(Updated)(Editors Note)
I am putting up another Tell us About You diary because the last one is getting too big.If you want to check out all the members who have contributed so far; here are links to the first 2.
I invite all the oldtimers on this site to join me in welcoming newbies to the site or add in your own comments.So tell us about you, we love to hear your stories and see your pics. and have you here to share this site.
Please tell us if you are male or female in your comment if you don’t mind sharing that with us.
Oldtimers are welcome to contribute to this page, with their own story updates, pics or whatever; have a good community chat about ourselves.
Howdy Dooo,
New to BooMan, been posting for over a year, here and there, often under WhyBushWhy. New to politics, was one of the brain-dead, happy to roam through life aimlessly, till 9-11. With 9-11, I had a huge WHY, ringing in my head in regards to 9-11. When the bush administration told me to agree with their agenda or remain silent, well, no one tells the Hound to remain silent.
With each day, I feel the rage grow in regards to the status of government at home, as well as World-wide. What-ever happened to love your brother and sister? Whatever happened to PEACE?
With each day, the frustration grows, are people really that STUPID, has much of America became brain-dead??
I rage against much of the elite of our country.
I rage against the media. I rage against the division of America that has been created by our government and media. United We Stand, DIVIDED we Fall rings in my head. The Land of the Free is in trouble, in our DIVIDED state. Seems like the division is by design.
At times I contemplate roaming aimlessly in the magical woods, or my magical gardens. Quite simply saying: FUCK IT….
Our children and grandchildren deserve better !!
Individually we deserve better !!
Our founding fathers deserve better !!
Mother nature deserves better !!
What is it going to take ?
When is enough, ENOUGH ??
When do we say, we are not going to take it anymore?
I like the spirit & passion, here at BooMan, plan on contributing some spirit and passion as well.
Enjoy the Journey, EtJ
PS, hard to enjoy the journey, with criminals in charge of our country, not satisfied with taking our money, they want our rights, TOO !!
Where are you Scotty ???
Welcome! Looking forward to hearing that Spirit and Passion. The pace is comfortable around here and the knowledge/wisdom of the issues leaves me speechless at times. Fight on!
Hello everyone! I’m a lurker 🙂
Not so quick dommow…please tell us more than you are a lurker. Now that you have come out of the shadows identify yourself. Please!!!!
In the words of the Governator in his last movie, “She’ll be back”
You’re great at rounding people up, eventually most end up with you to post something. I won’t clutter up this page with myself, yet again, but will join you in your good sentiments to all.
Thanks for that….You might not want to post more about yourself, but you could still dialogue with the newcomers if you wouldn’t mind. Or post more about yourself, we won’t mind that either or pics.
Newcomers might not be able to find your other entries on these diaries, so feel free one and all to add to our knowledge of you.
Oh and would commenters mind telling us if they are male or female, I want to know that, don’t you all.
I sound like I am southern.
I think it helps the shy posters,if we respond to their comments, to feel freer about joining in on the ohter diaries. That’s what happened to me when I first joined this site way back in the……was it only a month ago….Anyhow, Mindmouth extended her electronic hand and it was most welcome to me and made me feel at home here on this site. so I have continued this welcoming in honor of MM for her kindness to me.
Thanks for posting the links to the previous tell us about yourselves….
Welcome to all the newbies and lurkers…
The pace is calmer here than some other sites – relax and enjoy!
I just posted my first diary here and wow its still there-post on DKos and you have about 15 min and its gone!
Anyhoo-I’m from India but live in MN. I have two little ones-one of who at this very minute is trying to stomp a hole through our bedroom floor-yikes. I am an enviro at heart and in degree-but right now I’m a stay at home mom.
For posting your first diary and for posting here on this diary and telling us about you.
You could tell us more, you say you are from India, perhaps you could tell us how you got to Mn from India. You could also tell us about India, what it was like for you to live there for example, and are you native to there, etc.
Photos would be nice too.
We on this site are getting a great education on a lot of other countries thanks to all of our world wide members.
I live in Pennsylvania (Cambria County). I have worked in medical research and market research, but I’m not working now. I am married and have one dog. I’m female, but sometimes my husband posts using the same login. I discovered dkos in October when he was writing for the Guardian, but I’m pretty much a lurker there. I was a great fan of booman starting with the Sibel Edmonds stories and followed him over here.
