It’s lunchtime, so you’re allowed to waste your employer’s time, right?
I work for A police department in A major midwest city as A custodian. We get to clean up after drunk’s that are brought in because they got caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In A normal weekday night we will have 8 to 10 pukers or piss customers to clean up after, but where it get’s real exciting is the weekend shift, that I have been doing for 19 year’s, when parties are raided and we might have 25 to 30 prisoners with at least 15 of them heaving there gut’s out in squad cars, holding cells and paddy wagons! We also have A city jail that we have to clean and the nut cases are brought there first for processing (pictures and prints) before they are brought to the nut ward at the hospital. These guy’s like to do finger painting on the walls with there own crap and sometimes blood. Piss calls in the jail are a treat compared to the pukers and the finger painters. I could go on, but you get the idea!
How does you job stack up against this guy’s job? Do you need a new job? Are you going to write that novel?
Take the poll:
My job is a lot better than this poor guy’s job. But I think he gets paid a lot better.
My job is much better,
Though I did work one summer in a rendering plant. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it takes dead animals and renders them down to fertilizer and other components. Nothing quite like the stench of rotting flesh and the rendering down of that same flesh. Damn I am glad to have received and education so I did not have to continue working that job. That was in 1975 and I made, TA DA, $2.85 an hour, 1/2 lunch and two now count them two ten minute breaks one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
well, I had to work for the company that taste-tested those renderings.
Well I hope our renderings were of the utmost delight in taste and texture. lol
Ghostie, I hate to break the news to you but your job has been OUTSOURCED to illegal immigrants!
Call Lou Dobbs!!
Before you ask “Are you going to write that novel?”, take a moment to consider that it may not be the easy escape it’s cracked up to be.
I’m sitting here, staring at the monitor, thinking how much easier it is to blog on news than to be doing what I should be doing today, which is writing “that novel” and letting all the characters who are tromping around inside my skull out onto the page so they can have they say and get on with their lives. And stop cluttering up mine.
Writing fiction is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I’ve written in all manner of styles and fields, and worked at lots of things, for a resume that’s all over the map.
It’s also the most fun and most satisfying. It is not, however, the way to instant riches.
Nothing so intimidating as a blank page, eh?
blank screen.
It’s just that there are so many other lovely things to do on a beautiful spring day, says the nasty Inner Editor, who mutters distracting things.
Then when I do sit there to write down what all these characters are doing, the ingrates refuse to cooperate. You’d think they’d do what I want them to do, but NO, they insist on haring off on their own.
Now I generally work where and for whom I want. Bid the prints, do the work. Start with a concept, end up with a finished structure. Happiness means not having to deal with homeowners.