About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
thank the Welshman.
I think the cane should be stuck up the elephant’s …… ; )
(could’nt resist)
Great Frog, btw..
Must…not..watch….American Idol….must..resist.
Bravo has reruns of West Wing if that will help pull you away from the crappiest year of AI.
Love the Welshman Frog!
Now I guess the next thing will be a cartoon or a comic strip, not a bad idea, methinks.
Dubbed the Beer Barrel Belly Buster, the burger comes with 10.5 pounds of ground beef, 25 slices of cheese, a head of lettuce, three tomatoes, two onions, a cup-and-a-half each of mayonnaise, relish, ketchup, mustard and banana peppers – and a bun.
It costs $30.
“It can feed a family of 10,” said Denny Liegey Sr., the restaurant’s owner.
I think it could easily feed a family of dozens. At $30, it sounds like a very good value. Where else could you feed 20 people for that?
Man. And I thought that Dangerous Dan’s Diner in Toronto had some crazy burgers/specials. For example:
“Collosal Colon Clogger Combo”
24oz burger served with a quarter pound of cheese, a quarter pound of bacon, and 2 fried eggs. Also comes with a large shake (flavor of your choice) and a small poutine [fries with cheese curds and gravy].
C$ 20.99
Reminds me of Rembrandt.
Maybe he was cross-eyed from looking too closely in the mirror to do all those self-portraits!
(Just kidding. I tried this just to be sure… even when my nose is touching the mirror, and I would undoubtedly look cross-eyed to anyone I was foolish enough to let see me, I didn’t look cross-eyed myself!)
On a related note, I clicked the Mona Lisa link on the Rembrant strabismus page, and found an interesting discussion of Mona Lisa’s smile.
I’ll never forget when I saw the Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris for the first time. It wasn’t a painting of a woman smiling; it was a painting of a woman who smiled at you while you were looking at the painting.
Absolutely amazing. I consider it the first motion picture.
Oh, and it was much smaller than I expected.
Like you, I was surprised that she was appropriate to hang in my living room. Even more so, I was shocked that she was surrounded by so many other pictures, and not in a place of undistracting honor.
Now that’s been changed and she’s suitably isolated. Can’t wait for this preznit to be out of office, a good fiscally responsible Democrat to be elected, and the dollar to regain its strength against the Euro so that I can return to Paris for a confirming look-see of my own.
One his masterpieces, The Anatomy lesson of D. Tulp. From whichever angle you confront the painting, it does seem three-dimensional and moves in perspective with your position. Awesome.
Oui from The Hague – link to Rembrandt Museum
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Above I called the Mona Lisa the world’s first motion picture.
I guess that makes “Anatomy Lesson” the world’s first holograph.
[smiley emoticon here]
P.S. I never got to The Hague or the Rembrandt Museum, but I did visit the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, right after a madman had slashed “The Night Watchmen”.
[frowny emoticon here]
My scanner crashed. It was computer hell. I unplugged it,
re-installed the software, TWICE. Turned off the computer so
it would forget about the bug. Finally I got around the
bug by getting into the program from another angle and
resetting defaults.
Close to insanity, I tuned into BooManTribune
for a distraction and what do I see, a frog juggling an elephant?!
Maybe, I just imagined it.
the pond is big enough for more than one frog, cuz this one is great. And to think, I don’t even like frogs.
Good job, Welshman
you have to read Kargo X’s Diary on the status of the pending nuclear disaster it is well done. But the bottom line is that we need to keep the pressure up, Congress is on break and they are listening.
the list of stray repubs:
Let ’em know your out there and you oppose the nuclear option.
It is with something akin to dismay that my absence on matters of great state from the warm and cosy confines of the the Tribune should result in my returning to find that my presence here is represented by the frog.
It is not enough that the green beastie should walk arrogantly across the page. It is that he has nothing to say other than to leer outwardly at the reader with a look of extraordinary disdain, like every Parisian waiter who ever served you in that tourist trap of a restaurant with a long menu for food and a short training for the chef.
Worse, in saying nothing and adding neither enlightenment nor insight into the discussion on the board, he still receives more comments in response than ever I have with my own carefully crafted contributions.
I may well meet that frog in the glare of my headlights one wet evening as he makes his last and unfortunate attempt at crossing the highway.
Love the frog, but I was expecting Casper or some lesser known ghost.
Ok, several weeks into it, what do you all think of “Revelations” now?
Certainly not the TV version of Left Behind everyone predicted. Maybe it’s just me, but when religion and evil collide, it’s good tv. I loved the Omen, Excorcist, et al. Totally creeps me out. Almost as much as a 19th century insane asylum flick.
For anyone who has not already discovered this, if you type in your phone no.(or any number)into google search and it is a listed number, you will come up with your home address, (you can submit a request to google to remove your number from their list, by using the phone book removal tool found there.)
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Question, What is the code for making bold letter on comments????
I wonder if the [x-no-archive: yes] works here.
To bold a word or letter put < b >word< /b >
without the spaces.
Also you can bookend with asterisks like this: *test* = test
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So how did I get the above to post?
Backslashes! *test* = *test*
And how’d I do that one?
\*test\* = *test*
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\\\*test\\\* = \*test\*
They’re coming to take me away, ha! Ha!
\\\\\\*test\\\\\\* = \\\*test\\\*
(AFAIK this only works in Scoop; e.g. here & dKos –your mileage may vary.)