I don’t watch much television because we don’t have cable. So I rely on the blogs for news. I was politically active during the Vietnam war, but politics went off the radar for me in the 1980’s. I voted for Gore in 2000, although I never dreamed Bush would be the nightmare that he is. Bush has made me an activist again. Sometimes I feel discouraged that we’ll never be able to get this country back on the right track. Then it’s good to have a place to come to be around like-minded people.
something to say: I am trying to claim my spot as “Elder Stateswoman” around here. Diane was thrilled to learn that I am older by years than she. It is a bit weird to be 6 and a half decades on this planet yet still be 20 something in your mind and spirit, but that is the way of things.
I usually have nothing brilliant or comprehensive to add to the great diaries and posts of the many bright and talented people here, but I have my opinions about everything and I don’t usually hesitate to voice them.
Love it here at Booman and dkos as well. You all have saved my sanity from this ignorant and criminal administration. And getting to know such a fabulous bunch of caring, loving and informed people as frequent this place has added immensely to my life. Thanks all!
I live in SE Idaho among the redneck, red-wallowing, uniformed, unthinking farming corporatists. A challenge to be sure. . .they just haven’t figured out what a force I am to be reckoned with yet. ;o)
Keep up the great work, everyone. And if you haven’t been participating, just lurking, jump in and let us hear from you.
Fierce elder stateswoman, not about to take it sitting down!
A familiar face! 🙂 I’m not going to go into a long speel here, if you’re ever on DKos check out a diary or two of mine and you’ll see my philosophy, strength through unity, kindness through sharing good karma.
And Shirlstars, I know what you mean, I am early 40’s, and I have the same twentysomething (some at times would say teenage…ha) vibe inside me. I believe as long as we are learning, we stay young.
I am living in unlawfully wedded bliss with my life partner, Daniel, who shares with me a deep interest in what’s going on in the world. We have three feline children, Jesse, age 10, and the twins, Ian and Sheena, age 4.
I don’t know how often I will be over here, but you never know, I never expected 6 months ago to be as invested in DailyKos as I am…so anything is possible!
Good to see you in the Frog Pond.
Happy Beltane my friend!
Bless your little law-breaking hearts! Keep up the good work. I toast you with my Pepsi!
Love your sig line too!
Just re-posting this from one of the other two.
Alpha, run quick! Booman has a secret identity-finding program! Your time is running out! Oops, too late. Now all 1,000 boomaners are going to know your secret, invest in your company, and give you mojo all day long.
Hi! I’m Brian H. from eastern ontario, canada, (that’s that nice democratic country to the north of you with a fully functioning set of checks and balances :). Despite all the stress over the state of dkos here, I owe it to them and, particularly, the cross-posters, that I’m here! I agree, it’s getting very intense over there, but it all seems like the natural struggles and challenges of a growing organization- here’s my question: what will our reaction be when Booman hits 30,000-50,000 users? 😉
Two tech q’s for Booman and anyone else:
When I speed-scroll posts, the ratings boxes kind of…smear all over the page, making it impossible to see stuff back up the page (sometimes). I’m using a not very powerful system on dial-up with an IBM e74 monitor. Which leads me to the second:
Does anyone know of any freeware (proven, that is) that maximizes dial-up speed? And where would I find it?
I’ve been over at dkos for a few months now, and my diary ideas won’t really go over there, I think- I’d like to float an idea past you guys, then if it’s successful here, cross it over to dkos if you think it’s worth it. I have a colorful and painful history with the church, sharpening and “reality-basing” my faith while growing it, but through it, I’ve developed a very sharp ability to translate “Christianese” very, very quickly and get to the heart of an organization’s/individuals beliefs(that’s a very compressed statement, by the way). My idea is a substantive diary entitled “How to talk to christians- if you have to” and it’s purpose would be to help non-christians on the left find commonground with christians and vice-versa, and also help with the idea that if all of us don’t try to befriend, listen to, break bread with and share stories with those on the right, there’s no one else to help them see through BushCo’s propaganda. I think we can profoundly bite into the religious right’s “swing voters” with friendship, relationship building, listening and PERSONAL discussion. What do you think? I will include reading cites, personal eg’s and links…..
By all means post your diaries here. They will be informative and helpful. Don’t dispare if it seems not many read them. The techies tell me this: For every one that rates your comment, 10 more have read it and not rated it. For everyone that recommends a diary 100 have read it but neither commented or rated. For everyone that comments, 20-50 have read it and not commented or rated or recommended. Those are some big numbers in my opinion. And they are just statistical probables, so don’t quote me as this being fact.
