Talk about sending the fox to guard the chickens! According to BushCo. there’s trouble in the UN that needs ‘Murkens to go in, take no prisoners, and clean up. [Perhaps bring Kofi Annan’s head to DC on dry ice?] And who do they think’s the man for the job? Everybody’s favorite bureaucratic abuser, John Bolton no less.
Tell that to the Haitians. According to an opinion piece by Ira Kurzban appearing in Tuesday’s Miami Herald (registration required), Bolton
Why does this matter? I’ll tell everyone at Booman Tribune if you didn’t see this posted on DailyKos yesterday. . .
UN troops are supposedly the friendly forces in Haiti supporting interim president, Boniface Alexandre, in spite of Aristide having been duly elected. But the Bush administration continues to thwart all attempts by Jean-Bertrand Aristide to move Haiti towards a more stable democracy, a stronger economy and a more equitable society.
Where does our man fit in to the sorrows of Port-au-Prince? The Herald tells us:
Inquiring minds want to know what do UN troops do with all that fire power? Could it be they’re attempting to preserve vestiges of democracy and work toward reinstating the lawfully elected Aristide? “Not!” you say, knowing how this administration deals with legitimately elected presidents.
The ugly truth is:
These are demonstrators for the reinstatement of Aristide to the presidency of Haiti; for the restoration of democracy; for the very values of freedom our soldiers are fighting and dying to instate in Iraq. Talk about schizophrenia!
So, Mr. Bolton, your qualifications to clean up the UN’s act are what, exactly?
Just this — he’s been one of the hard-liners in the State Department who sought the overthrow of Aristide and who bullied intelligence analysts on Haiti who were trying to provide a more-balanced picture. According to his cohort in overthrowing Aristide, Otto Reich (yes, that Otto of Iran-Contra fame), they both rightfully went after an intelligence analyst who gave the ”benefit of the doubt” to Aristide as the democratically elected president.
As Kurzban so eloquently sums up this travesty, call it paen to hypocrisy,
Let’s hope THIS sticks and Bolton’s nomination is either withdrawn, or he receives the rejection he deserves in committee.
Your title is wishful thinking. Bolton was following US policy in getting rid of a leftist Aristide. He also has an ally in the Vatican as Ratzinger has censored Aristide.
Good diary, recommended.