 to 98 k/h ased on their estimation of the distances traveled. Absurd!! More imprortantly, their are no margins of error given. They’re lying!!!
I don’t know what the speed limit on that road is. Given that it’s the most dnagerous road in Iraq, I would imagine it’s not very high.
Noone has mentioned other cars on that road. Perhpas they’re weren’t any, since it was reserved for VIPs??
I was going by what Sgrena claimed, no check point, just soldiers shooting at them.
The US report claims that Sgrena’s car was going faster than all the other cars on the road. “Not keeping with the flow of traffic” as we would say over here. The fact that the Italian car stood out from the rest is what made the US soldiers suspicious. (supposedly)
Also the road to the Baghdad airport is the most dangerous 6 miles in the world. But Sgrena’s car was not on that road as she has said over and over. They were on a smaller road, Route Irish, and they were 700 meters from their destination. Why would they be speeding?
I go on rush trips to the ferry all the time, usually late, my drivers slow down once we get close to the ferry dock and we know we are going to make it.
I was going by what Sgrena claimed, no check point, just soldiers shooting at them.
That’s exactly what they mean, apparently, by “improvised check point”!!! And, as the unexpurgated repert makes clear, they were supposed to have “dismantled” them after Negropente’s safe arrival at the airport. But the f***ing commander in charge of coordination didn’t get those orders through to the troops at the “improvised check point”. This point is empashized in my updated diary.
also the road to the Baghdad airport is the most dangerous 6 miles in the world. But Sgrena’s car was not on that road as she has said over and over. They were on a smaller road, Route Irish, and they were 700 meters from their destination.
you’re correct. I think I wrote that the road they were actually on was dangerous. No, my memory is slipping or something. Route Irish was the secured road.
no, I’ve actually been delving into that monstositry of a report and it goes to grat lengths to estabklish that “ROUTE IRISH” is the most dangerous road in Iraq, accoding to journalist,etc.. Them it gives some innumrable examples of incidents that have orrcured on that partcular road and at that partcular Blocking Post (intersection btween Route Irish and another artery), in
their jargon.
The question then is waht the f*** was Negropente’s convoy doing on the most dangerous road in Iraq????!!!!
take a helicopter ride? Oh, yes, he was afraid of the weather. So now he lives on to wreck more havoc on the world.
Okay, Route Irish is the most dangerous road in Iraq, maybe in world.
(especially if you are Italian.)
If there is one for Route Irish, it wasn’t mentioned in the report. However, the report does state that by military guidelines the approach to a checkpoint is supposed to have a posted speed limit — but then there’s a long, involved explanation for why these bozos hadn’t bothered to put up any signs. So I guess the answer is no, there was no special speed limit at “Dead 007’s Curve.”
Gilgamesh, you’ve been generous with your time and talent on this Giuliana / Calipari case. Could never have followed it all without your assistance.
I don’t know where to stand on the issue right now. The soldier(s) apologized to Giuliana immediately following the shooting, yet the US Captain at the scene removed their [Italians] cell phones and caused some delay in aide? So, I don’t see the soldiers as anything other than pawns. Meaning a higher authority should be held responsible for this mistake.
If the Americans are admitting the satellite communications were not working properly, maybe that is happening in more places and more times than many realize and it is a deficiency Americans don’t want known.
Anyway, many thanks to you and my best wishes for a full healthy recovery to Giuliana. She is an inspiration to all.
1)The national guard troops who manned the “flying blocking post” (not check point, BYW, this is actually an important distintion) were novices who had had only been operating in that area for about 15 days.
order to dismantle the BPs to people manning them.
There is only one possible conclusion here: the reckless negligence and irresponsible rules-of-engagement (kill first ask questions later) of the US armed forces in Iraq led to the killing of Nicola Caliprai and god-only-knows how many innocent Iraq civilians (men, women and children).
They then tried everything they could to obstruct the joint investigation of the incident becasue they know that the catastrophic situation they have created in Iraq requires them to maintain such horrible policies and practices in order to combate the insurgency with even a modicum of success. And even their ruthless approach isn’t working. Perhaps its making things worse? The blame goes all the way to the top.
The Iraq war must end!!!
as more than a bit of a conspiracy buff, I can certainly see why people think something is up (the satellite images not being handed over doesn’t do anything but make it seem like the US has something to hide) but I don’t think people should hassle you, especially since you’ve done an excellent job of covering this without any hyperbole.
Los Angeles Times removed the mention of them from their article. Comments on DKos claim that these images were impossible due to overcast weather. (?) The consensus seems to be that there were none. The military is making stuff up, in other words.