Welcome, and glad your are here to add your input.
Very interesting perspective of commenting and diaries, thanks for that, so many people do read our words, that’s nice…
Thanks also for taking away the status of elder stateswoman from me, now lets see if someone can take it away from you as well.
For the record my age is 61 going on 62 in about two weeks.
Who is willing to reveal. Any men?
Still Champ. . .64, will be 65 in October. Never growing up though. . .there is really no point in it.
I thought I was an oldster til the ’60s and ’70’s diary. Now I just feel like one of the gang here.
Fine Wine, aged to perfection. . .That is why I am anxious and proud to claim my title of Elder Stateswoman. . .unless someone else can knock me off the throne.
We are just all 25 with a lot more experience and wisdom, as I see it.
A lot of priveleges come with age. . .and I am enjoying every one of them.
I think that would be a great idea, bheuvel! I sometimes wind up offending Christians (or others of religious beliefs) without even wanting to. I think this comes of not being religious at all, so I don’t especially know the best ways to speak to those that are. So sometimes I wind up not speaking to ‘friendly’ religious at all, which seems unfortunate.
Plus, I’m sure it would be a good place for discussions, because no doubt some will disagree with you, or have more to add, etc.
I am on cable now, but one thing you can do if I recall correctly is go to your system properties, and change the speed of connection to the highest number, it is usually preset to a lower number.
I don’t know if this will help but I have a free memory program that constantly frees up memory and has a icon in task bar to tell you the rams that are available at any time, so you can open up more rams if you want. Program I use is free memory pro. I swear by it just for general system performance.
Diane- Um. Can you clarify? What system, and where? And where is free memory pro available, and is it free? Very poor Canuck here. Sorry! If I get a little more encouragement, I’ll start drafting the diary- thanx, guys!
Here is how you change speed:
Rt. click on My Computer Icon on Deaktop,
Select properties
Select Device Mgr.
Select Ports, communication ports, highlight and select properties….
then click port settings,
then Bits per second, usually set at 9600 change to 115200.
This is how you do it for Windows me, don’t know if it’s the same for XP, but it is communication port that controls the speed of modem….
Free Memory Pro http://www.sysopt.com/freemem/
It has a trial version that I previously was able to use for three years, till I got a paid version.
There are other programs similar to this one, just goolge Free Memory Programs and you will come up with many, there may be shareware available also….
Cool. #1 done, will check later. Note to self: move to place with DSL.
write that diary brian, i’ll read it !
Ok, that’s enough “political capital”- now I’m going to spend it! Give me a little time….Plus, Revel, the master of the positive diaries, is here. Methinks this will be my new home…
Greetings Brian. (And greetings to all who have come forth in recent threads!)
This is a welcoming, nonintimidating site, comprised of thoughtful, mature, kind, knowledgable folks. (And by mature, I’m not referring to age, I’m referring to wisdom and charity) I quickly took note that this community attracts individuals who don’t seem to be driven by ego, nor do members derive pleasure from public displays of one-upmanship. And while at times I could easily make a drunken sailor blush with the vocabulary I use during face-to-face discussions (discussions that always involve the current administration) I must admit that I genuinely enjoy the lack of gratuitous vulgarity in the comments on this site.
Please do write your diary. My only suggestion is to drop the “if you have to” portion of the title. This is a big tent, and that comment could be viewed as condescending or offensive. I’m interested in what you have to say, because I spend a great deal of time talking about theology and spirituality with friends/colleagues of highly diverse backgrounds and beliefs.
Anomalous- it’s a play on the title of that book by everyone’s favorite skinny white ghoul, ann coulter. I think it’s actually “If you must”. I think it would be a good grab line.
Just thinking about this line of thread, what anomalous said etc. she may have a good point, does our side want to emulate Ann Coulter, (I got your ref. right away)who is very despicible. Perhaps it should be as well you must, or something along that line…..just pondering this. It would kind of seem like tit for tat…Whatever, it really is up to you. Go ahead with the diary in any case.
Point taken. Processors working. New input appreciated. Optimal decision will be ready in 17 million nanoseconds. Thanx!
It frequently takes a second poster to articulate the point I’m trying to make (as evidenced once again by Diane’s comments!)
