From David Sirota’s blog: “A Roll Call report shows that the Senate’s resident wild-eyed right-wing lunatic, Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum (R), is starting to get extremely nervous that he is going to get booted out of office in 2006.” Sirota is a fellow at the Center for American Progress. (Thanks, Norma. Norma, a friend and a great “source,” ended up in the ER this weekend after slicing up her finger trying to save her dog Stella. Stellllllaaaaa!)
I think Norma is typing with one hand but that can’t stop her from sending out something nasty about Santorum!
Norma provides this update:
Later on, Peggy and I were talking about Stella, and how she didn’t have a clue as to how much this little adventure caused. The big poodle ran off and Stella was very pleased with her protective actions.
I still haven’t figured out how my left hand manged to contact broken glass… I had that hand on her tail as she was going out the roll out window, which was cracked enough for Barkley, the cat….In other words, Stella somehow squeezed out that 4 or 5 inch space. We surmised that Stella managed to tweak the window frame, thus breaking the glass. Not a drop of blood on Stella. We do plan on installing heavy duty double pane glass for future dawgie challenges.
Update, I’m having out patient tendon repair surgery around noon tomorrow. Oh, joy!….N.
Susan, very funny diary. I just removed the ER bandage, and it smells comparable to Stinky Ricky. May that loon go down faster than it took to grab Stella’s tail!
There’s a lesson to be learned about grabbing a tail and its cost in the long run. My last out-patient surgery cost in the neighborhood of $10k. Thankfully, I have AARP/Medicare. However, Stella’s vet bills wouldn’t be near this cost…well, iffin she won the battle with all limbs, etc in original things that are order!
Too bad Booman doesn’t have typos check!
oohhh, susan….the bad jokes I am almost writing in response to that comment!
Ohhh .. do it. (Lisa knows Norma too! )
So Slick Rick the Fecal Matter Santorum is starting to get worried, that explains his epic editorial in the Kansas City Star and I bet in many other newspapers around the country. He can then tell all you PA. voters that he is in touch with mainstream America. Mainstream like the Nazi’s were in Thirty’s. Seems Fecal Matter has an ally in Senator Brown(shirt)back of Kansas, unfortunately he is one of my two Senators and holds many of Fecal’s opinions and beliefs. I can only hope that Brownshirt will shoot himself in the ass or head, like Fecal Matter they both look alike, their Asses and their Heads that is. The scary thing about Brownshirt and Fecal Matter is that they do have some following and they won’t go down without a blaze of glory. I can only hope that the talking heads of the fourth estate will pull their heads our to their A**es and do their jobs. But like most who start believing their own press, they like watching their tonsils move when they talk and even the smell isn’t so bad when you think you are a star.
Just one Liberal’s opinion