I haven’t read all dKos diaries on topic, but wasn’t there a mention of GPS tracking in news broadcast a few days ago. Isn’t pushing the “satellite” images by the LA Times false from the start, to be debunked easily as weather conditions were known and images were not possible.
I’m not familiar with the technical possibilities, but was the Italian car or mobile phone of driver Carpani equipped with GPS tracking capability. The positions would of course be fixed by satellite reception and a computer could calculate timeline of events and speed of car at every instant.
Just a remark, hope it makes sense.
[A little conspiracy – the US forces knew exactly where Sgrena and her company of Italian agents was at all times after her release]
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
reading somwhere that they weren’t using GPS tracking for some reason. But I cannot state this authoritatively.
The more important point is that if they do really have images of any kind, we will never get them. The US has declared case closed and they’re obviously not going to turn over any evidence to anyone to investigate futher into this. They’ve probaby been destroyed.
If they don’t have them, they were just playing games with the media.
The report, which aired Thursday on CBS News, said US investigators concluded from the recording that the car was traveling at a speed of more than 60 miles (96 km) per hour.
US soldiers said at the time of the March 4 incident that the car approached at a high rate of speed and that they fired only after it failed to respond to hand signals, flashing bright lights and warning shots.
CBS, citing Pentagon officials, said the satellite recording enabled investigators to reconstruct the event without having to rely on the eyewitness accounts. link
US government does not want foreign nationals, who have been taken hostage, to be freed by paying large sum of cash. From the US viewpoint, the US will apply pressure and do everything possible to find and kill the Iraqi hostage takers at all cost. Another event I recall were the two French journalists, who were traveling to the Jordanian border, when from nowhere their convoy with the hostage takers, were fired on from an air assault by US forces.
Many persons were killed, the French journalists remained hostage, until a new deal was struck at a much later date.
Perhaps, for that reason, the Italians kept the US ex communicado, and kept the mutual info shared with the US forces to a minimum. Only the necessary arrangements, dayof release and estimated time, plus the logistics to get to the airport would be shared, and get on board of a plane at BIA asap, facilitated by Italian government? Berlusconi had to accept plan to get Sgrena released, or he would be in political difficulty by her continued imprisonment in Iraq.
I am sure the US Command knew and tracked the movements of the Italian agents involved in the release of Sgrena.
Has anyone at dKos picked up on this angle of investigation?
There has been no explanation given for the long duration of the checkpoint. No feasable explanation has been given for poor communication between US forces, where this has been the mainstay and advantage of US military technology in Iraq. If these matters are not cleared up, than it is more likely the report is a whitewash and will forever support the conspiracy theories.
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Many applications of GPS tracking has been commercialized, such as the project BusNext.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I think it was in Il Manifesto where I read that Calipari and the other agent did not use their cell phones while driving in Baghdad, and when following the vehicle in Baghdad that lead them to where Giuliana had been left by the kidnappers. They did not want to be located by the US.
Also, as part of the negotiations, it was suggested that Calipari not use a Jeep or other easily identifiable vehicle – again as a way to avoid detection by the US.
The release was delayed by having the lead vehicle driving around in circles instead of proceeding more directly to Giuliana. Supposedly there was a helicopter flying in the vicinity and they wanted to make sure that the Italians were not being followed by US military.
After Calipari had Giuliana in the Toyota, the two agents communicated by their cell and satellite phones with General Marioli at Baghdad airport, and SISMI in Rome.
Confirmation of my suspicion!
From this moment the US had a location fix of the Italian group as they proceeded to BIA. The US Command from CENTCOM in Florida, to Afghanistan, Qatar, Baghdad and the situation room in the WH could have monitored the exact movement of Giuliana’s car.
It’s easy to send an alert of a suspicious white and black car supposedly a suicide bomber on its mission. Suspect is moving at accelerated speed in the vicinity. Anyone can imagine what the result would be.
Similar to Abu Ghraib, the buck is passed to the inexperienced and insufficiently trained US forces with poor or defective communications! The soldier acting on orders and taking the BS and the rap for failed leadership.
The US forces knew exactly what was happening and knew who would be shot, in another of so many incidents involving journalists who are not embedded.
BTW even George or VP Dick could have joined the video game from the White House.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Sorry, Oui, the conspiarcy theory can’t hold any water. Please go to dkos if you’re interested in that angle.
It may be that someone, a US someone, wanted to teach a lesson to the ransom-paying Italian intelligence agency and its officer(s).
Maybe they didn’t care who was killed, or who survived – just a warning.