I dunno – with me it all boils down to karma and positive energy. Especially when you’re talking about a subject as sensitive as someone’s personal faith. Sorry if I’m beating a dead horse here, but my immediate reaction to your title was – oh man, here we go again – us versus them mentality – and supporting the notion that the Republicans “own” religion and faith. . . (I did NOT mean that as a put down to you – it was just my reaction to words.)
I’m using this space to respond to your comments from the other thread. (Which got so ridiculously close to the margins, we were down to one word per line. Yup – count on me to create a margin situation I personally detest!)
I had no intention of putting on my tiara and typing drama queen comments along the lines of “goodbye, cruel world”. Nor was I fishing for compliments. (Trust me – you’ll know it when you see it – but I thank you for your kindness.) There were two family members who’ve been lifelong soulmates. The brother I lost last year, and my father. So when I wrote my first comment last Sunday evening, I was just really sad. Nothing more.
When I’m faced with adversity (which currently goes far beyond the situation with my father) I find myself hiding behind any “shiny object” distraction in sight. I just need to take a hiatus to focus on helping my family and friends in their times of need. I also spent three weeks working my tail off to earn a once in a lifetime opportunity for the future success of my business practice. If I were to submit to the allure of BT’s “shiny objectness”, I’d be on a course of self-destruction.
Again – no drama intended. (But damn it, tonight I have to come back to read Nanette’s links regarding the new ventures – including your book endeavor. Sounds like great stuff!)
Thanks again, my dear. I’ll be back when I have things better under control.
Methinks you do worry too much about your words on here. I have liked every comment you have ever made, that I have read on this site, and found no fault whatsoever, indeed I find them charming.
Everyone needs some spiritual charging and I am sending you some right now and I am sure that others reading these words will also.
Maybe you need to do a diary on your feelings at this time as some others have done recently and I believe it helped them and us as well to deal with things we are all faced with on a daily basis.
Suffering, pain, death, birth, rebirth, etc.we all have or will have in our lives, the commuity of spirit helps us to get through.
Be of good cheer and call on us, and email me if you would like, I would like that also.
PS, you have a tiara, I did’t see it….(smile) and I want one with real diamonds.
This is a nice site, and is building up well to be a good natured one, even when we have potentially controversial topics to discuss. Hopefully we can keep that as we reach into the 20,30,40,000’s.
I’m going to shamelessly “diary whore” here, I’m afraid, but we have a couple of BooTrib collaborative projects going on that new people may not know about, and all are welcome to participate.
One I am working with, a collaboration between the writers (and researchers, commenters, former-lurkers) of BooTrib and an online magazine I publish, to do a special issue to sort of bring non blog readers to this blog, and also to sort of lead people into activity in a progressive social movement.
Details are here, sort of an informational thing is here, and the current discussion (Religions and Women) is here.
Come join in 🙂
Also, diane is working on a book about blogging and the BooTrib bloggers that is also just in the beginning stages and will be very interesting and fun to participate in. You can find the details of that here, and I’m sure she’ll be happy to have people join in and help or contribute in some way.
Ok, ads are all done (from me, anyway ;). Now back to your regularly scheduled blogging.
Does that count?
I like your new name. Are you asking if you should post a new bio, yes by all means do and explain the new name. Is this your alter ego.
The name “Our Man In Redmond” is a holdover from my days at Slashdot when I fancied myself a Linux mole within the mighty Microsoft organization. Here and at Dkos (from whence I came) I’ve evolved into more of a storyteller, a skill I’m working on developing in real life as well. In a nutshell, I think stories are a great way to advance the progressive cause. Someone once said it was an alternative way of framing the issues. Works for me.
You can find a bit more about the history of the name “Omir the Storyteller” at this post on my blog.
Does the acronym now mean “Old Man In Redmond”? Or Orangutan-like Mammal In (the) Rockies”? Hey, that would mean……YOU’RE THE SASQUATCH! ducks and runs away
Yep, it’s an acronym for “Our Man In Redmond,” although over at the C&J Cafe NeutralObserver says it stands for “Old Man In the Restroom.” As for the Sasquatch part . . . well, I do have mutton chops that vaguely resemble those that were on Squatch, the Seattle Sonics’ mascot, the last time I saw him.
As per request by Diane101 – glad to oblige.
GREAT JOB – BooTs for you!
