cal thomas writes a column syndicated by tribune media services that is published in a ton newspapers.. in fact, he’s the most widely syndicated political columnist in the u.s… i emailed mr. thomas regarding his may 2 column on terrorism in which he defends torture as a legitimate interrogation technique… i particularly wanted to comment on this quote…
(cross-posted at daily kos)
(more from cal who is obviously taking w-a-a-a-ay too much testosterone supplement… i wonder if he knows ollie north… hmmm…)
Some will say harsh tactics will cause the Arab world to hate us even more. They already hate us enough, or haven’t we noticed? This isn’t about winning a congeniality contest. It’s about winning a war and defeating an enemy so they won’t try this garbage again. Let’s put the fear of God into them and stop putting it unnecessarily into ourselves.
I’m finding it difficult to summon the right words to respond to a statement like this.
“These people are evil to the core. The only way to protect ourselves is to extract information they might have by whatever means necessary.”
I have always believed that people who thought like this either lived in another country, were from another time, or were seriously warped in their thinking. Now you seem to be coming out of the woodwork.
I am seriously afraid, Mr. Thomas, for what I see happening in our country. The fact that opinions such as yours are printed and read around the U.S. saddens me beyond words and makes me deeply fearful for our future as a nation.
I sincerely hope you never have to experience the shoe being on the other foot. Listening to your macho, hate-filled rhetoric directed back at you or, worse yet, having someone take “whatever means necessary” to coerce you into whatever it might be they needed you to say or do, would not be something I would wish on another human being.
In closing, let me ask you this. Think about how you would like America to be. Think about how you would like America to be admired and respected. Think about the millions of people around the world who have looked to us for inspiration, for hope, for leadership, and for the affirmation of basic human values. Then read your words again – slowly and carefully.
Best regards,
What a waste of chromosomes. He’s the most widely syndicated columnist? Egads. And testosterone? I’ve seen him on my teevee and he looks like he could use some more. But that kind of figures .. the most cowardly often make up for it by talking more viciously.
Add to that Jeff Greenfield and Paula Zahn on CNN who favoured torture and said so after 9/11.
It is awful, unforgiveable.
There is no justification whatsoever. These people probably believe in beating children too.
The real shocker was Alan Dershowitz – when he came out for torture I just sat there with my jaw open for a while.
He came on Canadian tv to try to convince us
to accept it. The man has gone over the edge.
And yet, he continues in his august position
at Harvard. He should have been fired, imo.
Agree with you, it was jaw-dropping to hear him.
Hypocrisy reigns at Harvard that’s for sure – wealth and good old boy ideology. I don’t agree with firing people for their opinions, however, no matter how tasteless – it’s the oppression of people with other opinions that bothers me such as denying people rallies against their august members. (BTW that woman I mentioned earlier – who discovered the elements of the universe, did her work there and was just recently honored by the university in one of their less public events.)
`Writing law that is called a ‘torture warrant’ and then advocating that is more than a mere opinon. No?
Only if it can be proven that he is breaking the law or else incites people to perpetrate his brand of violence. Which he may – I haven’t followed him since I saw him after 911 since I had enormous respect for him beforehand and with that he entirely discredited himself in my view.
Could anyone explain to me how someone who justifies torture can,with a straight face, accuse anyone else of barbarism?
What is wrong with these people? I can’t fathom it, I do try but I can’t see how anyone can honestly say,hey, torture, sure, why not, and face themselves in the mirror every morning.
And I know, I think anyone and everyone knows that even were it not morally reprehensible, it doesn’t bring about viable information.
I think, though, that information is not the point. It does terrify the population and force confessions from anyone the powers that be wish to condemn. It is also useful to force people to implicate others, who are innocent but…under torture, it doesn’t matter. It also seems to give a lot of people a great thrill, Cal would have loved the burning times. Sorry if I’m incoherent, I’m that angry.