The US had to know that Italy has been paying ransom; this was hardly the first time. Without the ransom, no release of hostages. No freed hostages, or worse, dead hostages, more pressure for the withdrawal of the Italian troops.
As you know, there are several theories regarding caso Calipari – who knows how likely they are to be true? One is that Calipari discovered ties between ex-Baathists insurgents and the US. Another is the Salvadoran option for Iraq – death squads.
Do you remember the charge that the kidnapping of the two Simone was arranged to damage the peace movement? And that of Margaret Hassan as well? One might understand why the Italian mercenaries were kidnapped, but people who were working to help the Iraqis?
What makes me doubt the “tragic error” explanation is the delay to disband the road block – the FM communication was available and still no one contacted them – this information coming from the non-redacted report. In the US report, much time is spent explaining how dangerous that stretch of road is – and then the patrol is left there, a target for insurgents, for way longer than need be.
General Marioli told Captain Green of the Toyota coming to the airport. What happened?
The CIA has an unsavory history of political assassinations, and of subverting progressive movements.
Maybe the shooting was a tragic accident; maybe it was something more.
Unfortunately, because of past US/CIA behavior, there is reason to suspect “official” explanations. Some of us are skeptical of coincidence conspiracies.
The satellite pictures would tell more, but who keeps those? Right
There are a whole bunch of things you can do if you have access to the mobile operator (doesn’t apply with sat phones).
Firstly you can listen to conversations using software to bring up calls from/to targeted phones. And pick up SMS.
Secondly, depending on the mobile device model (chip) you can silently switch them on and listen.
Thirdly you can frikk with whole predermined ranges of subscribers in an instant – like denying access.
Fourthly you can use triangulation + statistical software to locate any mobile within about 20 metres.
And you think the US isn’t deep inside Iraqi mobile networks?
Outstanding analysis, I am devouring the report on the incident. Have many questions, why first 50% of report is about the dangers in Baghdad since the start of the invasion and occupation.
Odd that in first paragraph of report, a conclusion was drawn:
The rest sucks as an investigation, is more a report on how the military organizes, trains its units nothing is written, new units learn BP and TCP in a week’s time and mostly recommendations for future operations. I thought they already had experiences with hundreds or thousands of incidents in past two year period!
It’s also strange I found no mention in degree of darkness, between 19:38 and 20:50 hours.
“Captain Drew also issued guidance on the importance of force protection. (Annex 74C) He expected to maintain the blocking position no more than 15 minutes.”
About the speed of the car, the report itself is ambiguous. Under dry conditions 3 weeks later:
On Friday, 25 March 2005, a certified radar operator conducted two traffic samples at BP 541. From 1809 hours to 1824 hours, 27 vehicles were clocked. The average speed at the Alert Line was 44 mph. The average speed at the beginning of the on-ramp’s curve was 24 mph. From 1956 hours to 2015 hours, 30 vehicles were clocked. The average speed at the Alert Line was 46 mph. The average speed at the beginning of the curve was 26 mph. Unlike the night of the incident, which was also a Friday, the road was dry during these samples.
After the sharp curve at the beginning of the on-ramp, the speed of the car was 25 mph, the car then accelerates moving down the ramp. The Italian driver Carpani on March 4, wet road conditions and a mobile phone in one hand, would be speeding faster in curve on ramp?? The slow speed of car agrees with the original witness account of Sgrena.
This is a setting for an ambush, for which John Negroponte has early experience in Central America under the regime of Reagan. I recall a setting in El Salvador where US trained military, ambushed a group of six Dutch journalists/reporters of IKON TV. It took the Dutch government years of investigation to find the truth, because the US authorities wouldn’t cooperate. Similar conditions then, the reporters tried to interview opposition groups and tell their side of thr story, a deadly mistake. History repeating itself.
There is no mention, how the BP was manned directly after the shooting incident in such a dangerous area, nor when the order was given to take BP down. I wouldn’t rule out a bogus VIP run organized by our man John Negroponte from Green zone to Camp Victory.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Thanjk you for that confirmation. It WAS il Manifesto where I read that they weren’e using cell phones and could therfore not possinly have been tracked via GPS.
The Pentagon leaks to CBS about satellite vidoes,which DuctapeFatwa links to above, are nothing but PR manipulation based on more lies and disinofrmation.
Shortly after the crusade in Afghanistan began, a reporter questioned him about some village families who had been murdered by US gunmen. Was it a mistake? the reporter asked. Unintentional?
Rumsfeld was very candid. He answered very simply that if anyone was killed, it was because the US wanted them dead.