Hotlist info you want for quick reference. INFO in dKos DIARY I added to my Hotlist:
Click on [+] to add; Click on [-] to drop.
How to use HTML in a Diary by SF Bay
Creating a gray quote box:
«div class=”blockquote”>HERE ALL
[Replace « by < ]
To post an image try this…
«img src=”here URL of Image“>
The easiest way to post your own picture is to upload picture to Photo Bucket
Excellent INFO in comment by sgilman.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Please don’t bust the margins. Remember, preview is your best buddy. Pictures can be resized.
Welcome all!
Pull up a chair, get on those jammies and slippers you are in for a treat. Great people, fabulous writers and good conversations(even when we disagree). It tends to stay civil and I think we all can agree we are passionate about our love of country, fellow man and family.
Time to start the drumming circle cause the Tribe is getting bigger. One heart one beat!
Drum is within reach, when do we start ?!?!? :>)
Now…picking up djambi now. bm buda bm badu bm bm bm bm..go
Drumming in spring…
Drumming a hug to all kind spirits….
Leezy, you are wonderfully silly… :>)
Thanks for the welcome. I’m new here, having joined mid-week during one of the dKos outages. I’m not one for speeches, but I’ll mingle and comment occasionally.
I’m 26 years old, live with my boyfriend and my grey parrot in Madison, WI. I’m “unemployed” and trying to make money sculpting horses (which I’m good at) but my productivity level is real low… blame depression, traumatic brain injury, blog addiction. Or if you’re a conservative, call me a lazy loser.
I’m an animal-welfarist vegetarian, a car-shunning environmentalist, a “voluntary simplicity” anti-materialist, a pacifist, and a anarchist-socialist-leaner. My politics are generally motivated by compassionate and sustainability concerns, and I try to focus on the goals rather than specific ideological solutions.
Holy shit, you’re like the poster girl for the Democratic Party, Elizabeth! Is there a way you can combine blog addiction and horse sculpting for a new career? That’s not a joke, by the way. This is- how do you get the horses to stand still? 😉 Welcome!
LOL thanks bheuvel! And, my sculpture website is in a blog format, so it’s basically a horse sculpture blog (I avoid overt politics there though). A poster girl for progressive dems maybe.
I am here to Khomeni your disenfranchised asses and co-opt your righteous indignation for my own grand purpose.
You will be voting for me in 2028 in the first ‘free’ election since The (R)e-volt of 2016. You may not wish to now..
But you will.
With a screen name like that you might well be telling the truth, but still would like you to explain that above statement, jest or no……?
Please tell us more about you, if you don’t mind and wlecome to the site.
If you knew Anachro, as I do, you would know that he prefers to remain cryptic, as his brain has inhibited his girth, and his willingness to use monosyllabic, clear English.
Perhaps he will respond, but I fear it will be with even more hard to discern wisdom.
I guess I was caught by the welcoming committee so here’s my bio…
As I said earlier, I am a lurker 🙂 I live in South Eastern Arizona, right next to the Army installation and about 30-40 minutes away from the Mexico border. I was an Army brat and my dad decided to retire here. I’m full-blooded Filipino, and I was born in Ft. Gordon, GA. I have an older sister who is married with 3 boys that I love to death.
I’m 27 years old and a civilian contractor on the fort. I’m a network security analyst and have been working there for 3 years since February of this year. There are times when you will see the ‘geek’ come out of me. As part of my job, I travel all over CONUS (Continental United States – don’t you love those military acronyms). I really love the travel and volunteer for every mission I can. I’m probably one of the rare people you’ll find that loves their job.
I have a Bachelors of Science in Information Technology and am now officially going back to school (after a year break) to continue my Masters degree.
I’m friends with Man Eegee and he’s the one that got me hooked on dailyKOS & Booman. I’m embarrassed to say that I never really payed much attention to politics until. My parents are Republicans and I always thought everything was ok. Don’t worry, my eyes have been opened more to reality and how corrupt politics can be. Needless to say, my frustration levels can be higher than usual from time to time – especially with the immigration border issues going on.
Anyways, I read Booman and dailyKOS (mainly Cheers & Jeers LOL!) on a daily basis. It’s a really great procrastinating tool! Maybe one day I’ll have enough balls to post something 🙂 Until then, I’ll be lurking around…
I’m glad I know what you look like, otherwise you would have a Gollum-like visage in my brain as a lurker in the frog pond. I’m glad you posted. 🙂
ah I mean Welcome everyone. I have had great fun reading about all you newbies and you lurkers…gotcha.(oldtimer here in terms of age and pretty much in on the start of bootrib)
Sounds like we have a great bunch of new people and we’re over 700 now so what’s say we start a revolution! And I’m only half kidding.