Now get this, ole Cal torture them until they tell us what we want to know Thomas, gets his torture is effective to gather intel from, drum roll please, Ta Da,
the show 24. Seems he saw an episode where torture effectively gave information that saved the day. Anyone know if this moron ever served, or is he like the rest of the NeoCons, put everyone else in harms way and make a profit, who cares they are only America’s son and daughters, they are not ours. Damn, I am putting a link to Media Matters for America, that has a nice item about this moron.
Invariably these pro-torture right wingnut pundits have made one of their trademark mantras “rule of law”. Hit the maroon with this: torture is against the law.
…..from the intelligence viewpoint it is an absolute cast-iron (or hot-iron) guarantee of a torrent of worthless and deluded disinformation. [Christopher Hitchens in the Guardian, Nov 2001].
His was the earliest article I found. The ACLU has extensive documentation on torture on their website.
“He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don’t let that fool you. He really is an idiot.” Groucho Marx
Even, even, even, [stammering]
ANN COULTER agrees with that.
She snorted once on tv that ‘torture doesn’t work.’
I had to wonder if she was speaking from experience,
Here’s the thing folks. I do not consider myself a Christian but believe in the energy of the Universe and consider myself a compassionate, loving, empathetic, spiritual human being. Everyday I feel the Mother of all Holy Wars is coming big time. It won’t be about power or money or oil and I am starting to believe it won’t be “over there” as georgie boy is so fond of saying. It will be right here and these neocon, facsist, so called Conservative Compassionate Christians are doing everything they can think of to get it started. Dick Cheney’s comment yesterday about the “other faith” and the obvious meme from the “random questions” stating the same thing, the wackos over the Shiavo case, Robertson saying judges worse than bearded terrorists, Bush’s “I am a man of faith” repeated over and over again. Has anyone else noticed all the religious programming going on. Not just Revelations but 60 Minutes, Dateline, et el. It is getting scarey out there and I don’t know what we can do about it anymore.
i tend to feel a lot of things in my gut well before they happen in reality… i’ve been feeling precisely what you describe for a long time… i have no clue when, where, or how, but, as bob dylan said way back in the 60’s,
“it’s a hard rain gonna fall…”
Mr. Thomas does not wish to be admired and respected, he wants to RULE and be feared. POWER functions as leadership in his besotted view of the world. and inspiration, hope, and affirmation of human values are the province of HIS god…anyone sense the reemergence of the “Dark Ages” here but me?
-child beating
-death pentaly
-forced pregnancy even for child mothers
-preemptive invasion of small countries
-keeping people alive after brain activity ceases
-keeping people alive despite wishes of patient & family
-mandatory minimum sentences for minor crimes
better stop now, it seems the list is endless.
Thanks profmarcus, on the outside chance you get coherent reply, please post it on here.
i meant “..a coherent reply…”
i didn’t claim coherency… 🙂
sorry, i think you misunderstood, i was referring to a typo in my original comment !! 🙂
i actually got a reply from tribune media services who syndicates the column…
Dear Mr. :
Thank you for taking the time to convey your thoughts about Cal Thomas’ column. You are very articulate. While I understand that you and others do not agree with his views, if nothing else it’s good to debate and discuss his ideas, as you have done thoughtfully.
Would you like me to forward your message directly to Cal? I would be glad to do so.
Mary Elson
Managing Editor/Tribune Media Services
i wrote her back thanking her for her timely and courteous reply… i wrote that the degree of virulence and hate reflected by mr. thomas could put tms at risk in much the same way that sen. frist, rep. delay, pat robertson, and james dobson could be seen as complicit if violence was to be perpetrated against federal judges… i also said that i totally supported open discussion and debate but i hoped tms would re-consider giving mr. thomas a voice in over 500 newspapers…
i declined her offer to forward my email to mr. thomas since i had already sent it to him via the town hall forum site…
feel free to email ms. elson with your own comments…
p.s. nothing from mr. thomas yet and i’m not really expecting a response…