He did not make the unrealistic claim that the US always successfully kills everyone it wants dead.
The source of the Satellite images was CBS, then Reuters copied, but LA Times left out that paragraph. Pretty sure it has been debunked but the Freepers are hanging onto it, so I hear.
The story is developing. I believe only Sgrena and her driver, even though they were in shock.
I miss you over there. I know growth is good, and people can get pot-bound just like plants, but I miss you guys.
It seems to me that conspiracy theories are very appealing to people’s sense of order and how things fit together. I’m not explaining it well, I know.
Are you kidding, people really abandoned you at dKos?
I do so love it when obfuscating bureaucrats are hoist by their own petards.
In one of the early reports on this incident, there was a comment that when the U.S. soldiers opened the car door and saw who was inside, they said, “Oh, shit.” Which makes me think these National Guardsmen were going to be hung out to dry.
Ironic, however, that the shooter, if that’s who the Mario Lozano referred to is, is someone with an Italian-sounding name.
Yep, Italo-Americano…a good old-fashioned “goomba” from the Bronx or Brooklyn who killed one of his mother country’s greatest intelligence agents.
I feel sorry for the shooter and the others from that unit of the NY Guard. They have been victims of extremely inept leadership, lousy communications, bureaucratic snafus, perhaps a set-up designed to use them as shooters without their realizing it. And possibly all of the above.
What I’ve not seen addressed is why Negroponte had to travel outside the Green Zone that night for his dinner engagement, as it was called. Given the lack of security in the area, seems that the sensible thing would have been for the guest(s) to come to him. Which leads, in turn, to questions of just what was going on with Negroponte’s meeting? Who, where, and why?
my diary lasted on the rec list for about twenty minutes over at the legendary Daily Kos AND THIS shit STAYED UP ALL F***ING DAY:
What?? What’s the point? Why bother? WTF?????!!!!
It’s depressing. No doubt. But you’re tops here….
and, I was thinking you might drop Democracy Now! a line. Amy Goodman will want to cover this for sure. htp://www.democracynow.org
My daughter, though, warns they aren’t good about responding to e-mails. It’s my experience too.
Call us:
(212) 431-9090
Fax us:
(212) 431-8858
Amy’s on it this morning:
A new U.S. military report has exonerated the soldiers involved in the shooting of Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena. On March 4, soldiers opened fire on a car carrying Sgrena who had just been released from captivity. The shooting killed the Italian intelligence agent Nicola Calipari. On Saturday the military released a declassified version of the report online with portions redacted. But due to a technical glitch, readers were able to manipulate the document in order to read the blacked out portions. The Italian government is expected to release its own report today contradicting many of the U.S. findings.
There is no quality control of diaries and DKos is getting too large. Maybe if they cap their membership at 50K.
Anyway I read a comment over there asking for you because they could not get a good Italian translation.
Don’t go away. Your diary could last for days here.
Oh, I have ensured that it will stay up for quite some time by posting it also on New European Times
which you should join and partcipate in ASAP,IMO.
So much reading brings so much outrage, and there is so little time…
Congratulations on your excellent diary, a tribute to Sgrena!
Those other people? foggetaboutit.
Thank you, Sybil. I always appreciate your insightful input and comments, BTW.
Foggetabottit: Al Pacino, I don’t remember the name of the movie, right?
“foggetaboutit” – I thought it was from the “Sopranos”
I just saw Al Pacino playing the part of Shylock in the Merchant of Venice. With that face and those eyes, he creates sympathy for Shylock for the first time I think in the history of the play. The acting , well as usual, a tour de force.
the Sopranos over here on Rupert Randolf Hearst Murdochìs SKY satellite. But we get most of these US serials (CSI,
Alias,etc) about one season behind the US runs.
It’s the most realistic and accurate portrait of the typical Italo-American mafia family that I’ve yet to come across on the small or large screen.
It shows the complexity of gangsters who are not 100% bad people. They are constantly conflicted and make an effort to have some kind of status and some kind of normality in family life.
I guess Bush couldn’t watch it with his absolutes of good & evil.
Highly Recommended – so it’ll stay up here for alittle longer. Thanks for your research and commentary, it’s good to get the news from Italy via your links rather than our media here who reports based on ratings and not facts.
WHY is Giuliana Sgrena alive, who did they reach on the phone to stop the assults on her and the car she was in??
Was it Silvio Berlusconi?? I believe the worse when it comes to America’s involvement in this disaster. WHAT stopped it ??? Phone records would explain it. Who did they reach ??? America will be held accountable for what they are doing, that is the way the World works. Are Americans ready to see America as a country get there butts spanked ?, stay tuned. The plot is thickening.
