(Cross posted at Dkos)
From the Star Tribune this am. http://www.startribune.com/stories/587/5381763.html
Subscription required so here is the jist of the article.
Minutes later, Polzin left furious and empty-handed. She said the pharmacist on duty refused to help her. “She kept repeating the same line: ‘I won’t fill it for moral reasons,’ ” Polzin said.
Earlier this year, Adriane Gilbert called a pharmacy in Richfield to ask if her birth-control prescription was ready. She said the person who answered told her to go elsewhere because he was opposed to contraception. “I was shocked,” Gilbert said. “I had no idea what to do.”
But M. Casey Mattox of the Center for Law and Religious Freedom said it is far more disturbing to see pharmacists under fire for their religious beliefs than it is to have women inconvenienced by taking their prescription to another drugstore. He also said that laws have long shielded doctors opposed to abortion from having to take part in the procedure.
“The principle here is precisely the same,” Mattox said
Apparently this happened in Illinios last month and the Governor had to file an order that would force pharmacists to fill the prescription regardless.
I cant beleive this is happening in Minnesota. I always thought that we lived in a fairly liberal state. Its amazing how long the arm of the Religious right is and scary the things that they are willing to force on others.
First dairy here-any tips will be appreciated 🙂
Thanks for the diary & welcome! Arizona is dealing with the same type of crap; next thing we know there’s going to be doctors refusing to treat gay patients. It’s asinine.
So where does this shit stop? Lots of people still don’t believe that depression is a real medical diagnosis and just want people to ‘snap outa it’ so on moral grounds I guess you could refuse to dispense all drugs related to treating depression and so on and so..
Religious beliefs are doing the tyronizing not the other way around.
I’ve been subscribing to the weekly political updates from the Star Tribune. (I don’t watch the local news, and don’t read the local papers, so that’s the only way I keep up with what’s going on with state politics)
In addition to this issue, the House passed a new bill that will drop 25,000 to 30,000 from Minnesota Care, (the state’s health coverage which actually has limited benefits and still requires premiums) And there’s all sorts of new laws related to abortion. Some of which I agree with, but overall they’re clearly aimed at creating an environment where doctors will avoid abortions because of the immense liabilities and potential ramifications.
And don’t get me started on the gay marriage vote that’s coming up in the next election. It will ban gay marriage, ban gay civil unions, and sets the course for companies to legally disriminate against gays. Oh yeah, and it makes me sick.
I used to be so proud to be a Minnesotan (going back to the days of Hubert Humphrey), and now I’m just sad. Progessive state, my ass.
I’m truly sorry if I got off track from your diary, but the state of affairs in MN politics overall is deeply disturbing. Heck – other than his fits of whining and narcissism, I was proud that our state elected Ventura and I was naive to think it would send a message to the powers that be. Nope – the Republicans have been deeply involved with this state on a national level and the Democrats seem to be oblivious. Little by little, one step at a time, this state has slipped into an abyss in which there may be no way out.