I think you all will be very comfortable here. Booman started this terrific site and all the people here are a wonderfully eclectic mix from around the world that seems to fit beautifully together.
Again, Welcome everyone, party on to the revolution.
-57 years old
-news junkie
-3 grown kids, 2 sons, 1 daughter (all 3 college grads – daughter graduates in 2 weeks, 1 son with masters; proud papa here)
-2 young grandsons
-teach leadership, org design & devel, & general mgt part-time in various mba programs
-consult for a competitiveness project in the balkans, working with a national cabinet-level council
-travel as much as possible
-live with son & grandkids pt in reno
-live pt in buenos aires
-recent blogger http://www.takeitpersonally.blogspot.com/
-vietnam vet
-avid reader
-believe it or not, my favorite music is electronica, dance music, house, chill and lounge
-arguing (constructively, of course)
-other duties as required
Welcome. I loved the obligatory “other duties as required”. It seems that small clause in my job description here at work is cause of most of my stress…
And I love your taste in music, mine is very similar – though I’m in a 60s-music groove right now.
I’m in my late 40s.
New to Booman’s, and love the community. I have been on this beautiful earth for a little over 5 decades now and for the first time in my life as a US citizen I am afraid, very afraid of my government. I am a LIBERAL, you know that dirty word that comes out of the Extremist Right Wing Theocrats who want to take out FREEDOMS away and tell us all how we should live while they rape, pillage and plunder our wonderful country. I have two wonderful children, 2 1/2 and 5 months, a late in life start but worth every ounce of energy they extol from me. I love them dearly. My wife is a Reiki Master and I have been practicing Native American shamanism for more than 17 years. It is how I was able to kick a destructive drug habit and now have 17 + yrs in recovery. I protested in Ann Arbor and Detroit in the late Sixties and early 70’s as a teenager and was drafted and then enlisted in the navy, which I was eventually discharged due to my use of substances. Another story. I believe in the Great Spirit of my ancestors and know that, that power has healed my life. I would no more try to force my belief’s on another as I would try to take something that doesn’t belong to me. I find this community a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale and stuffy media climate that panders to the least common denominator. My wife thanks you all, as I have become more civil to those Right Wing Pundits that assault my intelligence on a daily basis. I never watch TV as it has become a malignant festering cesspool of right wing dementia and benign intellectual paplum. On a bright spot, the internet has opened many doors of hope and inspiration that once again there will be a revolution of ideas and openness to cleanse the festering disease that has openly made a dash to take away our rights as Citizens of the United States of America.
OpenDNA is a pseudonym I use. Actually, it’s the only pseudonym I’ve used since the dial-up BBS’s closed down in San Francisco around 1997.
I’m Canadian by birth, American by choice and Western to the bone. I’m a tourist anywhere east of 100 miles from the Pacific, in either country.
I started working when I was nine years old. I joined a dot-com at the ripe age of 16. I now work for US Customs (immigration specialist), but that will change soon.
I have had OpenDNA.com under construction since 1997, mostly just to keep learning the new technologies. I stash some writing there sometimes (anything substantial I post here or elsewhere gets cross-posted).
Reading Lewis Mumford permanently warped my sense of punctuation while bringing some kind of geekish enlightenment. Ditto Michael Rothschild and Dawkins. Douglas Adams is a Saint in my life and the HHGTTU is actually a spiritual text.
I’ll see you around, maybe you’ll see me: I lurk more than I comment.
Grew up in California, now live in NYC. Scientist by profession, though Bush’s budget cuts are endangering my job. My hobbies include reading history and being active in politics.
Been political all my life (donating my pennies to the DNC as a little kid) but only recently became super-active. Locally I am helping reform candidates get elected and helping to fight the local corrupt Dem machine. Nationally I am fighting against the anti-Constitution, anti-American, anti-Science Bush agenda.
Part of my efforts include writing a weekly email Progressive Democrat newsletter that has a national circulation. I have several local editions (e.g. NYC, NJ, VA) and a National edition that is archived by invitation of the Mid-Hudson Alliance:
Anyone interested in subscribing should email and let me know.