The simplicitic answer to your question is: Guilaina Sgrena is alive because Nicola Calipari jumped on top of her and prevented one of the bullets (the one that killed him) from nailing her in the brain.
But I think your asking a brader question which I don’t hace enouhg info to answer right now. Who stopped the shooting? All I can tell you is that the driver jumped out of the car and kept shouting over and over “We’re Italians..what the hell are doing?…stop shooting!!” Somtime thereafter they forced he and Sgrena to lie on the ground, as you would do with suspceted insurgents. Someone must have radioed in or something at some point to order the stop. The same commnader who didn’t bother to try to radio in the first time? Let’s hope the Italian repost can clarify some of this.. the US investigation is DONE!!
All the “assaults” were over in something like four seconds. In other words, the Marine who ended up killing Calipari and severely wounding Sgrena just sprayed bullets in the general direction of their car. (The report claimed that the Marines were aiming for the engine block — since that’s the “policy” — but no bullet seems to have hit that low.) Once the car stopped, the driver, though wounded, got out of the car, presumably with his hands up, and the Marines moved in to question him.
Now you can believe that these Marines were part of a special hit squad ordered to “take out” Sgrena, but nothing in the report supports that allegation. A far more likely explanation, given everything we know about “our” troops in Iraq and the fact that there doesn’t seem to be anything “elite” about this Marine unit, is that they were just trigger-happy. Seeing a car headed towards them, they assumed that it was a bunch of “hajjis” and that there was at least a chance that they might be insurgents. So, as is their wont, they fired away.
I have no doubt that Mario Lozano was horrified to find out he had killed an “ally” and wounded a non-Hajji civilian woman. I’m sure the whole unit felt awful. If they hadn’t, it would have been simplicity itself to finish Sgrena and the driver off and claim they’d just kept coming toward the supposed “temporary blocking point.” But they didn’t do this. They stopped shooting when they realized who was in the car — and they didn’t need a call from Berlusconi — even if there had been time for a call — to stop the “assault.”
Marine Lieutenant Ilario Pantano made it out of a tough neighborhood to Horace Mann and Goldman Sachs. But 9/11 reactivated his inner warrior and brought him to Iraq. Now, charged with murder, he’s in a different kind of hell.
Toward 3 P.M. on April 15, 2004, a call summoned Pantano’s platoon to a modest house down a dirt road near Mahmudiya, which, according to intelligence reports, had been taken over by Ali Baba.[…]
It must have been near 6 P.M. when Pantano received a report on the contents of the house: mortar-aiming stakes, three AK-47s, ten AK magazines, assault vests, a flare gun, a box with Iraqi money, and wires that could perhaps be used in making bombs.
“Everybody has a few weapons,” said Coburn. Pantano didn’t see it that way. “It was clear that the two men were complicit in anti-coalition-force activities,” he wrote. At that point, Pantano ordered the men to be put in plastic handcuffs.[…]
Pantano told Gobles to cut off the cuffs. Other Marines used Iraqis to search their cars, though not usually after they’d been handcuffed. “My aim was to have them pull apart the seats so that [I] could verify if anything was hidden in them,” wrote Pantano.
To Coburn, this seemed suspicious. “[Doc] had already done a full search,” he wrote. To Pantano, the search had only been “cursory.” Gobles led the two Iraqis to the driver’s-side doors, and then Pantano directed Coburn and Gobles to post security, facing away from the vehicle. “As soon as I turned my back Lieutenant Pantano opened [fire] with approximately 45 rounds,” wrote Coburn. “Me and Doc Gobles were both shocked about what just happened.” […]
New York Magazine
The writer questions whether Pantano’s reloading and emptying his magazine a second time was also self-denfense. The two Iraqis were shot in the back while kneeling down.
Lieutenant Ilario Pantano’s hearing is over after 5 days. He now awaits the decision about whether a court marshall is justified.
up a diary a while back about another Marine who as caught on camera literally blowing the brains out of an unarmed and wounded Iraqi. His defense: “I had to put him out of his misery.!!!””
In all seriosness, studies are showing that this war is producing a terrifying number of psychological casualties in addition to all the physically maimed and injured. Given the already hyper-violent nature of American society, it’s tragic and frightening to think about the long-term consequences that this war will have for the social cohesion and stability of the nation. Something which is often overloked in all of this.
that’s a startling statistic. I did a diary on an article “When Johnny Comes Marching Homeless” in the Canadian newspaper “The Globe & Mail.”
