I was looking up some sites at the Wayback Machine and noticed that Fox News blocks the crawler that archives websites. For those of you that aren’t familiar with the site, it’s a site that archives almost every site on the web back to 1996. All of the other news sites, like MSNBC and CNN allow archiving.
It leaves me wondering why they don’t want the site archived. Maybe it has something to do with there tendencies to publish fake articles. What else is on the site that they don’t want in the public archive?
I also noticed that the Booman Tribune wasn’t in the archives either. What are you hiding Booman:)
Or Anything Not Fit To Print.
… so why preserve for history or later reference? Reading Faux or spending time on TV program is by definition time lost. It’s true when googling, a cached page or looking through Wayback Machine is a useful tool. In PropaGannon investigation, it played a key role to uncover what played in the past!
BooMan Tribune, I find a more troublesome bit of revelation. Now our diaries and comments are placed at same level of austerity as Faux.
PS Could part of the reason to block be, news organizations protect their content from free distribution. Especially archived pages are available at a price?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I searched for older stories on Fox’s website and was able to go back over a year (their search engine sucks, it always returns all results, not matter what date range I use). So they do keep an archive, but since they control it, they could change it. Also, it looks like they don’t charge people to access archives.
On BooMan, I should have been a little clearer. I don’t think the site is being blocked, the wayback crawler just hasn’t found the site yet.
It’s Saturday morning, I wasn’t that serious.
I could have added LOL.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Opps. It was late and I thought you were serious.
precisely – it’s a commercial decision
Should I make note in the dairy of cross posting when I post here and at dKos?
Is very personal and dependent on your goal and the subject of your diary.
My choice has evolved to be exclusive to BooTrib where possible, and promote at dKos Open thread for a day. Then I publish my definite diary at dKos, aware of timing and stay real close to provide support when the diary rate increases to 25 per hour.
When your topic is news related, you cannot wait and should publish asap.
I do place a comment here at BooTrib with link to dKos, gives some extra support from the Tribe.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Fox News hides their archives and manipulates what can be found there since a certain article (which I will not mention by name) by Carl Cameron somehow blew through their censors. It was removed from their online site within 24 hours and has never been seen since, including in archival sites like the Wayback Machine.
Besides that one article which never should’ve been aired, Fox also has some shadier connections with military intelligence and some of what those people stated on air would be embarassing now because it was dead wrong. It’s a dirty, dirty operation up there and I don’t mean just because its hideously biased towards the Right.