Over on DKos a person warned me politely that US troops were reading DKos and he hoped it would be a warm and friendly place for them to visit.
I had posted a comment from Bob Herbert’s article in the NYTimes. Later I corrected my heading for the DKos comment, to read “Some” US troops.
This is from the article:
“Mr. Delgado said he had witnessed incidents in which an Army sergeant lashed a group of children with a steel Humvee antenna, and a Marine corporal planted a vicious kick in the chest of a kid about 6 years old. There were many occasions, he said, when soldiers or marines would yell and curse and point their guns at Iraqis who had done nothing wrong.”
These acts of wanton cruelty against Iraqis actually endanger the US Troops because for certain they will be avenged.
Very disturbing but not surpising story. I’m sorry I missed both your diary and the artcile.
But, as I said, it’s not surprising. WRT the homelessness phenomenon, the same thing happened after Vietnam to some extent. In the immortal words of Ozzy Osbourne: “Politicians hide themselves away,
Making war just for fun.
Why should they go out to fight,
They leave that all to the poor.”
plùs cé change…
Oh yes, support “our” boys and girls in uniform no matter how many little hajji brats they brain with a Coke bottle. They’re under SO much pressure, you know. And of course none of them were racist or prone to violence before they got sent over there.
When is there going to be a congressional investigation — or at least a tell-all book — about how badly trained and commanded our military is? I’m not ready to believe that all American troops are this bad, but there is ample evidence that a huge number are.
This needs to be addressed — and not just out of concern for Iraqis (I realize we’ll never get Americans concerned about THEM!). Imagine what happened the next time an American unit tried to do a search in that neighborhood. Would anyone be foolish enough to allow themselves to be arrested? Wouldn’t they just start sniping at the Americans the instant their Humvee pulled into their street?
will be cataloguing abuses by some US Troops. Right now they are busy with reports of torture of detainees around the world.
These acts described in Bob Herbert’s article are definitely a violation of IHL, International Humanitarian Law.
Had you not specificied that you only meant some “bad apples” you might have hurt a lot of poor American feelings. G-D forbid we should question the sweet goodness of “our” boys & girls in uniform!
What’s the difference ?? No need for the TRUTH, with this current administration. Look at what has happened since 9-11, and the daily whitewashes, look at the media, and the blindness. It is up to the American people to demand that these criminals, or so-called politicans, be held accountable. By standards that TRUE Americans can be proud of. Might as well hold the cock-sucking, balls licking media accountable, so that this can not happen again in our life time. EtJ
are tightly controlled by the military, the CPA, the new Iraqi government shot at, injured, and killed. I’d say it takes courage just to get on the plane to go over there.
Oh wait, some media is getting through to Iraq from the USA. Rush Limbaugh is broadcast on US radio paid for by US tax dollars.
so that this can not happen again in our life time.
Never again!! It’s so easy to say the words. How many times in the history of humanity have these words been repeated with referrence to war, crimes against humanity,
torture, genocide…
Never agaainnnnn!!!
It almost certainly will happen again, unfortunately. But we will and must fight against it contantly nevertheless. Because it is fundamntally “ourselves” and our own human nature which we are fighting againt.
A very powerful enemy indeed!!! But even if we lose, we can depart from this life honorably, knowing that we have fought relentlessly and courageously against the most powerful force that exists in the universe: nature itself.
I’m sorry, I’m beggining to sink into one of my profoundly pessimsitic/nihilistic moods these days.
This story has been around for quite some time.
Have you followed how America’s story continues to change, never holding water?
Are you aware of how many times America has been caught in a lie ?
Do you know the info Sgrena had gathered?? Look into it.
Four seconds, plenty of time to stop a speeding car, then jump out into a shower of bullets. Yeah right !!
There is soooo much more than THIS report…..
The Italian report will be released in a few hours: 18:00 GMT+1…Accroding to TGCOM, it is diamterically opposed to the whitwashed US version: no speeding, errors in thr US chain-of-comand and ridiously ireespnsible rules of engament. Much closer to the truth, obviously, for anyone wth any common sense. Especially after the redacted documants were unrdeacted yesterday..
Maybe another diary, who knows. This thinng refuses to die out in the Italian media, that’s certain.
Just can’t decide where I’m going to go first — Corriere della Sera or La Repubblica. Whichever, we in the U.S. are going to have some interesting lunchtime reading.
What a disappointment! Looks like we’re going to have to wait a day or two to find out what the Italian response was.
I reposted it wtih the link embedded so that it doesn’t widen the page:
Re: Postscript (4.00 / 2)
Maybe not – looks as if they will post soon. The Italian journalists are anxious to see the report as well.
20:29 Letta: “Presto il rapporto”
“Non c’è nessun ritardo, non so su quale sito ma il rapporto verrà diffuso presto”: lo ha detto il sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio Gianni Letta, lasciando la sede del Garante della privacy, ai cronisti che gli chiedevano come mai il rapporto italiano sulla vicenda Calipari, annunciato per le 18, non fosse stato ancora reso noto.
by venice ca on Mon May 2nd, 2005 at 12:19:57 PM PDT [Edit User]
Jane Doe, over at NET has found the culprit who was repsonsible for unsuccessful attempts to try to black out parts of the report:
I haven’t finished reading the restored original report.
I did read that the road block was left up long after Negroponte arrived at Camp Victory at Baghdad airport. Also in the report, road blocks are supposed to be set up and then dismantled within 15-20 minutes otherwise they risk becoming targets of the insurgents. This road block was up for well over an hour.
Communications difficulties put the telephones used to contact the patrols out of order, but they also had FM/radio communications, which no one used to contact the road block and tell them to move on.
Two different means of communicating available. One not working and the other not used. Why??? Why did they expose the soldiers to additional danger by the long posting? Or was the “oversight” intentional?
The US claims a single gunman, while reports from around March 23 (TG3, Il Manifesto) say that two different caliber bullets were found in the interior of the car; one from an M16, and another from machine guns used on Humvees.
Previously posted on dKos at: http://www.dailykos.com/comments/2005/3/23/122952/335/6#6
The inside of the car was hit by a dozen bullets, almost all directed towards the head and chest of the passengers. In fact, at least four were embedded in back of the rear passenger seats, exactly in the places where Giuliana and Calipari were sitting.
A single shooter can hit the left front tire, the front windshield, shoot tracer bullets that pass in front of the chest of the driver, blow out the windows on the passenger side, hit both Calipari and Sgrena, seated in the rear passenger seats, from behind, and blow out the rear window.
This report is truly an insult to the Italians.
I don’t know if Sgrena and/or Calipari were targeted, or if the military command wanted to teach Italy a lesson and didn’t care who in the car was hurt.
it claimed the US military “did nothing wrong.”
child against one troop an armed US Marine who kicks him viciously in the chest. Think of the Marine’s heavy boots.
The troops can defend themselves.
I think I posted to the wrong story, here.
be easily undoable for some reason? Making the text the same color as the background seems a bit lame, even for bureacrats.
at La Repubblica : http://download.repubblica.it/pdf/rapportoitaliacalipari.pdf
In Italian – all 52 pages…
about it at La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera. Most incredible part so far: the Americans acknowledged that there was no sign up for the temporary checkpoint but said it wouldn’t have done any good anyway because they were Italians and the sign would have been in English and Arabic.
Lesson: If Italians would take the trouble to learn how to read signs, the U.S. would consider posting some.
Winning amici and influencing il popolo, the delightfully different American way!
Last night I read some of the report.
I think that comment really irked the Italians on the committee.
On the first page of their report, about the third or fourth paragraph, they address the comments regarding the warning signs in English and Arabic only.
The paragraph ends with something to the effect that “STOP”, “SLOW DOWN”, and “DANGER” are commonly used by the coalition forces throughout Iraq, and “DANGER” being an international warning.
So the Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Polish, etc. can understand the English signs, but not the Italians?
Questi italiani, gente ignorante.
Newspapers have revealed that Mr Berlusconi had personally demanded changes to the report so that it was not too critical of the Americans and would not sour relations with them.
Rome daily Il Messaggero reported “The head of government asks for changes”, while the opposition-supporting La Repubblica claimed “Berlusconi imposes prudence”.
“The report must be technical, only technical,” it quoted Mr Berlusconi as saying, without giving any source.
“It can even be tough, but it must not in any event prejudice to the slightest degree political understanding with the United States.”
Mr Berlusconi is one of Washington’s most faithful allies
Newspapers have revealed that Mr Berlusconi had personally demanded changes to the report so that it was not too critical of the Americans and would not sour relations with them.
Rome daily Il Messaggero reported “The head of government asks for changes”, while the opposition-supporting La Repubblica claimed “Berlusconi imposes prudence”.
“The report must be technical, only technical,” it quoted Mr Berlusconi as saying, without giving any source.
“It can even be tough, but it must not in any event prejudice to the slightest degree political understanding with the United States.”
Mr Berlusconi is one of Washington’s most faithful allies…link
the f*ing document was redcated at the request of Berlucs and nobody over here has assasinated this a++hole yet.
That’s sick!!! Now it really is a conspiracy. An intenational conpsiracy of the potent and powerful to keep infomation out of the hands of the unwashed masses.
Thank god for those guys on the net who unredacted this shit. The major media can’t handle the responsibility of playing “watchdog” to the government anymore, even if they wanted to. Governements collude to keep the facts ouut of their hands and only intenational citizens from all secros of society can uncover the dirt under the rug.
Only if indiviual citizens will take some responsibility over their government’s actions can
we begin to keep political leaders accountable to the truth of history.
This seems to be more of instructions than redaction, and the redactions did not really make the US look any worse. I agree that it is up to the people of Italy to decide what to do with Mr. Berlusconi, and it is up to the people of the world to decide what to do with the US.
It is unlikely that they can hope for help or leadership from their politicians.
it’s even worse!! He intervened to prevent the Italian report from providing and honest and blunt interpretation of the facts of the case.
Considering that the Italian report seems to put the blame primarily on the “inexperience” of the troops but also on the disastrous miscommunicaions on the American side, I can only wonder what they’re really hiding here.
I guess this thing is far from closed. I’ll look futher at this from the Berlssconi cover-up angle.
I think it’s clear from the amount of attention the Italian investigators paid to the so-called “rules of engagement” that they wanted to say something like “brazen disregard for human life as well as for the welfare of anyone in the combat zone who isn’t lucky enough to be American.”
The logical deduction from a statement like this would be that Italy cannot in good conscience collaborate with a regime this immoral and inhumane. Unfortunately for Italy, however, it already has collaborated in the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Complicitness in war crimes is, obviously, the last thing Berlusconi wants to be accused of — especially considering the direness of his current political situation. If I were in his shoes, I’d also want a whole lot of “redactions.”
Sharp points,Matt…
As Furio Columbo of l’Unità put it yeatsrday:
heavily paraphrasing
Berlsconi went into this thing not only voluntarily, but blindly and enthusiatically. He put no conditions on the security of Italian troops, the questions of hotages and other such matters were never discussed becasue he lied and continues to lie to the Italian people, claiming that this is not a war but a mission of peace.
Of course it has to be covered up under those circumstances.
since it’s still up:
Here’s an answer for the NYT from Il Manifesto:
and it continues on in like manner
Some of the humor gets lost in translation.
Outstanding analysis, I am devouring the report on the incident. Have many questions, why first 50% of report is about the dangers in Baghdad since the start of the invasion and occupation.
Odd that in first paragraph of report, a conclusion was drawn:
The rest sucks as an investigation, is more a report on how the military organizes, trains its units nothing is written, new units learn BP and TCP in a week’s time and mostly recommendations for future operations. I thought they already had experiences with hundreds or thousands of incidents in past two year period!
It’s also strange I found no mention in degree of darkness, between 19:38 and 20:50 hours.
“Captain Drew also issued guidance on the importance of force protection. (Annex 74C) He expected to maintain the blocking position no more than 15 minutes.”
About the speed of the car, the report itself is ambiguous.
Under dry conditions 3 weeks later:
On Friday, 25 March 2005, a certified radar operator conducted two traffic samples at BP 541. From 1809 hours to 1824 hours, 27 vehicles were clocked. The average speed at the Alert Line was 44 mph. The average speed at the beginning of the on-ramp’s curve was 24 mph. From 1956 hours to 2015 hours, 30 vehicles were clocked. The average speed at the Alert Line was 46 mph. The average speed at the beginning of the curve was 26 mph. Unlike the night of the incident, which was also a Friday, the road was dry during these samples.
After the sharp curve at the beginning of the on-ramp, the speed of the car was 25 mph, the car then accelerates moving down the ramp. The Italian driver Carpani on March 4, wet road conditions and a mobile phone in one hand, would be speeding faster in curve on ramp?? The slow speed of car agrees with the original witness account of Sgrena.
This is a setting for an ambush, for which John Negroponte has early experience in Central America under the regime of Reagan. I recall a setting in El Salvador where US trained military, ambushed a group of six Dutch journalists/reporters of IKON TV. It took the Dutch government years of investigation to find the truth, because the US authorities wouldn’t cooperate. Similar conditions then, the reporters tried to interview opposition groups and tell their side of thr story, a deadly mistake. History repeating itself.
There is no mention, how the BP was manned directly after the shooting incident in such a dangerous area, nor when the order was given to take BP down. I wouldn’t rule out a bogus VIP run organized by our man John Negroponte from Green zone to Camp Victory.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité